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  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Date Posted:08/11/2009 1:23 AMCopy HTML

Crystaltop-1.gif picture by foxy1350

Title:La la la come play with me
OOC:Yeah needed a third one up lol thanks meanie
TBCB: Maybe me...

I'm so pretty, i'm so fly... I'm not a white guy.. Haha.. I love messing with songs... Its not the only thing I mess with. Tick tock, time is so close, all is coming to an end... You have to wonder just how things are going to go?  yeah I can be cocky, I can be arrogant.. You all know that already, and you all have seen why I can be this way.  I love what I do, and I do what I love... I am after all the FWAR Women's Champion, and it isn't just because I look so damn good.

||Crystal Sweet|| Aww come on baby... You know it isn't like that..

I say as i'm looking at Joker.. He sits there as he seems me, says I have a glow about me... Am I cheating on him.. Hell no of course not.. You know that I'm not like that... What makes me glow, what makes me beam, thats simple, its knowing that I"ll be in the ring.

{Joker} You look like you're just enjoying yourself too much.. And hell baby, I'm not even out there to fuck up them bitches with you.

I smirk looking at him a bit as I move over closer to him, my hips swaying as i"m dancing a bit.. Rather enjoying this, as I see him look at me... Watching me... I have been behaving myself, I havn't jumped or raped him yet. knowing all that he is going thru, but we both know that the time is coming... Soon...Oh oh so soon..

||Crystal Sweet|| Don't worry baby, you'll be having your fun soon enough... You have nothing to worry about there.. 

He then moves grabbing me, as he moves me on his lap as he holds my hips, holding me in place, as I smile looking at him, I lean against him a bit, but still being careful with him..

||Crystal Sweet|| I know that look, love.  Don't worry, I'm ready for Thunder... I know what I"m doing here.  You just have to trust me..

Yes those are famous last words... "Trust Me"... but Joker knows when it comes to me... I always end up doing pretty well... He looks at me, and doesn't say anything, as he just pulls me closer, as I softly put my lips to his, kissing him tenderly.

||Crystal Sweet|| Don't worry baby, its going to be a good night for us all... you just wait and see, sexy..

I grin as I look at him, as I can't wait for things to get started... I look up at the clock and see thats its nearly time... Just a couple hours to go... I look around seeing my wrestling gear in the corner as I then kissing him again..

||Crystal Sweet|| I need to shower and get ready love, I'll be out in a bit, need to make sure that I"m dressed for this very wonderful planned entertaining night.

I grin getting up a I look at him, then walk over kicking my heels off, putting them in the corner as I then grab my fear and walk into the bathroom looking at him.. I dont' ask him to join, I know that, its not a good time, and my mind is set more on what will be coming in a couple of hours and that is where it will be until after.


Ok now I"m all nice and clean, I'm so silky smooth as I emerge from the bathroom, after showering and cleaning up.  My hair is up in a pony tail.  All that is left for me to do is put on my boots.. Tonight i'm not wearing my tight pants like I sually do, no tonight, i'm in tight black booty shorts, that really hug my ass.  I have black stocking on, to cover my legs a bit, as they are black, I then walk over to the couch, as I pull my socks and boots over to me..

||Crystal Sweet|| Ah, I feel so much better now.

I look at Joker who is still sitting there looking at me, in my new wrestling attire, very sexy, not my usal as I smirk looking at him.

||Crystal Sweet|| You like this, do you baby?  I thought something new would be good for tonight... After all, its going to be a night to remember.

I smirk as I look at him, as I"m thinking about it.

{Joker} Damn baby, you look hot... You wearing those back to the hotel tonight?

I laugh a bit as I look at him shaking my head a bit, as I then just put on my socks, and then slip into my boots as I lace them up. looking at him..

||Crystal Sweet|| Oh baby, I got something else for the hotel.. When ever we get ready an all.. Don't you worry none about that..

I smirk looking at him as I was thinking about it... I'm not sure how tonight was going to go, if I would be able to even do anything... I'm sure that Thunder would really put it to me, and probably really make my body sore, and rather painful.

||Crystal Sweet|| Thunder has no idea just what he is in for.

I say as I move over to him, once again taking my place on his lap as his hands were on my thigh rubbing a bit, at the new outfit as he was looking it over, as I was thinking about everything I had to do tonight... As I was rather excited... I always did get this way just before I got into the ring..

{Joker} Don't sweat it baby, everyone knows what to do.. you have nothing to worry about...

||Crystal Sweet|| Yeah I know, I'm not worried.. I'm just liking how well things are finally starting to come together... I was starting to think, that things were going to go souch for me really fast. so this is a nice , and very welcome change.

Ah yes it was.. spent a couple weeks thinking, that the world was coming to an end, only to be right here where I am now... Smiling again, feeling rather content, and sure of myself once again... I know that I have this, and that I can handle this.. Its all just a matter of time.


Now is the time.. here we all go... Come lets party, hear the music going... I do, oh I can hear it... The fans are screaming, as they are getting there seats.. The line that was mile long earlier is nearly gone... Oh how nice,, They are all rushing to get there seats before they miss a thing... Then again who wants to miss a bieat.. Oh I know I don't for sure.

Unlucky man carrying the snacks:  Cotten candy, popcorn, candy!  Cotten Candy, Popcorn, candy, Get your Cotten Candy, popcorn and Candy..

The man yells over and over, trying to sale what he has.. 

The fucking Beer man!:  Beer, get your beer.. If you want it, we brew it.. Come on boys, whats your flavor to savor, get one, before the show stats.. 

Ah yes you have to love these men trying to sale what they got, why so they can start again?  Oh no, its so they can be done and to watch the show, they dont' want to miss it either...They  know its going to be one hell of a show tonight.. If you move to the front of the arena, you see some fans there..

Fan #1: Dude fucking come on, flirt with her on your own time.. I want to see the hot bitches fighting it.. they may pop a top, we could see some boob action!

Fan # 2 L Dude whats wrong with you, your girlfriend is right there..

He points to the lucky fan number 3 as she doesn't look happy at all as she just slaps him across the face, taking her ticket from him .

Fan #3: You're an asshole Jason..

She says as she hands her ticket to the ticket lady and walks on in, with out them as  Fan number one rubs his cheek a bit, sighs and knows he isn't getting any tonight as he gets pouty and hands his ticket and goes in, trying to suck up to his lady...

{Here we are thinking in the mind of another, as she looks upon her sister)

Here we have the cameras moving around again, this time we are looking at the talent getting ready around the ring.. You see Lily Khaos and her man Psy making out in the hall, having a fucking good time.. Oh god, thats what they are doing... YOU TWO KNOCK IT OFF!  This is family tv here.. Someone come in and stop this.. haha ya right,  like that is going to happen, lets leave them alone, they are obvisoly doing some intense training to get Lily ready for her match up against  Chris Jericho.  Okay here we go, now we see Crystal out in the hall, she has her leg up on a table as she is doing some streches...

{Voice} Do you really think that is going to do you any good.. I mean strech all you want..

Crystal hears the familar voice.  She stops a bit as she turns to see her own sister Hope Sweet standing there... It was a bit strange but Crystal looked up at her sister as she smirked a bit, as she was looking at him.

||Crystal Sweet|| What did they send you here to warn me, or to try to intimdate me?

Hope Sweet looks at her sister and shakes her head to both, as she was quiet a moment then looked down, then looked back up at her.

{Hope Sweet} No actully I was sent here to kick your ass, and stop you from going out... but you know me better than that.. I dont' do that attack shit, I'm not anyones dog, or earrand girl.. You want to face Thunder, go for it..

Hope sees Crystal smirk a bit, as Hope knows that look very well.

{Hope Sweet} Ah I see, you have it planned don't you..

Hope laughs seeing her sister nod, as Hope just shakes her head, and pushes herself off the wall, as she starts to walk off.

{Hope Sweet} Have fun sis, I'll be watching.

Hope laughed a bit walking down the hall, as she knew that it was going to be an interesting night, and she was going to be sure to watch and see.

||Crystal Sweet|| Oh you can be sure that I'll have fun tonight..

Crystal laughed herself as she went back to what she was doing, putting her leg back up on the table. As she was working out , working on loosing herself up a bit before she went out to the ring.

~(Back into the lovely mind of Ms. Crystal Sweet)~

Oh this is good, my own sister is going to be watching the match. Should i feel pleased to know that I caught the interested of Hope Sweet... Most would, but I take that, as my sibling wanting to see if I still have it, and her curiosty getting to her, as she wants to see just what I have planned... 

||Crystal Sweet|| Oh everyone is just wanting to know, wanting to see what I have planned for tonight... Oh Thunder are you waiting and wondering.. 

Hmm well if Hope was sent here to attack me, that must mean that Thunder is nervous, maybe he doesnt' want this match...  Now I know the man isn't afraid of me... Hmm I know he isn't the caring type, he doesn't care a thing about hurting, or beating on women.. So just what is on his mind.. What is he worried about. .

||Crystal Sweet|| Oh I know.. He isn't liking the idea of having to face me, knowing that I have plans.. Maybe he heard about my friend that i have here to back me up, that I have here waiting, and ready for all he may have planned..

Tonight is my night, it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks about it, only what I want to do.. I have been quiet and held back long enough, time for that is now done, I will no longer stand back.. No more will I let you lower smucks tell me what to do.. I am after all the Women's Champion.. and its time the world sees why I"m the  most Dominate Bitch in FWAR!

I look up at the clock.. Tick Tock...I love this time.. I can picture Thunder right now... He is looking up , sitting in his seat in the locker room... He keeps looking up... By now he must know that Hope hadn't one the job he was hoping she would do... Or maybe he already knew that, and was counting on this... Maybe he was wanting this distraction a bit... Hard telling with him... The only emotions he lets out, is his Anger... He doesn't handle that well.. Hes like the man who has probably been to anger mangement about twenty times.  And most likely has like twenty of those pillows you have to hug to deal with anger...

Do you like your pillows?  Did you name them all?  Dress them up like little girls and boys... Are they your children, or your sex toys.. haha.. See that is something that is very hard to tell... Thunder could be a strange man, He looks to be the type to have disgusting little secrets... Hmm what skeletons could he have in his closet?  Ohh...thats something to do at another time..

Right we are looking up at the clock now.. we are getting off track.. To a creepy side.. We really don't want to go there now do we?  After a bit of streching, i'm done and bored with that, as i stand up straight again looking around.. I then start to walk off heading down the hall way.. I look around seeing other there getting ready for there matches.. Aww isn't that sweet... Jericho looks amped and ready to go, lets hope he didn't see Lily going at it.. Might make him feel strange.. Oh look there is Mad Mick, having a couple of cold ones before he goes into the ring. He hasn't changed at all... Lets go a bit more shall we. 

Who is that creepy guy.. Oh yeah thats Alec, he looks like he i just coming form a bad dracula movie or something... Hope Ryan doesn't need his blood... Should be interesting... Lets not even stop there, I know that its nearly time for the show to start.. Sad thing is... I'm in the main event... Yeah better pay, but fuck.. takes so long just to get that far... Oh wow you can hear the music going... Yeah baby, show time..

||Crystal Sweet|| About damn time. was sttarting to think, it was never going to start.. Only a matter of time.  This is going to be a great damn night.

Ah yes.. I can hear the fans, they are yelling and screaming, some of them are trying to start a chant, but it doesn't carry over good.. Not that it matters, things will be just fine.. I'm sure when the times come. we'll here some wonderful chants... Wonder who the bitch is tonight.. haha!  Probably me.. Ah well..

Stage Crew: Three mintues till the first match up.. Lets get ready people..

Oh yes he feels so big and important.. The first challengers for the match up get ready and are soon going out to do there match up... One match up down.. and the others are getting ready for there. some are just talking, others are doing a last minute work out, others are off alone, watching the show.. I.. well i'm watching everyone else... Creepy huh.. I'm waiting.. I know she'll be here. Who you ask?  Well I'm not telling you, you're going to just have to wait and see.  Wait and see.. The fun is just starting... Oh, wow, hehe.... Lets get ready to play!  


Crystalbott.gif picture by foxy1350

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