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  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Date Posted:09/26/2020 3:46 PMCopy HTML

OUT OF CHARACTER -  Welp this took a bit longer than what I wanted, haha, 

One could spend a lot of time deep in thought.. Trying to figure out the inner meaning to things... Why things are working out the way they are... To find a deeper meaning to it all.  Ciara is not one of those types.  She isn't one to look for a deeper meaning, or to over think things.  As she just takes it all as it comes.  She doesn't bury her emotions, as she has been pretty open to how she was feeling, and has never had a problem to be vocal when she didn't like something.  She has never had any issue of telling it like it is right on the spot.  So your typical sit down interview my just seem to be a bit out of place... More likely it would be boring... So of course this isn't going to be your typical sit down with Ciara.  

As the scene opens up the camera pans in at a decent looking bar.  It is empty for the most part.  Which is not a big surprise with how things have been, and well it is early in afternoon really...  In the back at a boot you see seated J.T Marshall and Ciara Fierce.  In the hands of J.T you could see he was holding some cards.  Ciara took a drink from her glass as they were getting ready to do this thing.

||Ciara Fierce||- Lets get this done and over with... And more beer.

She said shaking her head a bit as she wax thinking about it..J.T did laugh a bit as he was amused some at this.. Knowing this was something different for the Champion... Then again he did like to keep her on her toes.

{J.T. Marshall}-  Alright then... 

He said amused as he went reading the first card... With the first question in his hand, he then started to read it.

{J.T. Marshall}- If given the chance, would you ever have a match back home?

Back home of course meant Ireland.  Well that was an easy question.  She smiled as she nodded her head.

||Ciara Fierce||- Sure enough I would.   I would fight anywhere... That has never been a question.  I'd be happy to fight back home, I'm very proud of where I came from.

She said thinking about it.  Feeling that was easy enough , wondering if the questions would stay that way.

{J.T. Marshall}- That is a nice little warm up.  Let's see what we have next.

Ciara nods her head as she is thinking about it.  Taking another sip of her beer as he went reading the next question.

{J.T. Marshall}- If you could have a match against anyone, who would it be?

Well that was kind of an open question.  She didn't know if it was meant for current or past , she put a bit of thought into it as she was thinking about it. 

||Ciara Fierce||- Hmm, so a kind of dream match, I'm guessing the question is... Because the way I see it, at some point I'll probably be facing everyone on the active TXW roster at the some point.

She said seeing as how she was pretty much always competing, so she felt it was just a matter of time.  Though she started to think about someone who wasn't around, or wasn't in the ring as she wasn't really all that sure.

||Ciara Fierce||- Well really, I don't have like a wish list or anything... I'm rather kind of just driven by what I have going on right now.   Who I have in front of me.  Though I guess if I had to pick someone... I would like to face Crystal Sweet.  I've always been a fan of her career, and feel like she would give a match I would never forget.

She said as she was thinking about all she had done in her career, feeling like facing Crystal would be a fun match really.  

{J.T. Marshall}- Interesting... Nice choice... 

He said after a moment as he could see that being a good match.  Though she was more on the thoughts of the match up before her come Dark Oasis.  That was where her mind really was at the moment.  Not matches that could be... She was just thinking of the one that would be... Her match against Mike Malice... She knew that would be hell for her..

||J.T Marshall||-  Ready for the next?

He asked after he had taken a drink himself this time... Ciara nodded her head as she was ready... 

{J.T Marshall}- did you ever see your career getting as far as it has?  Do you have any regrets?  Anything that you would have done differently?

Well now that was a bit of a deeper question... Did Ciara have any regrets?  What would she had done differently?  She was thinking about it a bit. 

||Ciara Fierce||- Well honestly the first time through , I was a cocky little shit... I saw myself as being great before I even had my boots laced up.  Boy did reality ever hit me fast and hard.

She said laughing a bit as she was remembering how she had crashed and burned her first time through.  How she had such high thoughts of herself... Thinking the world was hers... 

||Ciara Fierce||- Which most know, almost ended my career.  I had burnt out before the fire was even hot... I did end up leaving for some time.  Reflecting and figuring out what I needed to do to be where I felt I belonged.

She paused as her last words made her look to J.T.  As she did remember how they met.  How angry and upset she had been feeling like the company had done her wrong.  It had taken a little work, and some trust building. 

||Ciara Fierce||- I was lucky enough on my second run to have meant you... You made sure to keep my head high but not up in the clouds.  Teaching me what I lacked the first time through, and giving the patience of a saint on some days. 

She said laughing a bit as she was thinking about it.

||Ciara Fierce||- So I guess the answers to the questions are , I have no regrets because I've been able to do more than I have hoped I'd been able too.  As far as doing things differently, well I got the chance to do that.... I got my second chance, and took off with it, and made it to the great places I am at today.

She smiled thinking about it as she did wrap her fingers around the glass as she was feeling good about where she was and what she had done.  Knowing that the journey she had been on, she didn't go through it alone, and knowing that she wasn't the main driving force behind her success.  Maybe back in her early days that would of bothered her, but not know... As she felt like it was how it was suppose to be... Things always felt better knowing that you're not on your won really.

{J.T Marshall}- Last question.  

He said as she nodded and smiled.

{J.T Marshall}- What are your thoughts on Mike and Tara Malice?

She laughed a bit at that one as she had figured that would come up.  Seeing as she was facing Malice on Dark Oasis.  She was actually looking forward to it... As it was a new and fresh challenge.  She wasn't stupid enough to not know what she was in for... Already aware it wasn't going to be one on one, but two on one as Tara was always there to back up her big brother.

||Ciara Fierce||- Well this is a match that is a big thing... Not because it's the main event... Champion Vs. Champion..  We both are wanting to show off as we look to the future... As he has Jacob ahead of him, and of course the Cult seems to like taking turns at me.

She shrugged a bit as she was thinking about it.

||Ciara Fierce||- So we each have an extra push going into it... I fully expect a dirty fight... After all it's just what they are about... I don't expect anything less.... My guard is up before it even starts.  Just as I'm sure they are planning and plotting.. Unless they kind of wing it and go with the flow... I mean I'm not really sure how they work things out... I just know they are good at working together, and being a pain in the ass..

She said laughing a bit as she knew that it was going to be hell... Which could make for a good night, a bad night... But it was going to be a hell of a fight for sure... She smiled as she was thinking about it as that ended the question a bit... So now it was just time to enjoy the drinking...

{J.T. Marshall}- See, not so bad... Took it easy on you for the first time around.

He said as he picked up his mug taking a big drink. Ciara raises her brow looking at him as she had a bad feeling about this.. Did this mean this may happen again?  Could it become a regular thing?  She wasn't sure how she felt about that.

||Ciara Fierce||- Joy.. 

She said shaking her head laughing a bit, but taking another drink. 

TBCB: JT if wanted or End.

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