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  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Date Posted:08/17/2009 2:50 AMCopy HTML

crystop-1_png-t1206313683.png picture by foxy1350

ooc;; I know she didn't role play, but was wanting to show that i can do a
bit more than what I have been.

crysmiddle-1_png-t1206313671.png picture by foxy1350

// Inner Thoughts //

So it would like things with Dark Carnival really aren't going any place, but what about this Crow guy who had come up to Crystal talking to her about his problems with his wife... That was all strange with in itself.. What is going to happen, or take place.. You have to wonder just what is going on around this place.  Crystal had won her debut match in one of the most importan pay per views of her career.  Yeah it was a dark match and nothing big will come out of it for her, but she will try her best, to make sure things get even better for her.

It was only a matter of time.  Crystal was going to make a name for herself, she was going to stake her claim here in Domain.  She wanted to be a top compeitor here. She was going to do all that she could to make sure that she got to where she wanted to here..

So Dark Carnival seemed to have vanished after the Pay Per View, thats fine with Crystal, she can handle that.  She was more than able to take care of things on her own with out them.  She was use to being on her own, and she could continue to stay that way, and be use to do things on her own.

So now this is where I am... I'm getting ready for my first Monday Night Show, against Mihcelle Wright... Yeah I may not know her that well, but I've heard of her, and know just how talented she is... I'm more than ready to try to put my skills to the test.  She may think she is the talented one in this, and this could be, because she doesn't know what I can offer... Soon though she'll know just what I can do.  I really can't wait to show her, to show everyone just what i am made of.

// On the scene//

Ok yeah so here I am... I'm getting ready for my match up that is going to be taking place later on tonight... I am more than ready.  I'm so focused to be taking on Michelle Wright.  I just hope that she is ready for me... I've spent the morning working out, training.

||Crystal Sweet|| This is going to be great... I know I'm ready... I'm going to win this bitch..

I smirk as I"m standing in my locker room, jumping a bit.  Yeah I'm still pumped up from my work out.. It didn't wear me out one bit.  I love training early in the morning, and then spending the day winding up even more as I know its coming even closer for the match up..

||Crystal Sweet|| Yeah I may be the new diva around here, but i'm going to show all just because I"m new here, doesn't mean that I don't know what I'm doing.  I can stand to be here, and I know that I belong here..

Of course I do... I mean come on, think about it... You all know I'm great.. Sure go ahead and deny it, but then again, its more fun this way... To work on proving everyone wrong.  To show the world that I am the Baddest Bitch. I've had enough of just standing around in my locker room...

||Crystal Sweet|| Eh need to find something else to do... I'm bored already..

I then fix myself a bit making sure that I'm all good before I then walk out of the locker room as I'm walking down the halls a bit, looking around... There are lot of talent circulating the area... A lot of new talent just like myself, but then you look a bit more you see the orginals of this place walking around... Some who have been apart of this since it first opened... Those are the real talents... The men and women who have stuck for the many years... Something you don't really see anymore... Almost brings tears to my eyes...Yeah almost...

||Crystal Sweet|| It looks like everyone around here is just as ancy as I am, to get in the ring..

I look at my watch a bit, ah yes just a bit more to go.  Isn't there something a diva can do.  I'm sure there is, its just finding it, that is the challenge... Hmmm maybe i could go and train a bit more... Naw don't want to over do it, and bee to tired to get in the ring...

||Crystal Sweeet|| I guess a healthy lunch would be a good call for right now..

Yeah, after all need to keep up strength... There now I know just what i"m doing, so hell lets get to the going.. I'm on my way, oh yes I am.. I'm going to go get some din din, cause i'm starving.. The more I think about it, the hungier I am.. Of course, its how it always works..

TBCB Me later if have time... 

CRYSBOTTOM-1_png-t1206313655.png picture by foxy1350

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