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  • Rank:Diamond Member
  • Score:3116
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  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Date Posted:12/15/2008 7:44 PMCopy HTML

//Warning- This rp contains GRAPHIC & SEXUAL CONTENT that may be harmful to your eyes. If this stuff offends you in any way then STOP reading and go home you pussy. Now if you like this kind of stuff and you think you will be able to live with yourself tomorrow by all means read on and enjoy the show.

2.jpg Crystal picture by foxy1350

Rp title: Raise em up, Throw em down
People used/Mentioned: Anyone I please
Managing/Dating: No one
Allies/Enemies: few/ many
OOC: Never take serious anything written in fiction
TBCB: Me later


Ok finally so here we go... Mayhem is getting started... What are we going to have?  Hopefully one hell of a show, I mean it would be kind of bad to really get things going and then have nothing as a result... But hey we have a show up... Only two divas here. and one who is already using her sex appeal to try to get what she wants... Some things never change... Kristin has just no idea to what shes really stepping into, but time will tell and she'll learn just like everyone else... Both women have the same goal in mind, and that is to hold the Women's championship, to be the dominate diva here... but only one can... Crystal will back down to no one, be it man or woman, and she will show that on Mayhem... Her first goal here was to work her way up to the Womens Championship, and Kristin was just the first stepping stone into what she hoped wouldn't be a long road to the Women's Championship... She's a woman on a mission, and has made that clear from the start, even with her conversation with Chad Rivers... a man who seems to have the same goals as Crystal in the long run, but does he have the skills and talents to back up his words?  Only time will tell.. Crystal do as he asked and go out to the ring and just see what he can do as she will stand ring side... but right now her first thoughts lies with in her own match... Even though Mayhem is her sisters show, the first show was not booked by the New General Manager but made by the boss... Hmm to think how things are going to happen.. Frank Martin seems more interested in Kristins sex appeal more than her in ring talents... How will that hold up later on?  Hard telling when a man thinks with the lower part of his brain instead of the one on his head... But here we are rambling on again, when our real focus isn't on who is going to be getting laid later, oh no.... Its about who's going ot get laid out in the ring come Mayhem, so lets get this party started... and lets wait for the hell to rise..

||Scene 1//

When WWA comes on the air it is just the start of the afternoon, and some of the talent is just arriving, some a bit late, some already there... You see Crystal Sweet walking into the arena, as she had just gotten in from the gym, she wasn't in a hurry to get to the arena just yet, knowing that there wasn't a real rush to get to the place, so she focused her time and attention at being in the gym...

||Crystal Sweet|| Soon, oh so soon...

She smirked as she saw a poster showing the Mayhem matches as she saw her name on there, she was extremly pleased with it as she knew that this was her chance to show just what she could do, and to prove that by far she wasn't just talk... She worked harder than most of the divas to ever hit wrestling today, and she always paid off for her heard work and it wasn't going to..

||Crystal Sweet|| Oh i'm far from a tough cookie , Kristin....

She laughed remembering what she had seen in segments on the show before heading to the gym earlier this morning as she just shook her head.. She looked around the arena a bit, the flow was a bit heavier now than it use to be, something she was extremely happy about.. As she knew that it ment soon things would be active and fast and it would mean even more fun for her...

%^Blood Passion made for Christina and her use as Crystal Sweet need a layout request one at Layouts_R_Us..Thank you.

CrystalSweet Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1
  • Rank:Diamond Member
  • Score:3116
  • Posts:3116
  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Re:Crystal Threads (Sandee Westgate)

Date Posted:12/15/2008 7:45 PMCopy HTML

//Warning- This rp contains GRAPHIC & SEXUAL CONTENT that may be harmful to your eyes. If this stuff offends you in any way then STOP reading and go home you pussy. Now if you like this kind of stuff and you think you will be able to live with yourself tomorrow by all means read on and enjoy the show.

2.jpg Crystal picture by foxy1350

Rp title: Raise em up, Throw em down
People used/Mentioned: Anyone I please
Managing/Dating: No one
Allies/Enemies: few/ many
OOC: Never take serious anything written in fiction
TBCB: Me later


Ok finally so here we go... Mayhem is getting started... What are we going to have?  Hopefully one hell of a show, I mean it would be kind of bad to really get things going and then have nothing as a result... But hey we have a show up... Only two divas here. and one who is already using her sex appeal to try to get what she wants... Some things never change... Kristin has just no idea to what shes really stepping into, but time will tell and she'll learn just like everyone else... Both women have the same goal in mind, and that is to hold the Women's championship, to be the dominate diva here... but only one can... Crystal will back down to no one, be it man or woman, and she will show that on Mayhem... Her first goal here was to work her way up to the Womens Championship, and Kristin was just the first stepping stone into what she hoped wouldn't be a long road to the Women's Championship... She's a woman on a mission, and has made that clear from the start, even with her conversation with Chad Rivers... a man who seems to have the same goals as Crystal in the long run, but does he have the skills and talents to back up his words?  Only time will tell.. Crystal do as he asked and go out to the ring and just see what he can do as she will stand ring side... but right now her first thoughts lies with in her own match... Even though Mayhem is her sisters show, the first show was not booked by the New General Manager but made by the boss... Hmm to think how things are going to happen.. Frank Martin seems more interested in Kristins sex appeal more than her in ring talents... How will that hold up later on?  Hard telling when a man thinks with the lower part of his brain instead of the one on his head... But here we are rambling on again, when our real focus isn't on who is going to be getting laid later, oh no.... Its about who's going ot get laid out in the ring come Mayhem, so lets get this party started... and lets wait for the hell to rise..

||Scene 1//

When WWA comes on the air it is just the start of the afternoon, and some of the talent is just arriving, some a bit late, some already there... You see Crystal Sweet walking into the arena, as she had just gotten in from the gym, she wasn't in a hurry to get to the arena just yet, knowing that there wasn't a real rush to get to the place, so she focused her time and attention at being in the gym...

||Crystal Sweet|| Soon, oh so soon...

She smirked as she saw a poster showing the Mayhem matches as she saw her name on there, she was extremly pleased with it as she knew that this was her chance to show just what she could do, and to prove that by far she wasn't just talk... She worked harder than most of the divas to ever hit wrestling today, and she always paid off for her heard work and it wasn't going to..

||Crystal Sweet|| Oh you're going to find out soon enough, Kristin, just what kind of competitor that I am, you may just want to be the boss's little aid by the time I'm done with you... I'm not going to take it easy on anyone, I want the Womens' title more than anyone can possibly know, and it will be mine

She laughed remembering what she had seen in segments on the show before heading to the gym earlier this morning as she just shook her head.. Crystal's main thoughts have just been on that title, even while training with Stephen her thoughts were always of winning and getting better so she could prove her dominace here in the ring, and she had every intention of doing so, and she wasnt' going to let anyone stop her, not even some woman who's first thing being here is trying to get in nice and cozy with the boss, she wasn't going to even let that happen, to be beaten by her... She looked around the arena a bit, the flow was a bit heavier now than it use to be, something she was extremely happy about.. As she knew that it ment soon things would be active and fast and it would mean even more fun for her...

||Crystal Sweet|| I can't wait for this place to really start, I'm just wanting to really have some fun, and rather hard to do that with just one diva here, and its hard to get in a title run when only two of us our competeing..

She sighed a bit thinking about it... but she wasn't going to think about that right now, Her main goal was to just worry about Kristin and to defeat her come Mayehm... It wasnt' going to be as easy as she thought it would be, and she was going to make sure she didn't take her for granted..

||Crystal Sweet|| Well can stand around all day...

She laughed a bit as she made her way down the hall away heading to her locker room, she was going to chill for a bit, and then go out and see what she can find around this place, and work on getting ready for her Mayhem match up...

%^Blood Passion made for Christina and her use as Crystal Sweet need a layout request one at Layouts_R_Us..Thank you.

CrystalSweet Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #2
  • Rank:Diamond Member
  • Score:3116
  • Posts:3116
  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Re:Crystal Threads (Sandee Westgate)

Date Posted:12/15/2008 7:45 PMCopy HTML

//Warning- This rp contains GRAPHIC & SEXUAL CONTENT that may be harmful to your eyes. If this stuff offends you in any way then STOP reading and go home you pussy. Now if you like this kind of stuff and you think you will be able to live with yourself tomorrow by all means read on and enjoy the show.

2.jpg Crystal picture by foxy1350

Rp title: Raise em up, Throw em down
People used/Mentioned: Anyone I please
Managing/Dating: No one
Allies/Enemies: few/ many
OOC: Never take serious anything written in fiction
TBCB: Me later


Ok finally so here we go... Mayhem is getting started... What are we going to have?  Hopefully one hell of a show, I mean it would be kind of bad to really get things going and then have nothing as a result... But hey we have a show up... Only two divas here. and one who is already using her sex appeal to try to get what she wants... Some things never change... Kristin has just no idea to what shes really stepping into, but time will tell and she'll learn just like everyone else... Both women have the same goal in mind, and that is to hold the Women's championship, to be the dominate diva here... but only one can... Crystal will back down to no one, be it man or woman, and she will show that on Mayhem... Her first goal here was to work her way up to the Womens Championship, and Kristin was just the first stepping stone into what she hoped wouldn't be a long road to the Women's Championship... She's a woman on a mission, and has made that clear from the start, even with her conversation with Chad Rivers... a man who seems to have the same goals as Crystal in the long run, but does he have the skills and talents to back up his words?  Only time will tell.. Crystal do as he asked and go out to the ring and just see what he can do as she will stand ring side... but right now her first thoughts lies with in her own match... Even though Mayhem is her sisters show, the first show was not booked by the New General Manager but made by the boss... Hmm to think how things are going to happen.. Frank Martin seems more interested in Kristins sex appeal more than her in ring talents... How will that hold up later on?  Hard telling when a man thinks with the lower part of his brain instead of the one on his head... But here we are rambling on again, when our real focus isn't on who is going to be getting laid later, oh no.... Its about who's going ot get laid out in the ring come Mayhem, so lets get this party started... and lets wait for the hell to rise..

||Scene 1//

When WWA comes on the air it is just the start of the afternoon, and some of the talent is just arriving, some a bit late, some already there... You see Crystal Sweet walking into the arena, as she had just gotten in from the gym, she wasn't in a hurry to get to the arena just yet, knowing that there wasn't a real rush to get to the place, so she focused her time and attention at being in the gym...

||Crystal Sweet|| Soon, oh so soon...

She smirked as she saw a poster showing the Mayhem matches as she saw her name on there, she was extremly pleased with it as she knew that this was her chance to show just what she could do, and to prove that by far she wasn't just talk... She worked harder than most of the divas to ever hit wrestling today, and she always paid off for her heard work and it wasn't going to..

||Crystal Sweet|| Oh i'm far from a tough cookie , Kristin....

She laughed remembering what she had seen in segments on the show before heading to the gym earlier this morning as she just shook her head.. She looked around the arena a bit, the flow was a bit heavier now than it use to be, something she was extremely happy about.. As she knew that it ment soon things would be active and fast and it would mean even more fun for her...

//Comercial Break//

The Happening



Advil the everything pain medicine

//End of Commercial Break//

||Scene 2 ||

It was later on in the evening when things came back on, Crystal no longer in her locker room as she is walking thru the halls a bit, as she was looking around seeing what is going on, as she is turning a corner she stops as an interviewer sees her and calling out to her.. She sighs a bit looking at the woman as she really isn't sure what to say that the moment waiting for her to catch up to her... Once she is there she raises her mic up..

Interviewer: Crystal!... you were the first diva to enter the WWA, Do you think you can spare some time for an interview?

||Crystal Sweet|| Yeah sure, I can waste some time, I don't mind, Its not like there is much going on right now..

Crystal said honestly as she looked at the woman as she was smiling happily, looking like she might jump up and down with her exciment as Crystal just rolled her eyes a bit as she stood there looking at the woman waiting for her to start asking questions...

Intervierwer: Well you were the first diva to come to the WWA, and well now there are a few more there, but not many, What do you see in the future for this place as far as Divas are concerned?

||Crystal Sweet|| Well yes I was the first, but I hope to see many more, I mean i know that a womens division isn't important to many people, but we're starting to show that the ladies can play just as hard, if not harder than the boys, I mean come on, no one can compete like us, we're meaner, ruthless and we go for what we want with all the fiery and emotion we have, something men hardly ever do, unless fully drivien, unlike us females who are always driven to achieve and do better, its just the way we are.. is it a flaw?  I dont' think so, I think its what a quality that makes us flawless..

Crystal looked at her as she was listening to her..

||Crystal Sweet|| I can stand here and say what I think is going to take place in the future of WWA, that depends on the owner, and how well he can do his job about getting talent to come here, other than that I dont' have a real say on what goes on, I'm just here, training and waiting, soon hoping to be holding the Women's Championship belt..

Interviewer: New coming Kristin Haas also has the womens championship on her mind and in her goals...

||Crystal Sweet|| And the owner as well..

She smirked a bit as she looked at the interviewer..

Interviewer: Well do you see her as a threat at all to your Title race?

||Crystal Sweet|| Well yes of course I do, I mean come on, it would be dumb of me not to think that she isn't in my way, shes here and she wants what I feel I should have, I'm not about to just ignore that and have it bite me in the ass, I know better than that... If she wants to come up to me, fine be it, shes going to come up against a brick wall with me though, I'm not going to be as easy as she thinks I'm going be, I'm more than a challenge than I look... I know i'm smaller than most and I may not weight a lot, but i'm a lot stronger than I look, and i'm fast, I dont' fight fair, if i see a weakness I will pick it, I well use it against you, its just the way I am, I'm not here to make friends or play nice, I'm here to win and be the best of the buisness and I dont' care what people think about me, while i'm doing it...

She said honestly as she looked at her, as the Interviewer was thinking about all that she had said.. as Crystal just smirked a bit thinking about it, knowing that she was going to have a good time in WWA, and hoped that more fun would be coming as time went by...

%^Blood Passion made for Christina and her use as Crystal Sweet need a layout request one at Layouts_R_Us..Thank you.

CrystalSweet Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #3
  • Rank:Diamond Member
  • Score:3116
  • Posts:3116
  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Re:Crystal Threads (Sandee Westgate)

Date Posted:12/15/2008 7:46 PMCopy HTML

//Warning- This rp contains GRAPHIC & SEXUAL CONTENT that may be harmful to your eyes. If this stuff offends you in any way then STOP reading and go home you pussy. Now if you like this kind of stuff and you think you will be able to live with yourself tomorrow by all means read on and enjoy the show.

2.jpg Crystal picture by foxy1350

Rp title: Raise em up, Throw em down
People used/Mentioned: Anyone I please
Managing/Dating: No one
Allies/Enemies: few/ many
OOC: Never take serious anything written in fiction
TBCB: Me later


Ok finally so here we go... Mayhem is getting started... What are we going to have?  Hopefully one hell of a show, I mean it would be kind of bad to really get things going and then have nothing as a result... But hey we have a show up... Only two divas here. and one who is already using her sex appeal to try to get what she wants... Some things never change... Kristin has just no idea to what shes really stepping into, but time will tell and she'll learn just like everyone else... Both women have the same goal in mind, and that is to hold the Women's championship, to be the dominate diva here... but only one can... Crystal will back down to no one, be it man or woman, and she will show that on Mayhem... Her first goal here was to work her way up to the Womens Championship, and Kristin was just the first stepping stone into what she hoped wouldn't be a long road to the Women's Championship... She's a woman on a mission, and has made that clear from the start, even with her conversation with Chad Rivers... a man who seems to have the same goals as Crystal in the long run, but does he have the skills and talents to back up his words?  Only time will tell.. Crystal do as he asked and go out to the ring and just see what he can do as she will stand ring side... but right now her first thoughts lies with in her own match... Even though Mayhem is her sisters show, the first show was not booked by the New General Manager but made by the boss... Hmm to think how things are going to happen.. Frank Martin seems more interested in Kristins sex appeal more than her in ring talents... How will that hold up later on?  Hard telling when a man thinks with the lower part of his brain instead of the one on his head... But here we are rambling on again, when our real focus isn't on who is going to be getting laid later, oh no.... Its about who's going ot get laid out in the ring come Mayhem, so lets get this party started... and lets wait for the hell to rise..

||Scene 1//

When WWA comes on the air it is just the start of the afternoon, and some of the talent is just arriving, some a bit late, some already there... You see Crystal Sweet walking into the arena, as she had just gotten in from the gym, she wasn't in a hurry to get to the arena just yet, knowing that there wasn't a real rush to get to the place, so she focused her time and attention at being in the gym...

||Crystal Sweet|| Soon, oh so soon...

She smirked as she saw a poster showing the Mayhem matches as she saw her name on there, she was extremly pleased with it as she knew that this was her chance to show just what she could do, and to prove that by far she wasn't just talk... She worked harder than most of the divas to ever hit wrestling today, and she always paid off for her heard work and it wasn't going to..

||Crystal Sweet|| Oh i'm far from a tough cookie , Kristin....

She laughed remembering what she had seen in segments on the show before heading to the gym earlier this morning as she just shook her head.. She looked around the arena a bit, the flow was a bit heavier now than it use to be, something she was extremely happy about.. As she knew that it ment soon things would be active and fast and it would mean even more fun for her... After a moment Crystal went on walking making her way to her locker room, she was going to go there and wait things out for a bit..

||Crystal Sweet|| Its still early, lots of time for things to pick up and get busy..

She smirked as she thought about it, walking down the hall, she walked past the Mayhem General Managers office smirked seieng her sister on the phone... Most likely making sure that everything was ready for Mayhem seeing as she didn't get the heads up on that it was wanted to be done sooner, finding out whens he just came in, but she knew her sister, Destiny always stuck to the top of things and soon things would be running like they should be...

||Crystal Sweet|| MM makes me miss Hope..

She laughed a bit as she thought about her sister, knowing that she would be loving this, would be messing with people knowing that all has just gotten started, Crystal thought about it for a moment, as her thoughts then went back to Kristin, thinking about her entrance and how she went right ot the boss like she did, the two of them flirting with each other, Crystal wondered if it was just innocent or if Kristin had plans of using it to her advantage to get to the top of the Divas division, Crystal would keep an eye on that..

//Comercial Break//

The Happening



Advil the everything pain medicine

//End of Commercial Break//

||Scene 2 ||

It was later on in the evening when things came back on, Crystal no longer in her locker room as she is walking thru the halls a bit, as she was looking around seeing what is going on, as she is turning a corner she stops as an interviewer sees her and calling out to her.. She sighs a bit looking at the woman as she really isn't sure what to say that the moment waiting for her to catch up to her... Once she is there she raises her mic up..

Interviewer: Crystal!... you were the first diva to enter the WWA, Do you think you can spare some time for an interview?

||Crystal Sweet|| Yeah sure, I can waste some time, I don't mind, Its not like there is much going on right now..

Crystal said honestly as she looked at the woman as she was smiling happily, looking like she might jump up and down with her exciment as Crystal just rolled her eyes a bit as she stood there looking at the woman waiting for her to start asking questions...

Intervierwer: Well you were the first diva to come to the WWA, and well now there are a few more there, but not many, What do you see in the future for this place as far as Divas are concerned?

||Crystal Sweet|| Well yes I was the first, but I hope to see many more, I mean i know that a womens division isn't important to many people, but we're starting to show that the ladies can play just as hard, if not harder than the boys, I mean come on, no one can compete like us, we're meaner, ruthless and we go for what we want with all the fiery and emotion we have, something men hardly ever do, unless fully drivien, unlike us females who are always driven to achieve and do better, its just the way we are.. is it a flaw?  I dont' think so, I think its what a quality that makes us flawless..

Crystal looked at her as she was listening to her..

||Crystal Sweet|| I can stand here and say what I think is going to take place in the future of WWA, that depends on the owner, and how well he can do his job about getting talent to come here, other than that I dont' have a real say on what goes on, I'm just here, training and waiting, soon hoping to be holding the Women's Championship belt..

Interviewer: New coming Kristin Haas also has the womens championship on her mind and in her goals...

||Crystal Sweet|| And the owner as well..

She smirked a bit as she looked at the interviewer..

Interviewer: Well do you see her as a threat at all to your Title race?

||Crystal Sweet|| Well yes of course I do, I mean come on, it would be dumb of me not to think that she isn't in my way, shes here and she wants what I feel I should have, I'm not about to just ignore that and have it bite me in the ass, I know better than that... If she wants to come up to me, fine be it, shes going to come up against a brick wall with me though, I'm not going to be as easy as she thinks I'm going be, I'm more than a challenge than I look... I know i'm smaller than most and I may not weight a lot, but i'm a lot stronger than I look, and i'm fast, I dont' fight fair, if i see a weakness I will pick it, I well use it against you, its just the way I am, I'm not here to make friends or play nice, I'm here to win and be the best of the buisness and I dont' care what people think about me, while i'm doing it...

She said honestly as she looked at her, as the Interviewer was thinking about all that she had said.. as Crystal just smirked a bit thinking about it, knowing that she was going to have a good time in WWA, and hoped that more fun would be coming as time went by...

%^Blood Passion made for Christina and her use as Crystal Sweet need a layout request one at Layouts_R_Us..Thank you.

CrystalSweet Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #4
  • Rank:Diamond Member
  • Score:3116
  • Posts:3116
  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Re:Crystal Threads (Sandee Westgate)

Date Posted:12/15/2008 7:46 PMCopy HTML

//Warning- This rp contains GRAPHIC & SEXUAL CONTENT that may be harmful to your eyes. If this stuff offends you in any way then STOP reading and go home you pussy. Now if you like this kind of stuff and you think you will be able to live with yourself tomorrow by all means read on and enjoy the show.

2.jpg Crystal picture by foxy1350

Rp title: Raise em up, Throw em down
People used/Mentioned: Anyone I please
Managing/Dating: No one
Allies/Enemies: few/ many
OOC: Never take serious anything written in fiction
TBCB: Me later


Ok finally so here we go... Mayhem is getting started... What are we going to have?  Hopefully one hell of a show, I mean it would be kind of bad to really get things going and then have nothing as a result... But hey we have a show up... Only two divas here. and one who is already using her sex appeal to try to get what she wants... Some things never change... Kristin has just no idea to what shes really stepping into, but time will tell and she'll learn just like everyone else... Both women have the same goal in mind, and that is to hold the Women's championship, to be the dominate diva here... but only one can... Crystal will back down to no one, be it man or woman, and she will show that on Mayhem... Her first goal here was to work her way up to the Womens Championship, and Kristin was just the first stepping stone into what she hoped wouldn't be a long road to the Women's Championship... She's a woman on a mission, and has made that clear from the start, even with her conversation with Chad Rivers... a man who seems to have the same goals as Crystal in the long run, but does he have the skills and talents to back up his words?  Only time will tell.. Crystal do as he asked and go out to the ring and just see what he can do as she will stand ring side... but right now her first thoughts lies with in her own match... Even though Mayhem is her sisters show, the first show was not booked by the New General Manager but made by the boss... Hmm to think how things are going to happen.. Frank Martin seems more interested in Kristins sex appeal more than her in ring talents... How will that hold up later on?  Hard telling when a man thinks with the lower part of his brain instead of the one on his head... But here we are rambling on again, when our real focus isn't on who is going to be getting laid later, oh no.... Its about who's going ot get laid out in the ring come Mayhem, so lets get this party started... and lets wait for the hell to rise..

||Scene 1//

When WWA comes on the air it is just the start of the afternoon, and some of the talent is just arriving, some a bit late, some already there... You see Crystal Sweet walking into the arena, as she had just gotten in from the gym, she wasn't in a hurry to get to the arena just yet, knowing that there wasn't a real rush to get to the place, so she focused her time and attention at being in the gym...

||Crystal Sweet|| Soon, oh so soon...

She smirked as she saw a poster showing the Mayhem matches as she saw her name on there, she was extremly pleased with it as she knew that this was her chance to show just what she could do, and to prove that by far she wasn't just talk... She worked harder than most of the divas to ever hit wrestling today, and she always paid off for her heard work and it wasn't going to..

||Crystal Sweet|| Oh i'm far from a tough cookie , Kristin....

She laughed remembering what she had seen in segments on the show before heading to the gym earlier this morning as she just shook her head.. She looked around the arena a bit, the flow was a bit heavier now than it use to be, something she was extremely happy about.. As she knew that it ment soon things would be active and fast and it would mean even more fun for her... After a moment Crystal went on walking making her way to her locker room, she was going to go there and wait things out for a bit..

||Crystal Sweet|| Its still early, lots of time for things to pick up and get busy..

She smirked as she thought about it, walking down the hall, she walked past the Mayhem General Managers office smirked seieng her sister on the phone... Most likely making sure that everything was ready for Mayhem seeing as she didn't get the heads up on that it was wanted to be done sooner, finding out whens he just came in, but she knew her sister, Destiny always stuck to the top of things and soon things would be running like they should be...

||Crystal Sweet|| MM makes me miss Hope..

She laughed a bit as she thought about her sister, knowing that she would be loving this, would be messing with people knowing that all has just gotten started, Crystal thought about it for a moment, as her thoughts then went back to Kristin, thinking about her entrance and how she went right ot the boss like she did, the two of them flirting with each other, Crystal wondered if it was just innocent or if Kristin had plans of using it to her advantage to get to the top of the Divas division, Crystal would keep an eye on that..

//Comercial Break//

The Happening



Advil the everything pain medicine

//End of Commercial Break//

||Scene 2 ||

It was later on in the evening when things came back on, Crystal no longer in her locker room as she is walking thru the halls a bit, as she was looking around seeing what is going on, as she is turning a corner she stops as an interviewer sees her and calling out to her.. She sighs a bit looking at the woman as she really isn't sure what to say that the moment waiting for her to catch up to her... Once she is there she raises her mic up..

Interviewer: Crystal!... you were the first diva to enter the WWA, Do you think you can spare some time for an interview?

||Crystal Sweet|| Yeah sure, I can waste some time, I don't mind, Its not like there is much going on right now..

Crystal said honestly as she looked at the woman as she was smiling happily, looking like she might jump up and down with her exciment as Crystal just rolled her eyes a bit as she stood there looking at the woman waiting for her to start asking questions...

Intervierwer: Well you were the first diva to come to the WWA, and well now there are a few more there, but not many, What do you see in the future for this place as far as Divas are concerned?

||Crystal Sweet|| Well yes I was the first, but I hope to see many more, I mean i know that a womens division isn't important to many people, but we're starting to show that the ladies can play just as hard, if not harder than the boys, I mean come on, no one can compete like us, we're meaner, ruthless and we go for what we want with all the fiery and emotion we have, something men hardly ever do, unless fully drivien, unlike us females who are always driven to achieve and do better, its just the way we are.. is it a flaw?  I dont' think so, I think its what a quality that makes us flawless..

Crystal looked at her as she was listening to her..

||Crystal Sweet|| I can stand here and say what I think is going to take place in the future of WWA, that depends on the owner, and how well he can do his job about getting talent to come here, other than that I dont' have a real say on what goes on, I'm just here, training and waiting, soon hoping to be holding the Women's Championship belt..

Interviewer: New coming Kristin Haas also has the womens championship on her mind and in her goals...

||Crystal Sweet|| And the owner as well..

She smirked a bit as she looked at the interviewer..

Interviewer: Well do you see her as a threat at all to your Title race?

||Crystal Sweet|| Well yes of course I do, I mean come on, it would be dumb of me not to think that she isn't in my way, shes here and she wants what I feel I should have, I'm not about to just ignore that and have it bite me in the ass, I know better than that... If she wants to come up to me, fine be it, shes going to come up against a brick wall with me though, I'm not going to be as easy as she thinks I'm going be, I'm more than a challenge than I look... I know i'm smaller than most and I may not weight a lot, but i'm a lot stronger than I look, and i'm fast, I dont' fight fair, if i see a weakness I will pick it, I well use it against you, its just the way I am, I'm not here to make friends or play nice, I'm here to win and be the best of the buisness and I dont' care what people think about me, while i'm doing it...

She said honestly as she looked at her, as the Interviewer was thinking about all that she had said.. as Crystal just smirked a bit thinking about it, knowing that she was going to have a good time in WWA, and hoped that more fun would be coming as time went by...

||Crystal Sweet|| I think I've said more than enough here,

She said as she moved away walking away from the interviewer just leaving her standing there, Crystal wasn't one for interviews, but had been more than generous as she gave not just her,but everyone else a look into just how she really did things, she just wasn't afraid to admit it like others where, she said and spoke the truth, now she would see just how things would go for her later on, and see just how close she is to running in the womens Championship run...

%^Blood Passion made for Christina and her use as Crystal Sweet need a layout request one at Layouts_R_Us..Thank you.

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