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  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Date Posted:12/15/2008 7:43 PMCopy HTML

//Warning- This rp contains GRAPHIC & SEXUAL CONTENT that may be harmful to your eyes. If this stuff offends you in any way then STOP reading and go home you pussy. Now if you like this kind of stuff and you think you will be able to live with yourself tomorrow by all means read on and enjoy the show.

2.jpg Crystal picture by foxy1350

Rp title: Crystal Sweet Threads
People used/Mentioned:Crysta, Triple H, Amber, Chris Burden Kurt Angle and so on
Managing/Dating: Not sure at the point
Allies/Enemies: few/too many
OOC: Yeah lets see if I can go this with out it deleting.. lol didn't forget you this time Daniel Galway lol
TBCB: No one.. This is rp number two

Well so it looks like Christmas didn't go so well for Crystal... She had thought that she was doing her best trying to deal with Kurt.. and she had no idea that Chris would even stop by, but Triple H had blown up in her face... He had really messed up her frame of mind as she knows she has to go into ECW...She had a battle royal to keep in mind...She had heard what had been said by the other super starts and the other one diva... Blaze hadn't had much to say about Crystal, but I think after tonight its going to change her thought about.  She is worried about her not being tough her getting a freebie. but hell this isn't a freebie... Blaze needs to worry about herself more than worrying about what Crystal is doing with the Women's Champion...She didn't ask for a Championship match.. She only asked for a one on one match up.. People seem to think just because you want to fight a champion that it has to be for the gold...She isn't some jobber she knows how it works around here.. She has done this all before... Right now she is just putting her foot in the door.  Right now everyone needs to stop worrying what Crystal is doing, because she doesn't even know what she is doing right now... Only that she has a match to get ready for.. and it could be a match like none other...The hardest one of her career thus far...Getting into the ring against all of these men... and even Blaze.. Its going to be a challenge and there is going to be a championship title on the line..  The United States Championship is on the line.... And gold is something a woman loves... Might even be as good as a diamond to a woman.. but getting gold around here is more of a physcal task...

// Scene 1 //

When WWF comes back on the air from taking the night off.. You see that it replays some events of Christma night last night...Showing that Amber Sweet has made her return.. To the joy of Chris Burden of course.. Then you also see that Kurt Angle the Battle Royal entry has been bothering Crystal... Still trying to get with her, No matter how much she has turned her down...Crystals thoughts on her ECW match up.. She keeps telling Kurt she doesn't want him.. Burden comes and helps.. and then Triple H gets the wrong idea...Flips out on her and doesn't even ask as he just storms out on her...Now we have a pissed off Crystal Sweet.. and an ECW Match up coming up... As the cameras are going around watching as super stars and divas are getting ready for there matches... They go out to the arena so they can see the crowd coming in and taking there seats... Paul Heyman and Joey Styles are already at there seats as they are watching the previews for the show tonight.. After seeing the clip about Crystal and Triple H...As the two of them start to talk amongst themselves..

~Paul Heyman~ Wow with Crystals mind frame you have to wonder if she is up to the Battle Royal tonight.. There is just so much at stake right now.. and she seems to be having other problems at the moment..

~Joey Styles~ I know what you mean.. but she better be ready because once she gets in the ring.. Its going to be pure hell for her...

~Paul Heyman~ That is ture.. I don't even know why she is in this burtal match up... Finaly was right about it. She shouldn't be in it...Its not a womens match up..

~Joey Styles~ I don't know, I have heard that this isn't Crystals first time in the ring against male compettiors.. I'm sure she is well aware what can happen..

~Paul Heyman~ One man is a lot different from the amount that is going to be in the ring here tonight Joey... She needs to know that and be ready for that...Her and Blaze both...This isn't just any Battle Royal there is gold on the line...The United States Championship is on the line...So most of these guys aren't going to be thinking about how to be nice to her.. or being careful not to hurt her...They aren't going to care.. They are going to be out for blood and she better watch out..

~Joey Styles~ I think she is more than well aware of that.. but I think she can use that to her advantage as well. as long as she can keep her mind on the match up and not on the soap opera that seems to be following her around lately... She was impressive on RAW in her debut tag match with Triple H. but this time she wont' have anyone watching her back... She has to make sure that she knows just what she is getting into...

Paul looks at Joey as he listens and then thinks about what he said.. As the two of them are thinking about this Battle Royal as they are wondering just what the out come may be... What is going to be taking place. and who will be leaving here tonight as the Unitned States Champion...

~Paul Heyman~ You know she isn't the only one in this Battle Royal there are a lot of other talents in there as well... and some of them have been waiting for there chance at some gold for a long time.. and there are a few who like Crystals are rookies here..

~Joey Styles~ You can't call Crystal a Rookie.. So yeah she's knew there. but she isn't new to wrestling.. and if anyone thinks that she is a rookie just because she is new to WWF is asking for trouble. and probably isn't going ot like it when Crystal goes after them tonight in the ring..

~Paul Heyman~ If she can even get her act together you mean...Come on think about it...Her mind frame right now can't be the best.. and for this type of match you have to be on your toes, any distractions could be fatal in this type of thing..

~Joey Styles~ I agree.. but it may also go in her favor...She did look like she was really pissed off earlier.. She could use her anger to her advantage.. You never know what she has planned...

As the two of them go on talking the cameras once again start to move as they look around the arena and then after a head into the back to see what is  going on with the super stars and divas back there... Chris Burden is seen walking with Amber down the hall who is only wearing a towel as she doesn't look to pleased to be out there like that... Jeff Jarrett is also seen... Talk of Smack Down is now in the air, but ECW has yet to start.. So lets not get ahead of ourselves... The people for the battle Royal are getting ready all in there own way as the camers go around watching them... Daniel Galway is seen training as he is getting ready...Wanting to be ready for anything.. Also wanting everyone to bring it. To show all that they have when they step in the ring against him...He has been traiining and getting ready... Just like everyone else has been or most everyone else...Kurt Angle is still seen trying to find away to get to Crystal knowing now that Burden has no romantic interest in her that he was just wanting to get to her sister... So now what is going to happen there?  Who cares! Lets not even go there.. We're doing better things right now.... So lets keep traveling...

// Commercial Break //

ABC Allison

Ariszona Raspbertty Iced Tea is very good

Mc Donalds... Are you Loving it

The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy

Kixs Kid Tested Mother Approved..

Candy canes are good...

Dancing Chickens are Bad and annoying...

That is all

// End of Commercial Break //

When WWF comes back on the air you see that the cameras have stopped and rested on the locker room of Crystal Sweet...The door is open as you can look in and see Crystal on the floor doing push up as she is talking to herself... Cussing a bit as you can still see very clearly that she is extremely pissed off as she is counting as she moves up and down not really caring how many she does , Knowing that she has to focus for her match up... She then after a bit turns around as she rolls over and starts to do some curl ups..

{Crystal Sweet} I am more than ready for this match.. I'm going to win this.. I dont' care what anyone says or anyone thinks...This match is mine...That United States Championship is mine.. i'm not going to let this chance slip me by... I don't care what that bitch Blaze thinks...She has nothing on me...and soon she'll see that... She is just a stepping stone that i'm more than happy to trample over..

She smirks a bit as she continues to work out wanting to get ready for things that will come tonight...She wants to make sure that she is nice and limber for this match up.. Not wanting to be caught off guard or anyting. knowing that she can't over power any of the guys here so she has to think of other ways to get what she wants.

{Crystal Sweet} I'm not going to let what happened last night get in my way... I am going to stay focused...Triple H made his choice not me... He didn't want to ask what was going on...His problem not mine..

She hisses a bit as she was still very pissed at what happen as she got up and started to do some streches as she was bending backwards a bit just trying to loosen herself up as she was still trying to get over what happened....She knew that she needed to stay focused as she then after a bit went on walking out of the locker room making her way down the hall...She didn't stop to talk to anyone who said anything...As she was just jogging thru the arena a bit as she was still working out... After about an hour she stops at a water machine as she puts her money in getting a bottle of water... She sighs as she leans up against the machine as she looks around a bit... A few people look at her as they walk on by... She doesn't say anything as she just watches them... She sees a few people that she will be coming up against in the ring tonight as she smirks a bit looking at them.. Showing that she wasn't intimidated at all by either of them...Crystal then after a bit starts to walk off heading down the hall walking this time as she didn't feel like she had to rush anything... So as she was making her way she saw that the cameras were set up and ready as the back blue backround was set up..

{Crystal Sweet} Perfect...

Crystal smirks as she stands there a moment... She then walks over and stands there as the camera tells her to wait a second and then after a moment nods his head letting her know she could start talking now.

{Crystal Sweet} Well tonight is the night... Tonight on ECW everything is about to change... For tonight you will see me walk out into the ring and i have every intention of walking out as the New United States Champion... I'm not going to let anyone stand in my way...Not you Blaze.. So you can say those cheap two liners you seem to be coming out with... You think i'm acting tough.. You have no idea.. You doin't know who I am or what I am even about... You shouldn't be worried about me and the Women's Champion...I'm not out for a title shot right now...Unlike you i'm not dumb enough to think that i can just get a title shot when i asked.. I do have more brains than you, and I'm more than aware of how things work, I have been doing this a long time now...

She laughed a bit as she thought about Blaze..

{Crystal Sweet} Yeah I may not have earned this title shot tonight... but I will earn it by the end of the night... and when I leave as the Champion I will earn the right to be called the United States Championship... I know to a lot the US title may not seem all that great.. but to me. Its gold. and it deserves the same amount of respect that any Championship does.. and I plan on making sure that it gets all the respect it deserves... I'm not going ot let you Blaze, Ken Chris Payne, Shamrock, Chris Matthews, John Cena, Ace, finaly, Harlem, That big bad bastard the Big show. and espeacilly Kurt Angle... Stop me from reaching my Goal... So get ready because tonight you're about to step in the ring against the Baddest Bitch there ever was... Oh and I plan on proving that tonight...

She smirks as she stands there... Looking into the cameras wanting everyone to hear her warning...She wasn't playing games this time around...She was getting tired of being over looked...Being missunderstood, and people thinking that she just wasnt' good enough...Tonight that was all going to change.. Tonight everyone was going to see just what she was capable of...

{Crystal Sweet} Kurt.. Oh Kurt I haven't forgotten you...You dont' want to take the hint.. You don't seem to get it that I dont' like you... i don't want anything to do with you... I would say that I'm with Hunter. but as of right now I don't even know that.. After the way he was last night... I'm not sure where he stands... but that doesn't change the fact that I don't want a damn thing to do with you...Tonight will be the last night that you will ever be able to put your hands on me... You better make it good, because when I get my chance I plan on kicking your ass, and kicking you out of the ring... You won't stand in my way...I don't care about your feelings for me... It isn't going to make a difference in the least... I'm here to win. Not to put up with your stalking crap you have been pissing me off over lately...Tonight that all ends...Tonight its going to be a fresh start for me...New things are coming my way...Its only a matter of time...

Crystal smirks as she stands there for a moment longer, before she then goes and starts to walk way, feeling that she was finished and said all that she had to say...She walked down the hall as she took another sip of her bottled water and was making her way down the hall heading to her locker room as she wanted to do some more training in order to get ready for tonight...

%^Blood Passion made for Christina and her use as Crystal Sweet need a layout request one at Layouts_R_Us..Thank you.

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