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  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Date Posted:04/14/2020 8:04 PMCopy HTML


TITLE: Cooking with Plague- we make the best mother fucking cookies!!
: Choke on these bitch....Got milk
OOC: This just came to me...

  Well Plague didn't have the best of nights on Neophyte.  Most are thinking they are sulking and are licking their wounds.  Which of course is furthest from the truth.  The group has never been one to 
feel sorry for itself.  This was the same now as they were getting ready to move on to the next step, just happened to be Mayhem.  For the most part they were feeling ready to get it on once again.  AS they knew what they were up against, and they didn't give a fuck who they hurt.   

||Pandora||- What the fuck are you doing?

The words came out as she she was standing in a kitchen.  Things have been pretty quiet all over
because of the virus.  Leave it to dealer to be able to keep himself busy as he was all set up and 
ready to get cooking.

||Pandora||-  You do know you can't cook right?

She said shaking her head a bit as he had an apron on, that said fuck the cook, a black chef hat ,that was way to big... He looked all happy and pleased with himself though.  He then lifted up the box.

{Deranged}- It's boxed mac and cheese , bitches.

She shook her head as he was really doing this... He was doing a web show for making box mac and

||Pandora||- Well at least it's something you shouldn't be able to mess up.

She said as she slid into a seat near where he was prepping.  She just laughed a bit as he handed her a beer.  She popped it open and then sat back drinking and watching him do his shit.  

{Death Dealer}- That's right, you just set back and watch him fuck this up.

Pandora laughed as she leaned back, putting her feet up on the table leaning back.  This was how it was now?  Was this the new normal?  Couldn't fuck with people the old fashion way because the arena is closed.... So we're going to made web videos on how to not cook shit... 

||Pandora||- This is why you can barely move, you know this right?  Eating that nasty crap... 

She leaned over grabbing the box as he had just dumped into some boiling water.  She knew that 
Wolf would be bitching up a storm if he saw how he was doing things at the moment... Just fucking
around now... This is not how one puts fear into the soul of anyone... Unless he burns the shit out of it, then maybe that would be enough to make people sick... 

||Pandora||- You do know I'm not trying that right.

She was now leaning froward as he was just dumping stuff into it... Not following the directions on 
the box at all.... Leave it to Dealer to do his own thing.  Probably fuck it up more than it already 
was on it's one... Nasty as shit...

{Death Dealer}- He's going to feed this to other guys... So they won't make it, and will be shitting 
their life away in stead.

Pandora laughed shaking her head as she was thinking about it. 

||Pandora||- Well fuck, that is one way to win a match... Poison there fucking ass's instead of 
beating the fuck out of them...  Seems like a less fun way to do things, though, don't you think?

She said as it was only a joke, but hell, it isn't like they wouldn't try it if they had the chance.  
Which with how things were, they didn't have that kind of chance.  Mayhem wasn't all that far off, 
so of course it was on the mind of Pandora.  Plague was always out to fuck up anyone's high hopes... She knew how these assholes all worked.  They all for some reasons or another had there panties in a twist over shit Plague did.  Which was funny as hell when you think about it.  They all want to see the downfall of the most dominate group of degenerates to be in the same place at one time.

{Deranged}- Fuck yeah... Give a whole no meaning to shitting your pants when they get in the ring
against us.

Eww, didn't need that thought in her head.  Pandora just shook her head a bit, then rolled her eyes

{Death Dealer}- You're such a dumb fuck.

Pandora couldn't argue with that... Hell the man argued enough with himself, so it was just better 
to let him have at it.   It was what it was really.  It was about another few minutes of adding shit to the pot that he had started... It smelled like shit for sure.

||Pandora||- Yeah, I think you shouldn't be let near a stove....  Really how does one fuck up box 
Mac and cheese anyways?  I mean for fuck sakes.

She said laughing a bit as she leaned looking at it... It was all red and nasty, from all the crap he
added to it.

||Pandora||- You should see if Wolf will eat it... 

She said laughing as she was thinking about it.  It was time for them all to meet up anyways.  His 
face lit up when she said that... Oh boy, he was going to try it.  He nodded as he took it off the
burner to cool off a bit.

||Pandora||- Him and Elisabeth should be here any time now anyways... Need to hash out shit for 

She said as she was sure he knew this already, but he either didn't care, or wasn't listening... Or all 
the above really... She was sitting there watching him dress up the dish a bit, putting it on a fancy 
paper plate...  Wanting to serve it to Wolf Heathen.  Pandora had to chuckle her amusement, as 
one could only guess how this was going to all turn out...  

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