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  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Date Posted:04/27/2009 6:52 PMCopy HTML


//Warning- This rp contains GRAPHIC & SEXUALCONTENT that may be harmful to your eyes. If this stuff offends you in any way then STOP reading and go home you pussy. Now if you like this kind of stuff and you think you will be able to live with yourself tomorrow by all means read on and enjoy the show.

crys.jpg picture by foxy1350
-My Thoughts- here

||Crystal Sweet|-Sweet as Candy but Still the Baddest Bitch there Is!-

Yeah so tonight is Anarchy, and as you can see Crystal isn't terrbily worried about her match up... Seeing as it is pretty much a handicapp match and that Chris Burden has burnt so many bridges and made so many enmies that he has no one he can rely on.  And the only woman dumb enough to help him, he doesn't trust nor does he want to be his partner.. Even better for Crystal and joker.. They can just fuck him up with out havign to feel bad, he did turn down help.... When Jasmine offered to team up with Chris, it wasn't hard to tell that Crystal was very pissed at her twin sister.. But she let it go, and let her do her own thing.. Who was she to stop it, she couldnt, she was helpless powerless to do anything about it.. but that has all changed.  Right now its all about 2 on one... and it was going to be fun... For tonight at least, then after that, Crystal would have to worry just on the Pay Per View.. Defending her World Championship and even teaming up with her sister... Something she was starting to think was a mistake.  Jasmine was so unlike the rest of them... She actully was nice and caring and well that did cause a lot of problems...  She could have made things a lot worse for Crystal in the long run, having to worry about even more than she already has... Rather thoughtless... but none the less it is done and over with.. Well lets get back to Anarachy... Tonight is the show.. Destiny better be pleased we can be sure that she will be getting her monies worth this time around... After all the whole world is going to be there just to watch Chris Burden get his ass kicked and eat his own words, that was all too it...


{Scene 1}

When IWF comes on the air you see Joker and Crystal walking into the iWF arena together.. Both of them talking and grinning as they knew what was to come later on tonight.. It was going to be a great night for them all...And she was more than excited about getting there..

||Crystal Sweet|| I'm not worried, baby.  I know that tonight is going ot be our night.. Our first time together in the ring... Its almost romantic..

She laughed teasing a bit as she looked at him as they went on walking down the hall as they were heading to the locker room area as they were thinking about it all.

||Crystal Sweet|| This handicap match, as it turns out to be, is going to be something great... I'll make sure to get Burden all ready for the Pay Per view..

She grinned as she looked at him.

||Crystal Sweet| I know baby, I know that you're going to be adding in that extra boot..

She laughed a bit as she was thinking about it... Finally for once not stressing anything that was going to come tonight, just letting it all happen..

[Joker] Like I said, its all gonna be fly... We have nothing to worry about.. Tonight the hell is all on Chris Burden... Lets see how the fuck runs his mouth after I put my boot in it..

They both laugh as they are making there way down the hall, both seemingly happy with the turn out of things to be tonight.. Knowing that Burden was forced to go into  this alone...

[Joker] I'm not even caring about anything else right now..

He said moving as he brought his arm up around her shoulder in a carefree gesture as the two of them went on walking as they were just foucused on each other and there converstation as Crystal looked at him nodding her head as she smirked a bit.

[Joker] After tonight, after we party when we embarress that jack ass, then I'll focus on the Pay Per View.. Maybe you should try to do the same..

Crystal laughed looking at him, as he shoulld know her a lot better than that... For her to actully not worry about something that was so close jsut wasn't her, but she was still more than able to have a good night.

||Crystal Sweet|| Don't worry, I'll be more than focused on just tonight... It works out wel for me, seeing as my challenge if that what you would call it tonight, is what I have to face at the upcoming pay per view. so I'm all ready and willing... and you know I'll party with you anytime baby..

She grinned as she was looking at him as she was thinking about it, as she couldn't wait to get into the ring as she was thinking about it...

©.caramel kisses. Made for Christina by Jen at DAF dont be stupid and steal... just come on by and request one instead of claiming it as your own...

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