FWAR Contract
 Character Information: Face: The Miz Name: Daniel Khaos Alias: The Khaos Maker Born: 10/21/1986 Reside: London, England Height: 6'3 Weight: 225lbs Ring Attire: Black trunks with different colours on his logos, black knee pads with black boots. If not wrestling usually in a suit like picture above.
Professional Information: Gimmick Explanation: Believes he is better than everyone, the King who is above all peasants Wrestling Style: Brawler Favorite Match: Ladder match due to his ability to be 'above' everyone else Strength: Confident in his own ability, so much so he feels untouchable and doesn't feel much pain when in this frame of mind. Weakness: He is a little ring rusty Theme Song:"Bad" By Royal Deluxe In Ring Tendencies: Often cheats and might use his wife to distract you, since she's a goddess and too beautiful not to be distracted by. He's also willing to threaten the referee. Alignment: Heel
Moveset: Basic Moves(Minimum of 10):
1. Knee drop 2. Leg drop 3. Flying Elbow 4. European Uppercut 5. Roll Up Pin 6. Knife Edge Chop 7. Forearm 8. Headbutt 9. Sitout Powerbomb 10. Regal Plex [Pin Combo] Submissions:(No More Than 2) 1. Reverse Armbar 2. Figure Four Trademark Moves(No More Than 3) 1. Dragon Whip Kick 2. Peasants Bow [Zig Zag] 3. Fisherman's Suplex Finishers(No More than 2) 1. Khaos Maker [Running Powerbomb] 2. Khaos Theory [Skull Crushing Finale]
Entrance: Gold lights flash throughout the arena as "Bad" hits the PA system. The Master of Khaos walks out in his three piece suit and poses on the stage. He walks to the ring, pretending he was going to shake hands but pulling away his hand at the last minute. He strolls to the ring, rolls into the ring then poses once more.
Bio: Daniel is part of the legendary Khaos family which includes the likes of Lily Khaos (Who is his cousin). While he considers himself apart of that family, he still very much lives in a world of his own and has his own legacy. He wrestled for many companies across the world and won many championships. His greatest moment in life is all about his meeting with Angelina Acid, his wife and mother of his child. After taking a couple years off, he returned to the ring for FWAR in 2020 vowing to win more World titles to make his wife and children proud.
Accomplishments: FWAR: FWAR Unified Champion x2, FWAR US Champion x1 , FWAR Tag Team Champion w/ Angelina x1 Other: SFW World Champion x1, HRW World Champion x1, TXW 2.0 King Of The Ring 2015 and many others.