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  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Date Posted:12/15/2008 7:40 PMCopy HTML


  //Warning- This rp contains GRAPHIC & SEXUAL CONTENT that may be harmful to your eyes. If this stuff offends you in any way then STOP reading and go home you pussy. Now if you like this kind of stuff and you think you will be able to live with yourself tomorrow by all means read on and enjoy the show.

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..Roleplay Title...RP 2
..OOC..The parts with ~ around the paragraph are from Hailee's rp and don't count in mine, just using them in mine so you won't be confused as to what i'm talking about..
..Managing/Dating..Ryan Burgress

// Promo//

Death Wish is tonight, and tonight is the first time that Crystal will defend her championship after getting it the other week on Blood bath.  Defeating Trish Stratus for it, very easily...She had made an open challenge wanting something to do, more than to prove that she is meant to be champion, all she was looking for was someone's ass to kick, and knew that if she dangled the championship up in the air like bait, someone would come out, acting like a big bad bitch...So now Crystal is going to get her chance to knock her down to size, and show everyone just why she is the womens champion, and why she is the baddest bitch to hit ECW...That is all to it...Crystal is out to prove there there isn't a ECW diva out there that could beat her, and she doesn't care what she has to do, its just how its going to be...So now Hailee Matthews has spoken up, running her mouth, already thinking that she is going to be the womens champion.  Thinking that Crystal winning was a fluke, or that Trish Stratus was nothing to fight...Well maybe she is right about Trish Stratus but she is dead wrong if she thinks that Crystal Sweet can't defend the titles against the likes of her.  She can talk all the shit she wants,  think what she wants, but tonight its all going to come to heads as she sees just what Crystal Sweet is all about, there is no turning back once she is in the ring.

// Scene 1 //

{Crystal Sweet} Come on baby...We're going to be late...I want to hit the gym.  The owner has opened it early for us so we wouldn't be bothered...

As Crystal calls out into the bathroom wondering what Ryan is doing in the shower, being that he has been in there so long.  When he doesn't answer she walks in, opening the door up and opening the shower curtin and before she knows it Ryan Burgress grabs her pulling her in, as she yells out in surprise as she then gets all soaked...She then starts to laugh as Ryan kisses her...She then gives him a look, but he just smirks at her as she shakes her head.  He then starts to peal her wet clothes off of her...

[Ryan Burgress] You know Crystal baby we can't leave until we both have our shower...and since you took yours early this morning, you're just going to have to take another one...So now that you're in here, you might as well make the best of it...

Crystal is once again laughing as she is stripped of all her clothes as Ryan kisses her...not caring about the gym at the moment, as Crystal has seemed to have forgotten about the gym, as the two make out in the shower just having a good time...After an hour or so the two of them step out of the shower as Ryan wraps a towel around her and kisses her.  She kisses him back giggling a bit as she wraps her arms around him, as he smiles down at her.

[Rey Mysterio] See you almost tried to hurry out the door, and to think you could have missed doing this...

Crystal can't help but laugh as she looks at him shaking her head a bit, as she can't help but kiss him again..After a moment the two of them walk out of the bathroom as they start to get dressed and ready to head to work, knowing that Crystal has a match to get ready for.  This match up has been on her mind ever since it was booked for Death Wish,, and knowing that the match up isn't just a match, but she has to put her Women's title on the line, which isn't a problem for her, but she isn't going to just sit around and do nothing, she wants to make sure she is in top condition for this match up, wanting to shut hailee up for a bit, knowing that she has been running her mouth..,

{Crystal Sweet } Yeah this was a better idea, but we're still going to the gym, I need to train every day, before I head to work...Blood bath is tonight, so I really want to make sure that I'm ready, there is just so much that I want to do, but more than anything I want to show that bitch, that she has nothing on me, and she can talk all the trash she wants, but what it comes down to is, what I will be doing to her in that damn ring.  Yeah she was right about Trish Stratus being nothing to deal with, but that doesn't mean I'm some push over, or can't handle myself in the riing, and I can't wait to show her just what I can do once I get in the ring, and start whiooping her ass all over it...

.Crystal can't help but laugh as she thinks about it.  knowing that things are going her way, and tonight at Blood bath things will keep going her way, knowing that she is going to show this woman just what wrestling is all about, knowing that Hailee thinks its going to be the other way around, wich makes her laugh a bit as she just shakes her head.....Crystal then slides into her tight skirt, as she then  puts on her bra as Ryan helps her clip it, kissing at her shoulder a bit as he listens to her talk, and waches her shiver a bit at the feel of his lips as she turns herhead and smiles at him...then kissing him on the lips.

[Ryan Burgress] Hey baby, I know you're going to do good, and i know that after you kick her ass on Blood Bath...I know that there is no way in hell that she can get the Womens title away from you, but its going to be fun, watching her try, thinking that she is already going to be the womens champion...I love it when bitches like her get even dumber than they already are...I knowyou're going to dominate her easily enough...Its going to be great to see..

{Crystal Sweet } Oh yeah it is, she has been going around talking and bragging like she is something big, what because she was the first one to come out and accept my challenge, oh good for her, now that isn't something to be proud of, she wants to be big and bad then  sed if she can beat me, which I know she can't but she is going to see this the hard way, hwne I show her just what I can do, when I'm not playing around in ther ing...You see the match with Trish and I was nohting, hell I wasn't even putting everything into it when I was going up against her,  I mean come on it wasn't even worth the challenge, but I fought her, and I kicked her ass all over that ring, to become the Women's Champion, but what I plan on doing to Hailee is going to be much worse...She is going to beg me to end the match, and just pin her, but I'm not going to , I plan on putting her though hell as long as I can...

Crystal gets a bit of a glare in her eyes as she thinks about it, really wanting to show Hailee Mathews that she is a lot more than what she thinks, and hwen it comes to being in herbe a Womens Champion Crystal is going to show Hailee  just what it is to be a real women's champion, and the Haille isn't in her leauge....After Crystal is all dressed once again she is putting on her thigh highs as she then clips up, she then stands up, and gets into her heels as she looks up at Ryan who was watching her, as he was putting on his shirt, as he smrks, she looks at him and smiles as she then starts to brush her hair, not feeling like spending much time on it this morning as they then get there things and head out of the door. Walking to Ryan's  car as he opens the door and holds it for Crystal as she kisses him first then leaning down she gets in the car as he rushes over to the drivers side as the couple then drives off heading down the road making there way tot he Extrme Championship Wrestling arena....

// Scene II //

When ECW comes on the air, it shows Crystal Sweet  and Ryan Burgress walks down the hallway as they have just entered the arena, after hitting the gym, and then taking a brief detour on the way...The two of them are laughing and talking as they make there way to there locker room,  he unlocks his door as he then holds the door open for her as Crystal walks in, rubbing his chest a bit as she makes her way past him, and walks inside.  Ryan smirks as he walks in behind her closeing the door.  The two of the sit on the couch a bit as they start to talk about what has been going on, mainly about him and Blood Bath...and her match against Haillee Mathews, knowing that the match up is tonight, and Crystal knows that she is more then ready for it, all she has to do now is sit and wait, wich was driving her nuts because she wanted the match now...Ryan looks at her smirking a bit as he shakes his head a bit, but loving when she was like this, seeing a sadistic side of her a bit, knowing that she was going to dominate tonight, and knowing after she won, things would be even funner for the two of them...Ryan then gets a smirk on his face as he looks at her and starts to talk...

[Ryan Burgress] Hailee Mathews has no idea what she is in for tonight, but I know I'm going to be watchin, and I'm going to watch full force on what you can do, even though I already have seen what you can do...She issn't going to like it, but she is going to be gettting one hell of a wake up call tonight at Blood Bath, as she sees what a Women's Champion really is...and it isn't her...

As the two of them are talking, the two of them then hear something on the tv as they both turn to look at it, wondeirng what was coming on as they see the woman that will be trying to get the womens championship off of her, and listing to hte crap comimg out of her mouth...

~Hailee: The fans of ECW are just too kind! [Whore chants broke out as she smirked slightly, biting her lip before she contined] That's fine, really. I put you people in the seats you're in and I am paid to make you idiots angry enough to call me a whore. It works out just fine for me. [She grinned as they continued to give her heat like only an ECW crowd can] But I'm not out here for you. I have a purpose and a little message for the current Womens Champion. Crystal Sweet has the same issue that most champiions face at one time or another. Crystal believes that becoming a Champion makes her more special then what she really is. Becoming a champion, she thinks now that she is protected some how and that she is now unbeatable. So what does Crystal do? Crystal acts like a fighting Champion and puts the title on the line in an open challenge so that any diva in the back can get a crack at her. Some say thats what a Champion is all about. To defend the title against all comers no matter who they are, because you think you're good enough to beat them all. As I sat back in the lockeroom listening to her make that challenge, it made me wonder what really was going on inside her head, you know?  I mean I know I'm a blonde as well when I say this, but I think her blondeness has gone straight to her brain. Who the hell was she expecting to answer her challenge, another Trish Stratus?  Honestly, was she expecting to have some nobody come down to the ring and accept her challenge? I really would love to know the answer to that one, if she is still awake after I beat the hell out of her at DeathWish. [Hailee paused for a moment, looking around the arena before looking back in the direction of the camera to continue] I guess I shouldn't be complaining right? After all, its not everyday that I just get a Womens title shot in my very first match in the company. I know you rabid ECW fans have drunk or smoked away half of your brain cells but please try to understand that I am not complaining, not at all. I am as happy as I can be to say that in twenty four hours, I am going to be the new ECW Womens Champion. The way I see it, ECW needs a Womens champion who is actually extreme and not extremely a slut. It's true. Who would ECW management rather see represent their divas? A woman who is loses her title on the first defence...or a woman who will remain Champion for a very long time? It's not good for business when a Diva basically has a One night stand being champion and I know Crystal has had plenty of those. [Hailee grinned slightly, continueing] But don't you people worry and Crystal, don't you worry. In twenty-four hours, I am going to remove the heavy burden of being the ECW Womens Champion. In twenty-four hours, you and ECW will look upto me as the extreme diva and leader of the divas for ECW. You cave under pressure easily, I know Crystal so consider it a favor, okay hunnie? Crystal, I really want you to understand something. Understand it with every thing you have...You can't beat me! It's a fact of lfe, Crystal Sweet can not beat Hailee Matthews. Crystal Sweet just does not have what it takes to beat me. She got lucky to beat Trish Stratus but she will not be lucky enough to beat me. And Crystal, once I take that title off your shoulder tomorrow, you will never ever come near that title again. I may give you a shot once and a while but you will fail to take it back everytime. You might happen to look a lot like me, but hunnie you will never be me! It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out Crystal. Ask that freak you hang around with, he'll lie to you and say you can beat me but he knows as well as everyone here that I am everything you hope to be. You think you know what a bitch is? You think you know what it means to take it to the extreme just because you take it in the ass from half of the lockeroom? You don't know the first damn thing about being extreme. But I promise you Crystal, after tomorrow night when I am standing over you with the Womens Championship in my will understand what extreme is all about. You seem to have a Death Wish, Crystal. Tomorrow night, you're going to get what you wished for..~

Crystal stands there stunned for a moment as she listens to the shit that runs out of her mouth...Crystal starts to glear a bit as Ryan just watches shocked that someone would talk so much shit, on her first match....Crystal then all of a sudden bust out laughing as she seems to go on, and one, and overly concerened with her sex life, around here...calling her a slut, Crystal tries to stop laughing so eh can hear everything as Ryan just shakes his head knowing that Haille has no ide awhat she is really in for but she is going to find out soon enough, and now Crystal was on fire, she really wanted thiw match up, and was hoping that time would just fly by now...

{Crystal Sweet} Oh now that hurts my feelings...I mean come on this is her first damn match here, and she is running her mouth like she is queen shit...hell treating me like I'm some rookie, I've been doing this for a long time, and when it comes to wresting in the ring, there isn't another as sadistic as I am, she has a lot to learn, but I will say one there at least she has the cocky part down, but I  think she went over board with it...I mean come on, she trashed my wrestling skills, got into my sex life, haha, she can call me a slut all she wants, its not like most compettors I go up against, haven't said that to me, trying to piss me off, so I wouln''t be focused on what I should be...haha... The stupid bitch  has no idea what she is in for, she doesn't know me or just how dangerous I can be when I'm prevoked, and that is just what she has done...

Ryan smirks as he looks at Crystal and listens to her talk about Hailee happy that she isn't bothered by her words, and that she is really inot this match, not taking what Haille has said to heart, but using it to her advantage...Ryan can't help but think how good things are,  They had hit the gym like she had wanted with plenty of time to speare so they couln't help but have a little fun, and now even at the arena, they have some time to waste as they watch the tv...He then watches as Crystal stands up, leans down and kisses him a bit, as she is planning on heading out to the ring.  After a moment Crystal breaks the kiss as she looks down at him smiling, then after a moment she starts to talk to him, letting her know what she is planning on doing...

{Crystal Sweet} Ryan baby, I need to go out to the ring...I just have so much I want to deal with right now, mainly laughing at the stupid bitch who thinks that she si going to beat me and become the womens champion.., and I have a few things that I just want her to hear.  I think its about time Hailee really sees just who she is missing with, because I can tell that she has no damn idea just who I am and what I"m about...I love it when bitches get dumb like that, thinking that they are the best thing to hit wrestling, then I get my fun, and knock them back donw to reaility and show them that there nothing but a piece of shit...

[Rey Mysterio] Ah yes baby, I know that you're going to do great, I know what you can do, I mean Iam not just with you because you're sexy as hell, even though  you are, but I know what you can do, like I just said...but you go baby have fun out in the ring, just don't take to know what you said earlier, about the only one I fuck over is you, so I have to make sure I'm true to my word...

Crystal Sweet Mysterio can't help but laugh at that a bit as she leans down and kisses him again she because she has too...He bites on her lips a bit as she opens her mouth and he deepens the kiss, as she returns it, and then after a moment stands up stratight and smirks at him as she then turns around and walks out of his office making her way out down the hall...  She then continues to walk down the hall way making her way to the ring, with a grin on her face knowing she is going to be having a whole hell of a lot of fun.

TBCB: Me Only when i get the chance...


©Ъαđ άррℓệ For Christina's purposes only touch and fucking die!

CrystalSweet Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1
  • Rank:Diamond Member
  • Score:3116
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  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Re:Crystal Sweet (Trish Stratus) Role paly

Date Posted:12/15/2008 7:41 PMCopy HTML


  //Warning- This rp contains GRAPHIC & SEXUAL CONTENT that may be harmful to your eyes. If this stuff offends you in any way then STOP reading and go home you pussy. Now if you like this kind of stuff and you think you will be able to live with yourself tomorrow by all means read on and enjoy the show.

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..Roleplay Title...RP 2
..Managing/Dating..Ryan Burgress

So this is where we are so far...Crystal Sweet making her way out to the ring, making her way so she can say what she has to say about her match up tonight, knowing that she is going to be taken on Hailee Mathews.  It makes her laugh thinking about how this chick seems to think she is big and bad ass as she talks shit about Crystal dissing her like she was still in highschool.  Some people just can't grow up, they think that if they can call names and talk shit that it makes them big, will she is going ot find out, no matter how much you cuss, no matter how much you trash talk, or no matter how much you insult, it isn't going to get you any place...Its not wat wrestling is about...She is acting like Crystal is an old enemy like they actully have history or something when there is none of that, there isn't anything at all, but hell she is action as if Crystal stole her puppy, and it makes her laugh.  When will she grow up and start acting like a fighting diva, and now some drama queen wanna be, well she is going to get a crash course tonight at blood bath because it all come to head...Ok like i said this is where we are with Crystal Sweet walking down the hall as she makes her way to the ring, knowing that she wants to have a little fun, to see what else she can see to get Hailee all pissy...

// Scene ii //

As Crystal Sweet is making her way down the hall, she is about to turn the corner once again, but stops when she sees on the tv haning ont he wall, Hailee getting interviewd, Crystal smirks as she stops, and starts to watch, listening to what Halee has to say, as she just laughs, listening act like some child, cussing, and calling names, she can't help be amused with this, She has never known someone to waste so much time just talking shit on somone one, showing no skill at all, just running her mouth, Crystal can't help but laugh...She then shakes her head, laughing some more, as she then turns around and goes walking down the hall, turning hte corner as she walks through the curtins..."Straight Out Of Linie!" By Godsmack hits, as Crystal Sweet walks out on stage, she throws her hands high, as she is bood by the crowd Crystal can't help but smirk not caring how they feel about her, as she then starts to make her way down the ramp heading to the ring.  Crystal then walks up the steel steps, walking up on the apron as she stands there a moment before crawling in the ring, still laughing a bit from what she just saw on the screen...She poses some more, as she climbs up on the turn buckle not caring that she is being bood loving the fact that she is pissing the crowd off...She then jumps down after a moment walks over and takes a mic, as she still has a smrik on her face, and then as soon as her music cuts she raises the mic up to her lips and then starts to speak...

{Crystal Sweet} Well Well, it would looks like time is drawing near, and pretty soon, You can say all the crap you want...You can diss me, call me a cunt...oh that really hurts my feelings...say I'm fake all you want, but when times comes to it, you're going to see just how real I am, when my fist connects with your face...I have to appauld you though, I mean I don't think I've ever seen a diva really act like she is still some teenager, I mean calling names, dissing, talking shit like that, wow I must really had it to you, getting in here with an IQ that low...bravo,  reallly I mean it...

Crystal smirks as she claps her hands a bit, as she then shakes her head as she looks up at the crowd not really saying anything right now just watching her as she then starts to pace around the ring...After a moment she brings the mic back up as she stops pacing and stands faceing the stage as she then goes on talking..

{Crystal Sweet} You see I didn't come out here to make fun of you, god knows that would be just to easy, and I don't have 8 hourse to stand out here in the ring, after all I do have a life, and do spend some time traning, and not just talking shit...but I thought I would come out and have some fun of my own... Now you did start saying some dumb ass bulldhit about Ryan Burgress...Now hunny don't you worry about him, I don't need him to fight my matches, you see I need him to satify me in my bed, and since i'm such a slut, I'm gonna come out and say oh baby he does one hell of a job...but to waste his time to get in the ring to attack you,,, is jut a wast of his talents, and I wouldn't want him to take my funa way, because once you're in that ring, and the bell rings, you're mine...I'm the only one who is going to be the shit out of you...then at the end...I'm going to give you my finisher and your NightMare...You see I'm gonna hit you with my spinning PIledriver, and you won't be getting up from that...

Crystal gets a sadistic look on her face as she thinks about it, thinks about hitting her with slams, hitting her with DDTS, super kicks, anything else that would come to mind, hell she would even hit her with her other finisher if she felt like it, but wouldnt pin her, oh no she would save it all for hte end, making her suffer though it, making her bleed, knowing that there is just so much damage to be done.She doesn't need Ryan to take care of a bitch like that, and Crystal will show her why when times comes, showing just how skilled she is in the ring, Crystal then thinks about Hailee's new little friend Angel as she laughs a gain before she brings up the mic...

.{Crystal Sweet} Hmm I also couldn't help but over hear as you talked with your new little play mate Angel, wanting to irp me aprart, well if you think you can just try it, hell if it makes you feel better bring her out with isn't going to change anything, and if she is dumb enough to get invovled she will be delt with as well, there is no turning back, and no way in hell that you will get away from me...You have ran your mouth, not its time to see if you can back any of that trash up, which I doubt...I'm tired of bitches like you who think you are evertyhing before you even get started here...I never once said i was ECW's queen and I never asked to be in the Women's title match against Trish Stratus...They put me in it, because they know who I am, and just what I can do...It was ECW who choose me to be the Women's Champions, and its Trish's fault that I suceeded...but its going to be my fault when I beat the living hell out of you, and keep my title, and show everyone I'm not the bitch to mess with...and weather or not I'm the Queen of ECW, well that is up to ECW, but there not going to find a meanier bitch when it comes in the ring...Anyone can talk shit, and act all big, but not everyone has what it takes to be a compeiteor when it comes to being in this ring...So run your mouth bitch...and then watch as I run it all and pin you  1 2 3...and if Angel gets invovled...She'll fine her self on the other side of my NighMare as well!!! Not that is something you can bank on!

Crystal laughs again as she tosses the mic away and stands in the middle of the ring with  a smirk on her face.  "Stright Out of Line!" by Godsmack hits and Crystal walks over and crawls out of the ring and then walks down on the steel steps, then making her way up the ramp, to the stage where she turns around and looks at the crowd, as she poses a bit listening to the smirk as she then shortly turns around walking off stage, making her way to Ryan Burgress to talk about her match up and a few other things before they have to go out to the ring once again later tonight to compete...

// Scene III //

As Crystal is walking down the hall after thinking about all that she has said in the ring, and thinking about all that Hailee has said herself she isn't really paying attention to all of those around here as she is really into this match up, and can't wait to get in the ring.  She doesn't hear as someone walks up to her...She is then grabbed on the shoulder, Crystal then jerks around to see just who it is, behind her and then smiles when she sees that its her sister in law...

{Crystal Sweet} Oh my god, Jessie, how the hell have you been, and what the hell are you doing here? 

Jessie Brown: Well I saw your ass out there in the ring, and I must say it didn't take you long to get that title, hmm how long do you think you're going to be keeping it...

{Crystal Sweet} If I have anything to say about it, which I know I do, I'm going to be holding on to it for a long time...I'm going up against some bitch who likes to talk a lot of shit, and call me names, I mean my feeling I hurt I don't think I"ll ever be the same again...

Jessie laughs a bit as she pushes Crystal who is faking a cry as she then smirles as she looks at Jessie who can't help but smile as well, then after a moent she starts to talk to her...

Jessie Brown: Yeah I heard what she had to say, and wow she has a lot of issues, I mean come on, if she thinks she can beat you so easily, hell thinking she could beat you is funny, now she has someone trying to back her up, Angel something or other...Well if they get dumb, you know I'll have your back...and I'm sure you have some more allies around here...

{Crystal Sweet} Wel I don''t think I have anything to worry about, I mean come on, she talked all this shit, and if she was to go into that ring, and have help she would be showing that she can't back up a damn things she has to say, even though when she loses tonight on her own its going to prove the same thing, but you never know with people like just keep and eye out and watch what is going on...I don't tust either one of them...and if she thinks that I'm only bringing Ryan down to help me out, she is dead wrong, I don't need him to kick her sorry ass all over that ring...

Jessie Brown: Yeah i know what you're saying, just becareful I don't trust either one of them,and I know that you're good, and all Crystal but I don't think you could take on the two of them if you were attacked from matter how good you are...

{Crystal Sweet} Yeah I know what you mean Jessie don't worry, I'll keep my eye out, looking just in case...but like I said I don't think anything is going to happen...and most liekly the match will be over with way before it starts...hey girl it was nice talking to you, but I have a lot to take care of right now, but we really need to get together and talk some, I've been dieing to know what you have been up too, and how my brother is doing, so take care and I'll catch you later...

Jessie Brown: Ok Crystal sounds good, see you later, and good luck with your match tonight, kick some ass gtrl...

Crystal nods her head as she hugs her sister in law then starts to head down the hallway making her way back to her locker room, as she has a lot to deal with...Not wanting to do anything to risk this match up, but not wanting to be doubled attack she is trying to think if she wants Ryan to come out or not, knowing that it would be in her best interst if he did, knowing that Hailee has a new friend...Crystal then walks to her locker room opening the door as she steps in and closes it behind  it behind her as she sees Ryan still sitting on the couch, as he looks up at her with a smirk on his face as he had seen all that she has said out in the ring...Crystal walks over and sits down next to him on the couch as she then relaxes a moment before she once again starts to talk about what is going on..

TBCB: Me Only when i get the chance...


©Ъαđ άррℓệ For Christina's purposes only touch and fucking die!

CrystalSweet Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #2
  • Rank:Diamond Member
  • Score:3116
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  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Re:Crystal Sweet (Trish Stratus) Role paly

Date Posted:12/15/2008 7:41 PMCopy HTML


  //Warning- This rp contains GRAPHIC & SEXUAL CONTENT that may be harmful to your eyes. If this stuff offends you in any way then STOP reading and go home you pussy. Now if you like this kind of stuff and you think you will be able to live with yourself tomorrow by all means read on and enjoy the show.

Image Hosted by
..Roleplay Title...RP 2
..OOC..The parts with ~ around the paragraph are from Hailee's rp and don't count in mine, just using them in mine so you won't be confused as to what i'm talking about..
..Managing/Dating..Ryan Burgress

Ok now here we are, just a few hours away, and Crystal seem sto be getting impartine as she wants this match up to start...She has been sititn gin her locker room for awhile now and can't just take it, as she once again leaves the locker room this time grabbing her gear as she heads back to the gym...She gets dressed and starts working out, knowing that she has a lot tention that she needs to relieave before she gets in the ring, knowing that if there is anything getting to her, or distracting her, Hailee will be damn sure to use it against her...Ryan hadn't said anything, knowing that this is just something she does, as he remember her from War Zone always working out at the gym before her matches to fix herself a bit...making her more focused and relaxed before she gets into the ring and starts kicking some ass...Crystal is seen doing some warm up streches first before she goes to work in the ring, and starts sparring with someone, as she takes them down time after time, as she has a smirk on her face...

{Crystal Sweet} Come on Joe, you're suppose to be giving me the work out here not the other way around...give me all you got, I can take it babvy...

Crystal laughs as Joe smirks a bit then goes at Crystal but she just uses his size against him, and flips him on his back, as she then sits on him laughing a bit as she looks at him, as he is still tring to catch his breath, not beleiving that he would or could even go up in the air like that as Crystal then jsut starts to laugh...

{Crystal Sweet} Don't worry Joe, I'lm done beating on you  for now...I'll let you go until tomorrow, same time same place, but this time be ready, I might not be as easy on you as I was today...

Crystal laughs as she then helps him up to his feet, the two of them then shake hands as she crawls out of the ring, going to her locker room once again, after changing her clothes and showering quickly...As she walks down the hallway heading to her locker room she is stoped by some interviewer who wants a moment of her time, Crystal sighs as she stops and looks at and waits for him to start talking...

// Scene IV //

As Crystal stands there in the middle of the hall way she leans back up against the wall a bit with her arms crossed as she waits for him to say something to her, about wanting an intervie, but all he does for the longest time is stand there and stair at her as water still glisens her obody for her shower making her clothes a little titgher showing off her really nice curvers as he swallows hard looking her up and down....Crystal then sighs as she starts to talk...

{Crystal Sweet} Are you going to say something, or am I just going to leave, I dont' have all damn day you know, i have other damn things to do so get on with it...

The man then jumps shocked for a moment, not realizing that he was staring like he was for the amount of time as he then brings the mic up to his lips and starts to talk, knowing that he had wanted to question her about her match up tonight, and happy that she didn't just brush him away, so he steps up to her with his mic up and starts to talk...

[Interiewer] Well Crystal Sweet, its an honor to meet and talk with you the ECW's first Women's Champion...but what I came here for was an interview, and to know what your'e thoughts are on your women's title match tonight...You had made the challenge a few night ago, challening any diva in the back for a title shot, and one did answer you, a Hailee Mathews accepted the challenge, and has been on you ever since, she has had a lot of harsh things to say, you seem to act like you don't care, but honestly what are you're thoughts about her and about this match up?

Crystal Sweet looks at him a moment and lthinks about what he has said, as she tries to figure out how she wants to word all of this, knowing that what she says is going ot be improtait...So after a long moment Crystal then takes the mic as she then starts to talk, as he takes a step back so the cameras could get a good look at her as she starts to talk to him...and to everyone that may be listening..

{Crystal Sweet} Well the way I see it all, is yes I did make the open challenge, and I don't regret it one bit...I have no problem in facing anyone, not even one as childish as Hailee Mathews.  She had come out to me, wanting the title shot that I was offerieng, already talking trash, and after I accepted she hasn't stopped yet, throwing insult after insult out at me, like it was nothing, but soon she is going to see just what I'm all about, and I don't care what anyone has to say about it...

As Crystal lowers the mic as she thinks about some things, the interview takes the mic back for a moment as he has some more that he wants to ask her, knowing that he had wanted to know a lot, and still wants to know more as he looks at her as she has a confident smirk on her face and doesn't seem to be stressing over this match at all, then after a moment he faces the camera as he goes on asking his next question...

[Interview] Well Crystal we all know that you are more than ready for this match up, but what we want to know is how you feeling, are you worried at all that you might now walk out as the Champion, I mean there has to be a little stress there, not knowing what might happen, I know that you two have never faced off in the ring before, but its still has to be concerning, knowing that she has had so much aggression in all that she has said?

Crystal lets out a bit of a sigh as she thinks about all that he has said, After a moment he hands her the mic when he sees that she is ready to answer the question as the camera focuses on her and then waits to hear what she has to say as she raised the mic up and then starts to talk once again...

{Crystal Sweet } I know there is always the chance that I might lose, but I don't go downt o the ring thinking that I"ve already lost, if I say I lose before I get going then whats the point, I should just hand her the title and say the hell with it, no, I know my abilty, and I am going ot go and do what I can, and I feel that I'mg oing to be just fine, but yeah the stress is alwayst here, and in the back of my head there is the little worry of me not leaving as the Women's Champion, but I don't let that control me...As soon as I hit that ring, I'm thinking I'm going to win, and that is all to it, you can't go to the ring thinking you have alrady lost, or else you will as soon as you hit the ring...

.The Interview looks at her nodding his head as he understands what she is saying, not thinkging an answer like that would come from her, but liked what she had to say as he took the mic back, as Crystal was not standing up straight no longer leanging up against the wall as she wondered if he has any more questions for her...The man then brings up the mic and starts to talk once again as Crysal listens and wonders what he has to say this time...

[Interview} Now that we know how you feel, about going out there, but earlier Haillee Mathews had a lot to say about her match up and had a lot of dissing towards you, harsh words sounds better and it would even seem like she has a new allie, what are your thoughts there???

{Crystal Sweet } I think anyone who would spend most of there time, trashing someone , cutting someone down just to get to them, really doesn't know what this sport is all about, I mean come on, she started attacking me, like she was some teenager, acting as if her words would hurt me, well she can say all the trash she wants call me a slut a cunt all she wants, but when it comes down to it, it won't help her one damn bit in the ring...All it does is provoke so let her keep it up, let her be stupid, its her own damn fault...and as far as her new friend Angel...well damn good for her...I don't care who she has as friend or not, but if her new friend decides to get dumb, and come in my face, she learn the hard way, that its just not the thing to do...I didn't come all this way to play games, no I came here to win matches and bet he Women's Champion, and I may have won the title sooner that I thought, but I'm not about to give it up, and its just as easy as that...So when this match comes down, Ryan will be ringside with me...but he will not be getting invovled in my title match...I don't nheed him to do that, and if I did then I wouldn't want to be the Women's Champion...

Crystal then looks at the interview as he holds his hand out to take the mic, and after a moment Crystal hands it over feeling that she had answered that question well, as the interviewer seemed to be pleased with the asnser as weel, and after a moment he then brings the mic back up to his lips as he wants to say something more, knowing that Crystal probably starting to get annoyed as she knows her match is just a few hours away and she is wasting her time htere, but on the other hand, it is a way to past the time away, and still stay focused on the match, so after a moment he starts to talk, as he ask...

[Interviewer]  Well Crystal that is a good way to look at it, I mean Angel seems to have her dilikes against you too, but the way Hailee seems to be acting is as if she hates you, do you two have any history or something, I mean where did the hatred come from?

{crystal Sweet} To be honest I don't know, I don't know her at all, and I just think iit makes her feel big to be talking shit on me, because she doesn't know how to do anything else...but she is going to find out that it won't help her one bit in the ring, like i've arleady said, but if it makes her feel better let her talk all the shit she wants, because its going to make me feel better when I beat the living hell out of her tonight in the ring...Well this has been nice but I really must be going, Ryan is waiting for me, and I need to talk aobut a couple of things with him, so thanhs for the interview, but i really have to be going now...

The man nods as she hands him back the mic and then takes her leave as she walks down the hall way, as she heads to her locker room not wanting to stand there talking to him all day, as she just wants to get this match going, but figures she can relax a bit, with ryan before she goes out to the ring.. As she walks down the hall and starts to head to her locker room Extreame Championship Wrestling breaks for a commeracil break....

// Scene V //

When Extreame Championship Wrestling finally comes back on the air, it shows that crysal still hasn't gone to her locker room as she is getting a bottle of water from the machine, as she then turns around and starts to walk again as she turns the corner she sees Ryan walking her way, she smiles when she sees him, and stands there as he walks up to her, grabbing her and kissing her on the lips as he then looks down at her with a smirk on his face after and then starts to talk...

[Ryan Burgress] Yeah I know I said I would wait for you to come back fromt he gym, but I just coulnd't wait any longer and wanted to see you...but I see that you werent in the gym so I came searching for you...Did you have fun baby?

Crystal looks at him grinning as she nods her head and then the two of them then start to walk down the hall, heading to here locker room where they could be alone for a bit, but as they do walk, Crystal starts to talk, telling him a bit what has been going on...

{Crystal Sweet} Well I would have been back sooner but when I left the gym, I was stopped by one of the interviews, who wanted a moment of my time, so I did that, and hell that was actully fun, then I hit the water machine to get a drink cause I was thirsy as hell, and now I'm on my way to my locker room to have some quick sex with some hot guy...

Ryan looks down at her as Crysal lauhs a moment as she then winks at him, as he then starts to laugh himself, he opens the door for her as she walks in, he then walks in as he closes the door...

(Off Air)

Crystal takes another drink of her water before she tosses the water bottle out, then goes ove as Ryan is sitting on the couch, she stands infront of him then goes and sits on his lap as she kisses him deeplyon on the lips as he returns the kiss, putting his hands on her hips at the same time...Crystal then breaks the kiss as she looks at him, with a grin on her face before she starts to talk once again...

{Crystal Sweet} Baby I can't wait until this match starts and is over with, I know I can beat her, and I know  what i plan to do later to celbreate the win...haha, but I just want to beat her to shut her damn mouth up, I have never heard someone talk so much shit about someone they don't know, I mean i know she is excited about getting a title shot, but damn what ever happened to respect amoungst athelets, and people same that I'm bad, but hell at least I know what respect is...but after I get in the ring, I won't be showing her any damn respect and I for damn sure won't be showing her any mercy, I'm going to show her just how a real champions of Extream wrestling does things...and that means Ryan I don't want you to get involved at all, I dont' need your help to win, and she is going to see that, I"m not about to cheat to win a match, agaisnt her or against anyone...

[Ryan Burgress] Crystal I have. no intentions of getting invovled, I'm only going to watch from ringside as you kick her ass alll over the ring...I already know you can kick her ass, and odn't need any help to do it...but that doesn't mean I would stand by if her new little friend was to get invovled...I'm not going to let you get beat down by two womaen its just not going to happen, so you're going ot have to deal with that...

{Crystal Sweet} That I don't have a problem with love if she is dumb enough to come in and help Hailee hten she deserves to get her ass kicked its as simple as that, nothing to it, you do what you want there, and I won't care...but if hte match stays one on one, then I' want it to say that way, because i know for damn sure she can't beat me one on one, and I"m going to prove it...

[Ryan Burgress} Deal baby...but right now we don't have to worry about cheap shots, or anything like that, lets say we do something to pass a couple of hours away before we have to go out to the ring, after all I want to make sure you get enough of a work out before you go out to the ring...

{crystal Sweet} Oh baby...I think I love that idea, then when I get out there, Hailee Mathews won't know what hit her, after I get out there, and then pin her one two three!

Crystal Sweet then laughs as she is holdned titgher and brought up against him, as he pulls her down and kisses her as she returns the kiss, rubbing her hands on his chest as he brings his hand up her chest as the two of them starts to laugh and giggle a bit as they get into wat they are doing, not thinking about anything else at the moment just each other and what they are doing...

TBCB: No One, Thread is done!


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