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  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Date Posted:02/20/2017 5:07 PMCopy HTML

Picture Base: Becky Lynch
Name: Ciara
Name: Name used when in the ring
"Lil Red"
Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY):  2/19/1998
Residing From: Where do they live?
: 5'5
Weight: 111 lbs
Theme Music: What music do they walk out to?
In Ring Attire: What they wear in the ring
Favorite Match Type: Being new , she likes the fair matches,
Crowd Status: Neither at the moment.
Gimmick Explanation: What sums them up as a wrestler.

Wrestling Style: As of right now she is mixed, until she finds what she is really good at.
In Ring Tendencies: She is a fair player, not much of a cheater.
: Ciara is new to the wrestling world so it is hard for most to know what she is capable of.  So is often taken for granted.
No one is perfect, something they can't do well. For example Big Show would be a useless high flyer

Moveset: [minimum of 10]

Submissions: [maximum of 2]
Trademarks: [maximum of 3]
Finishers: [maximum of 2]

Entrance: Type out how they enter. DO NOT PUT 'Coming soon' or 'later' if you want on the roster. This is used on PPVS

Biography: What is your wrestlers life story?

Achievements: [list below]
All achievements in TXW or other feds

CrystalSweet Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1
  • Rank:Diamond Member
  • Score:3116
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  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Re:Ciara Fierce

Date Posted:02/20/2017 5:25 PMCopy HTML

Picture Base: Becky Lynch
Name: Ciara Keating
Name: Ciara Fierce
"Lil Red"
Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY):  2/19/1998
Residing From: Limerick, Ireland
: 5'5
Weight: 111 lbs
Theme Music: "Devils Dance Floor" By Flogging Molly
In Ring Attire: A huge fan of SteamPunk, she dressed out in different outfits that go with her hobby
Favorite Match Type: Being new , she likes the fair matches,
Crowd Status: Neither at the moment.
Gimmick Explanation: She is a bit on the hyper side, loves to have fun.  She is obsessed with SteamPunk, and even in her free time is seen at events that she can go to and dress up...

Wrestling Style: As of right now she is mixed, until she finds what she is really good at.
In Ring Tendencies: She is a fair player, not much of a cheater.
: Ciara is new to the wrestling world so it is hard for most to know what she is capable of.  So is often taken for granted.
No one is perfect, something they can't do well. For example Big Show would be a useless high flyer

-Back Kick
-Inverted DDT
-Front Missile Dropkick
-Japanese arm drag
-Pumphandle side slam
-Pumphandle suplex
-Super Kick
-Sidewalk slam
-Handspring Elbow

-Figure Four Leg Lock
-Four-Leg Clover (
Reverse figure-four leg lock)
-Leg Lariat
-Corner Springboard Side Kick
-Springboard leg drop, sometimes while performing a double jump
-Tweak-Da-Arm (Seated Fujiwara armbar)
-Fire Cracker (Exploder Suplex)

Entrance: Cutting to the beats, "Devils Dance Floor" By flogging Molly blares.  Ciara comes jumping out on the stage, as she looks around.  Getting a decent reaction from the crowd as they look at the fiery red head.  She then runs down the ramp way , in a blaze of excitement.  Running around high fiving the front row fans before she runs and dives under the ropes into the ring. 

Biography: Ciara is a small girl from semi active city in Ireland.  Come over to Canada to make a name for herself.  Wanting to do what many young people seem to want to do now a days.  Ciara is making her break into the wrestling world, being a long time fan.  Feeling this was the right time for her, so of course she took the chance, and is ready to raise some hell.

Achievements: [list below]
All achievements in TXW or other feds

CrystalSweet Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #2
  • Rank:Diamond Member
  • Score:3116
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  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Re:Ciara Fierce

Date Posted:02/20/2017 6:03 PMCopy HTML

Female Statistics...

%_ Name : Ciara Keating
%_Ring Name: Ciara Fierce
%_Face : Becky Lynch
%_Height/Weight: 5'5 / 111lbs
%_Hometown: Limerick, Ireland
%_Alignment  Neutral
%_Theme "Devils Dance Floor" By Flogging Molly
//x.Commonly Used Moves. [Atleast five]
-Back Kick
-Inverted DDT
-Front Missile Dropkick
-Japanese arm drag
-Pumphandle side slam
-Pumphandle suplex
-Super Kick
-Sidewalk slam
-Handspring Elbow

//x.Trademarks. [No more then three]
-Leg Lariat
-Corner Springboard Side Kick
-Springboard leg drop, sometimes while performing a double jump

//x.Finishers. [No more then Two]
-Figure Four Leg Lock
-Four-Leg Clover (Reverse figure-four leg lock

//x.Finishers. [No more then Two]
-Tweak-Da-Arm (Seated Fujiwara armbar)
-Fire Cracker (Exploder Suplex)
-Ciara is a small girl from semi active city in Ireland.  Come over to Canada to make a name for herself.  Wanting to do what many young people seem to want to do now a days.  Ciara is making her break into the wrestling world, being a long time fan.  Feeling this was the right time for her, so of course she took the chance, and is ready to raise some hell.

-Cutting to the beats, "Devils Dance Floor" By flogging Molly blares.  Ciara comes jumping out on the stage, as she looks around.  Getting a decent reaction from the crowd as they look at the fiery red head.  She then runs down the ramp way , in a blaze of excitement.  Running around high fiving the front row fans before she runs and dives under the ropes into the ring...

None right yet, new girl has a lot to do before she can lay claim to anything.
SucideKisses Made for Fusion Wrestling Alliance's and TBW"Suse only

SpoiledKitty Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #3
  • Rank:none
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  • From:USA
  • Register:04/24/2010 6:36 PM

Re:Ciara Fierce

Date Posted:07/12/2017 11:41 AMCopy HTML


Character Information

Real Name: Ciara Keating
Ring Name: Ciara Fierce
Face Used: Becky Lynch
Hometown: Limerick, Ireland
Height/Weight: 5'5 / 111lbs
How do they dress in/out of the ring: Like Becky Lynch

Professional Information

Ring Name: Ciara Fierce
Nicknames: Lil Red 
Gimmick explanation:  Ciara is an ass kicking party girl.  She fights hard and parties even harder.  
Favorite Match: Any where her pals are on the up side of things.
Strength: Is bold with a never die attitude as she gives her all in every match.
Weakness: Being new to the business she often jumps blindly into things before really taking the time to think things through..
Theme Song: "Devils Dance Floor" By Flogging Molly
Alignment: Neutral
Tag/Stable: Kingdom
Twitter Handle: @LilRed


Moveset (at least 10 or more)
-Back Kick
-Inverted DDT
-Front Missile Dropkick
-Japanese arm drag
-Pumphandle side slam
-Pumphandle suplex
-Super Kick
-Sidewalk slam
-Handspring Elbow

-Figure Four Leg Lock
-Four-Leg Clover (Reverse figure-four leg lock

Signature Moves
-Leg Lariat
-Corner Springboard Side Kick
-Springboard leg drop, sometimes while performing a double jump


-Tweak-Da-Arm (Seated Fujiwara armbar)
-Fire Cracker (Exploder Suplex


UWR Accomplishments
-None, new

General Accomplishments
-A rather new character yet, still in the works, so haven't done much with her just yet.

BIOGRAPHY/Entrance Music

-I'm still kind of building her here, so when I get her more developed I'll add to this.

Entrance Music

-Cutting to the beats, "Devils Dance Floor" By flogging Molly blares.  Ciara comes jumping out on the stage, as she looks around.  Getting a decent reaction from the crowd as they look at the fiery red head.  She then runs down the ramp way , in a blaze of excitement.  Running around high fiving the front row fans before she runs and dives under the ropes into the ring. 

Disclaimer: This roster contract form has been made by Xtreme Designs, if you would like a contract form come to Total Xtreme Designs to have one customized for your fed.

CrystalSweet Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #4
  • Rank:Diamond Member
  • Score:3116
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  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Re:Ciara Fierce

Date Posted:05/08/2020 12:41 AMCopy HTML

• Picture Base: Becky Lynch
• Real Name:Ciara Keating
• Ring Name: Ciara Fierce
• Alias(es): "Lil Red"
• Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY): 02/19/1998
• Born: Limerick, Ireland
• Residing From:
Limerick, Ireland
• Height: 5'5
• Weight: 111lbs
• Theme Music: "Devils Dance Floor" By Flogging Molly
• In Ring Attire: She varies from a steampunk look, enjoys the leather, likes to look badass in whatever she is wearing.
• Favourite Match Type: She likes the violent matches, she wants to hurt a lot of people.
• Crowd Status: Heel
• Gimmick Explanation: She is mad, slightly angry.  Feels like she has been over looked and was pushed out.  She is back and is looking for vegance and it's on anyone who stands in her way.  She will not be pushed aside, and she will make sure that she will be noticed this time.

• Wrestling Style: Mixed until she finds what she is really good at.
• In Ring Tendencies:She will cheat, she will have violent outburst, will make a huge scene.  Will get involved in matches that doesn't involve her, just to get noticed.
• Strengths: Her attitude is a real confidence boost.
• Weaknesses: her temper, She is blinded by her own rage at times.

• Moveset: [minimum of 10]
-Back Kick
-Inverted DDT
-Front Missle Dropkick
-Japanese Arm Drag
-Pumphandle side slam
-pumphandle suplex
-sidewalk slam
-Handsprin Elbow
• Submission(s): [maximum of 2]
-Figure Four Leg Lock
-Four Leg Clover(Reverse Figure Four)
• Trademark(s): [maximum of 3]
-Leg Lariat
-Corner Springboard kick
-Springboard Leg Drop
• Finisher(s): [maximum of 2]
-Tweak Da-Arm(Seated Fujwara Armbar)
-Fire Cracker(Exploder Suplex)
-Also steals others finishers to humilate them

• Entrance: The lights go out as "Devils Dance Floor" By Flogging Molly hits.  When the lights flash back on, Ciara walks out on the stage.  She stands there looking around then stomps her way down the ramp to the ring.  Not posing, not taking any time with fans as she just makes her way to the ring. She grabs the ropes as she pulls herself up, then crawls in the ring, waiting to see who she was going to beat up today!.

• Biography: Ciara is a girl on a mission.  As she has yet to make a name for herself here.  She is a small town girl from Ireland, who has big dreams.  Even with the minor set back of leaving the company for a bit.  Ciara isn't letting it stop her as she is ready to try again. 

  Ciara had a great year, as she not only claimed the Global Championship but was able to hold onto it right til the end of 2019 and right into 2020.  Having one of the longest title reigns in TXW history.  Thanks to the help of her manager/boyfriend T.J Marshall, who has been a large part of her growth in the company.

• Achievements/Accomplishments: [list below]
TXW Global Champion
2019 Female of the Year
2019 Champion of the Year

CrystalSweet Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #5
  • Rank:Diamond Member
  • Score:3116
  • Posts:3116
  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Re:Ciara Fierce

Date Posted:05/25/2020 6:06 PMCopy HTML

Picture Base:  Becky Lynch
Real Name: Birth name your momma gave you
Ring Name: Ciara Fierce
Alias(es): Lil Red
Date of Birth: When were they born? Month/Day/Year
Born: Where were they born?
Residing From:
Where do they live now?
Height: How tall are they? in ft&in.
Weight: How Much do they weigh? In lbs
Theme Music: What music do they walk out to?
In Ring Attire: What are they wearing when the bell rings?
Favorite Match Type:  What do they prefer to compete in?
Crowd Status: Face/Neutral/Heel?
Gimmick: Not to be confused with how they act in the ring. Why are they super nice, or a total asshole?  Give some details about who your character is when he's in the spot light.  Is he a hot head?  Does whatever?  Likes to annoy?
Wrestling Style: Brawler, Technical, Submission?  How do they do what they do?
In Ring Tendencies: Team player?  Going it solo?  Do they cheat, or all about playing fair?
Strengths: What do they do the best? Strong? Fast? Veteran Experience?
Weaknesses: Of course no one is perfect, There is something that kind of hinders us from being the superman and wonder woman we all wish we were.... What is your characters weakness?  Do you have an old Injury? Have a temper issue? Not as skilled as you want to be?

Moveset: {At least 10}
- here
- here
- here
- here
- here
- here
- here
- here
- here
- here

Submission(s): {No more than 3)
- here
- here
- here

Trademark(s): {No more than 3}
- here
- here
- here
Finisher(s):{No more than 2}
- here
- here

Entrance: No putting "Coming Soon" Fill out fully... Do not leave blank, I will delete your stats!  Everything must be filled in....

Biography: What is your charries life story?  Where did they grow up, what kind of life did they have?  What brought them into the wrestling world?  Anything else you feel will be important for Character development...Again do not leave blank.

Title/or any other accomplishments, does not have to just be in FWAR alone, let us know all the great things you have done.  New?  That is fine too, just let us know!


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