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Date Posted:06/22/2011 1:46 AMCopy HTML

Crystal Sweet> Statistics...

Brie Bella


Real Name

Crystal Marie Sweet

Ring Name

Crystal Sweet


Brie Bella


5'4 / 109 lbs


Coweta County, Georgia


New York City, New York



Theme Song

Hands Up By TLC

Fighting Style

Adaptive, Crystal can adapt to who ever she is fighting, be it techincal, or right down busting some kneecaps,

Least Favorite Matches

The ones i lose

Favorite Matches

The ones I win


Basic Moves:

1] ...DDT
2] ...Piledriver
3] ...clothesline
4] ...moonsault
5] ...hurricrana
6] ...bull dog
7] ...atomic drop
8] ...Bitch Slap
9] ...Twist of Fate
10] ...powerbomb

Submission Moves:

[1] Figure Four Leg Lock
[2] Hellsgate
[3] Choke Holds
[4] Dragon Sleep
[5] Crippler Cross face

Trademark Moves:

1] ...RKO
2] ...Widows Peak
3] ...Handspring Elbow


Finisher #1: ...Nightmare
Description/youtube link: ...Candian Destoryer

Finisher #2: ...Sweet Kisss
Description/youtube link: ... Glam Slam

Finisher #3: ...Deadly Kiss
Description/youtube link: ...GoodNight Kiss


HWA Accomplishments:

None yet just got here


Crystal doesn't care to brag about what she has done in other places, those who know her and have heard of her, know just how good she is, and what she has done, but for now she is all about gaining and making a name for herself here in AE...


Born and raised in Coweta County Georgia, Crystal was raised on a farm, She has a extremly large family as she herself is a octuplet child, adoption was also big in this family, lucky for her, her mother and father were very wealthy, as there dairy farm made lots of money down in the South...she was just starting college when she was at a fair and discoverd by Chris and Jason Blade... When Chris and Crystal started dating, Chris noticd what real talents she had, when it came to being in the ring wrestling and how to get peoples attention, so now motivated Crystal worked hard training, and still finishing college, once done there she went making her way to GcWw where she started her career... After Chris and Crystal broke up and decided to go there own ways, Crystal worked even hard to get herself up, when she made her way to WWf, she ment and even married Rey Meystero for a time, but after a bit, they decided that it wasn't ment ot be there either as Crystal joined up with Dark Carnvial and ended her marriage to Rey... Once with DC she teamed up with Damia to get the Women's Tag Champions while at the same time was crowned Women's Champion... After this, she proved her self to Dark and Joker as she became a full member... When Joker and Misca went there seperate ways, Crystal and Joker hooked up a bit in FWAR... but it was short lived when Misha made her return, and Joker still hung up went back to her.. When things came to IWF, Joker was once again reunited with Crystal as the two hooked up again and are now still together... and working on there relationship still which seems to get better as the two are IWF's Terror General Manager.

After Crystal took a bit of a break from wrestling she hooked up with the man who had treated her more than anyone else in her wrestling career Bryan Madison.. The two hit off, and stayed together.. Even after Crystal made her way back to wrestling, working herself in more than one circit for a bit, before she choose to make her way here to ARW.. To see what she could doo..

Well now here we are in the present time and date... Crystal has finally been accepted into one of the higher up federations... Starting out new and fresh and on her own, Crystal makes her way into the Domain, as she hopes to make something of herself in this new and talented place...She took her time, did a bit in BUD, even making a run for a short time as Tag Champion with Gypsy, but the place just wasn't meant for her as she went on her way...

Taking a short break and some time off.. While helping her sister run FWAR, Crystal took on the chairty work trying to help a young owner in TBW, or True Blood Wrestling... She gave advice but was ignored and as soon as the two had a fight and Crystal left, TBW closed its doors for good...

Now once again Crystal feels the urge to compete and see what else is out there for her, and here she gets a call from an old friend, Drew Stevenson and is offered a job and a contract working there... Trying the place out, she is looking for a fresh new start.. Lets see how AE handles the arrival of the Baddest Bitch! Finally after a few matches, and earning her place, Crystal is the first diva in Anarachy Wrestling to hold the Women's World Championship...

Yet here we are at another chapter in this divas life.. Unable to settle in one place, Crystal moves on to HWA, hoping to find that flare that seems to have left her behind.. .Lets see what she can capture here.


Lights go out, as "hands Up" By TLC blares... Then after a few moments as pyros blast off, Crystal Sweet walks out on the stage... She smirks standing there as she raises her hands up, and then makes her way walking down the ramp way heading to the ring, she reaches on the botton rope pulling herself up, as she jumps landing on her feet, she grins a bit bending over, before she crawls in the ring.. She then poses a bit more as she waits for the match up to start...

Extra Info...


No One

Tag Team Partner

Jasmine Sweet


The Sweet Treats





The_Sweet_Treats Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1
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Re:Crystal Sweet

Date Posted:08/05/2011 3:29 AMCopy HTML

Brie Bella


The Person.
Name:Crystal Marie Sweet
Height/Weight: 5'4 / 109lbs
Marital Status:  Single
Hometown: New York City, New York
Out-Of-Ring Appearance:   Jeans, jean skirts, sweaters blouses, dresses sometimes
Accomplishments: Crystal isn't one to brag about what she has done in other places, but what she does in the places she is in...

The Wrestler.
Ring Name:Crystal Sweet
Picbase: Brie Bella
Billed from: New York City, New York
Theme Music: Hands Up By TLC
Alignment: Heel
Psychology: Crystal is a mean cold hearted bitch at times... She doesn't trust many, and isn't really good to trust... She'll do anything to win, and has no problem with using her sister to help her, even if it means trading in and out from time to time during a match up...
Valet/Manager/Stable: The Sweet Treats

Weapon of Choice: Not really into weapons
Style:  Adaptive
In-Ring Appearance: slacks and a tight tank, diffent colors and styles though... Always matching what her twin is wearing..
Taunts/Quotes:  "The Baddest Bitch"


1- Low Blow
2- Bitch Slap
3- DDT
4- Hurricrana
5- Chick Kick
6- Super Kick
7- Various punches to the face and chest area
8- Figure Four Leg Lock
9- Twist of Fat
10- Atomic Drop
11- Moonsault
12- Bullddog
13- Various Sleeper Holds
14- Clothesline
15- Headbutt

Trademark Moves.
1- Handspring Elbow
2- Widows Peak
3- Crippler Cross Face

Finisher #1: ...Nightmare
Description/youtube link: ...Candian Destoryer

Finisher #2: ...Sweet Kisss
Description/youtube link: ... Glam Slam

Finisher #3: ...Deadly Kiss
Description/youtube link: ...GoodNight Kiss


The Handler.
Name: Christina
Contact Information:
Birthday: 11.11.83

© 2000-2011 Bare Bones Wrestling. All rights reserved.

CrystalSweet Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #2
  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Re:Crystal Sweet

Date Posted:08/24/2011 1:31 AMCopy HTML

Brie Bella

The Person.
Name:Crystal Marie Sweet
Height/Weight: 5'6 / 125lbs
Marital Status: Single
Hometown: New York City, New York
Out-Of-Ring Appearance: Jeans, jean skirts, sweaters blouses, dresses sometimes
Accomplishments: Crystal isn't one to brag about what she has done in other places, but what she does in the places she is in...

The Wrestler.
Ring Name:Crystal Sweet
Picbase: Brie Bella
Billed from: New York City, New York
Theme Music: Hands Up By TLC
Alignment: Heel
Psychology: Crystal is a mean cold hearted bitch at times... She doesn't trust many, and isn't really good to trust... She'll do anything to win, and has no problem with using her sister to help her, even if it means trading in and out from time to time during a match up...
Valet/Manager/Stable: The Sweet Treats

Weapon of Choice: Not really into weapons
Style: Adaptive
In-Ring Appearance: slacks and a tight tank, diffent colors and styles though... Always matching what her twin is wearing..
Taunts/Quotes: "The Baddest Bitch"


1- Low Blow
2- Bitch Slap
3- DDT
4- Hurricrana
5- Chick Kick
6- Super Kick
7- Various punches to the face and chest area
8- Figure Four Leg Lock
9- Twist of Fat
10- Atomic Drop
11- Moonsault
12- Bullddog
13- Various Sleeper Holds
14- Clothesline
15- Headbutt

Trademark Moves.
1- Handspring Elbow
2- Widows Peak
3- Crippler Cross Face

Finisher #1: ...Nightmare
Description/youtube link: ...Candian Destoryer

Finisher #2: ...Sweet Kisss
Description/youtube link: ... Glam Slam

Finisher #3: ...Deadly Kiss
Description/youtube link: ...GoodNight Kiss

The Handler.
Name: Christina
Contact Information:
Birthday: 11.11.83

© 2000-2011 Bare Bones Wrestling. All rights reserved.

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