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Date Posted:11/27/2020 12:48 AMCopy HTML

Show Info:  Carnage
General Manager:  Josh Nightingale
Theme Song:  "Welcome To War" By 7kingZ
Date: 11/26/20

Match 1
Lana Starr Vs. Foxy Roxy
Stipulation: Street Fight
Title on the line: Here
Summary: Just watched that kick ass show with my brother's girl, Imari Vale. Don't tell me how he got her but it happened. Anyway Lana pinned Foxy Roxy thanks to big Scotties big boot. Now how about they fight in let's say a street fight. What I can book serious matches too.

Match 2
Jezabel Jezzi Vs. Valissa Oreza
Stipulation: Gravy Bowl Special / Throw your opponent into the gravy without their clothes
Title on the line: None
Summary: Jessica my best friend I adore your pink fluffy err hair. Well my friend you get a match alight in a gravy bowl special. Lingerie is a must and you can make it as bright as you want or as revealing as you want. You rock it girl. Anyway you're fighting Valissa as she seems a toughie. Not sure if she will like this one though. 

Match 3
Hope Sweet Vs. Josh Nightingale Vs. Drew Stevenson
Stipulation: Triple Threat Badass Rules
Title on the line: Badass Title
Summary: So I made a challenge and wanted to fight Hope. But then I see this big bald powerhouse and instantly became a fan. Hey Drew, you're pretty alright pal. So yeah let's all fight Badass Rules style and see who truly is Badass champion.

Match 4
Aimee Daughtry Vs. Jayden
Stipulation: Best Of Both Worlds / Aimee can win by busting Jayden open / Jayden can win by removing Aimee's clothes
Title on the line: None
Summary: Misfits love FAB don't they? What they don't? Well okay then well this is just perfect as Aimee loves blood and Jayden loves to tell the world how perfect she is by body shaming, calling other ugly. But hey I love them both the way they are so here it is people. Best of both worlds

Match 5
Mike Malice Vs. Axel Gunner
Stipulation: Standard
Title on the line: None
Summary: So I hear this Malice guy is about and so is Gunner. Lets see them fight and maybe I'll invite them again for some Carnage.

Pre Main Event
Andrew Parker Vs. Matthew Taylor
Stipulation: What Are You Thankful For?
Title on the line: None
Summary: So these two men hate each other right? Seems like it so yeah let's see them fight. What are they thankful for? Well pick a weapon of your choosing and use it. Then win via pinfall / submission. It's not hard!

Main Event
Kai Lafao Vs. Gage Steele
Stipulation: Badass Rules
Title on the line: None
Summary: Hey I think these guys are pretty good. They are both at the upper tier of the shows so why not be there on my show? Lets see which one is more Badass than the other.

CrystalSweet Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1
  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Re:Carnage Results 11/26/2020

Date Posted:11/27/2020 12:51 AMCopy HTML

Show Info:  Carnage
General Manager:  Josh Nightingale
Theme Song:  "Welcome To War" By 7kingZ
Date: 11/26/20

Match 1
Lana Starr Vs. Foxy Roxy
Stipulation: Street Fight
Title on the line: Here
Winner: Keep reading. The open of my super show saw Lana Starr fight it out with Foxy Roxy. To show I had range and LOVE women's wrestling, they fought it out in a Street Fight. I was so into this match that my wife thought I might have a heart attack as I watched from my monitor backstage. I cheered, I jumped for joy and I turned my eyes away from the TV as Lana at one stage Irish whipped Foxy right against the barricade that left her in agony. I'd offer a back massage but I am sure Kai would've told me off for that one. The offer still stands as that was followed by back breakers from the mean Scotty (That's what they call themselves right?). 

They kept fighting and giving everything they had, including a very cool spot where Roxy hits a superplex on Lana for a near fall. The Scot LASS with a hot ass did get up but she walked into a spear , which of course Roxy's big bros like to use if you've never seen them. Again it was a near fall and I was had to shout out "What the fuck!?" But that was naive of me as Lana is tough and her name backwards is pretty much something everyone can give her a thumbs up for. 

So now you want the ending right? Well there were no boobs or asses out in the open. Instead Roxy locks in her very cool submission aka Bridging Cross face known as Rock Off, a very cool name and very cool looking. Have I said cool enough yet? Well she had it reversed into a pin attempt and she caught her for the 1 and the 2 and the 3. Yep Lana had caught out Foxy Roxy and won a second match in a row. 

Great win, great moment. I loved this opening. *** out of *****

Match 2
Jezabel Jezzi Vs. Valissa Oreza
Stipulation: Gravy Bowl Special / Throw your opponent into the gravy without their clothes
Title on the line: None
Winner: Keep reading darling as we have a special one here folks or whoever the hell is reading this beautiful summary. I might write a poem instead of telling you what happened here. Okay don't threaten me I'll tell you. My best friend Bubblegum faced this Russian broad who is very easy on the eye. 

Since it's Thanksgiving I thought why not make them fight it out near a bowl of gravy. You know how delicious turkey and gravy are so what's more delicious than that? Well the answer is two women fighting it out near it and trying to undress each other then throw each other in. They fought it at first like it's a normal match but soon the focus went onto the gravy bowl of course. Both ended up outside the ring and then started changing hits as they tried to knock each other closer to the gravy bowl. 

One of them does end up in the thing as Valissa throws Jezabel in and smiles about it since she covered her attire in gravy. But my sweet dear Valissa, that isn't how you win. I would've told her that if I was not backstage watching this go down. Jezabel crawls out all covered and is hit with a chick kick to leave her laying just outside the pool. 

My best friend shows off a lot here as she has her ring gear taken off, her sneakers taken off. Her bra comes off! She turned on her stomach after the topless display but then had her panties grabbed and I appreciated that she tore white ones with a turkey picture on it, how thankful of her. She then had her beautiful bum shown when Valissa pulled on them but she kicked at her and got the Russian in the shin to get free of the stripping. 

Sweet Jessica wasn't embarrassed as she fought topless and got back into the fight. Confidence was misplaced here which helps as Jez gets to hit the Punk aka Double Underhook DDT on her. 

Planting that beautiful face on the hard floor wasn't pleasant to watch and I am sure her boots getting taken off was enough to turn on some people. The rest was better as Jezabel pulled down those orange booty shorts and then took down the stockings to undress her lower half into it's only covered in a thong. That thong gets taken off too as we see a Russian bare ass and then her sports bra comes off too as the cameras show us a good back view. Next she goes for a pleasurable bath as in goes Valissa to give Jezabel the win. Denzel is quick to come out with a towel handing it to Valissa while my stunning wife Rachel is there to help out Jezabel who was too excited about winning to think about the towel.

Match 3
Hope Sweet Vs. Josh Nightingale Vs. Drew Stevenson
Stipulation: Triple Threat Badass Rules
Title on the line: Badass Title
Winner: No one cares do they? I MEAN not really as it's time to get to the next match. FINE it was a very cool badass rules clash which saw yours truly fight it out for the title I made with my own hands. My blood, my sweat and my very manly tears went into that thing. So I wanted to fight for it and I invited Hope Sweet who is champion then Drew Stevenson because that dome is so damn shiny. Well I shook his hand and after he nearly broke my hand, I soon ended up in heaven when I was hit with a clothesline. 

After that I was ready for a nap but of course naps aren't allowed in the wrestling ring, so I was woken up by Hope kicking me directly in the anus as I rolled over. Not so good. We fought it out after that and well I had to hit Drew about seventy times before he felt my hits. Okay it wasn't that bad but he did make me feel I was in some kind of Terminator sequel. At least he never asked me for my boots, my pants and my motorcycle. 

We all fought for a long time and of course Hope couldn't resist going out to grab some toys. She hit me with a chair then did the same to Drew but he shrugged it off like he was hit with a kitten. They ended up causing chaos and using all sorts of weapons to try to damage the other. 

Drew overpowered the busty blonde and then locked her in his finish, the Texas Cloverleaf aka Shokan and Hope looked finished. Of course she would never tap so this would end with a pass out. 

I however place my hands on my hip like superman, dived across the ring and knocked Drew off of her to prevent the match ending there. He ended up outside the ring and I was left with Hope. I asked so ever nicely for a kiss for making the save and her thanks was to smile, slap me across the face and then punch me in the dick. Very groovy! Hope then sat on my face as she tried to pin me and I was happy to stay there for at least the three. But hey I am a married man and I also had to win the match, so I kicked out and got her off of me. We fight some more and she kept hitting me hard, as I tried to protect my dick from her grasp. 

Drew returned and knocked Hope down then I decided to be an idiot by charging him like I was some Roman soldier. That led to him hitting me with a HT3: Heir To The Throne aka Arn Anderson's spinebuster and I couldn't kick out from that. My back said not too and I wanted to stay fresh for my wife later, not be one of those old men who need help to move up to the bedroom. I have standards to keep. 

Great win for Drew Stevenson who is now the Badass Champion. 

Match 4
Aimee Daughtry Vs. Jayden
Stipulation: Best Of Both Worlds / Aimee can win by busting Jayden open / Jayden can win by removing Aimee's clothes
Title on the line: None
Winner: So Turkey day is pretty fun isn't it. Well so far it is as we have had a lot of great matches and now we're having the Best of Both worlds match. Aimee wins if she busts open Jayden and Jayden of Fine Ass Bitches wins if she removes all of Aimee's attire, underwear included. Seems fair to me as both have a certain style and neither had an issue with this type of match. Aimee came out of the blocks on fire and angrily with multiple headbutts. She hits a hair toss shortly after and then mounts on top of her doing everything she can to bust her open. 

Jayden is hurting early which sucks to see that smile gone and it didn't come back as the next thing we see is a spear from Aimee. The party girl from England sure is angry. Good thing she's cute too. Aimee drags her up by the hair, attempting to rip hair out of her which would be sad. 

She headbutts her again and is doing everything to make her bleed. Maybe she is this angry because she's recently divorced but hey I am sure many guys would gladly take her off the market. She also seemed to have a big problem with that hashtag #MilkyWhiteBottom. 

I'll skip the next few minutes as it is all Aimee as she fails to cut open Jayden. She did her best and got her up for the GTS aka English Lights. My darling sister Becca then shows up as she marks her return to the company with an appearance here. 

That distracted Aimee enough for Jayden to get to her feet go behind Aimee then push her forward so her throat hits the top rope. She falls to the canvas holding her throat briefly then is dragged up by the hair, lifted up then hit with the Tombstone Piledriver. Looked painful honestly and Aimee kind of laid there likely hurting her neck from it. We get a whole scene on stage with the misfits and FAB which featured security. I honestly would've let them just fight but ah well we had a fight in the ring. 

I'd love to tell you it was a story where the badass goth chick overcome the so called bully but I would be a liar. Jayden proceeds to grab at the leather made top and broke it open at the back, pulls it over Aimee's head and got it off her while she is laying there. No it didn't expose her tits as she had a bra underneath but then the FAB babe went after Aimee's shorts. 

Off came the belt around them and that stirred Aimee a little. She turned on her belly as she felt Jayden grab at her shorts and attempted to use what little energy she had left to crawl to the ropes. Instead that just let the Perfect 10 hold onto her shorts with BOTH hands and she also had a grip on the thong underneath. How do I know this? Well I am recapping guys. Jayden yanks them down and that Milky white bottom is shown bare as Jayden left the clothing half way down her legs. 

She stood up booted Aimee across the back and then squats down to then open the bra strap which was followed by that bra being pulled away from her. The weaken Goth girl groans as she cups her breast spoiling those who wanted to see them fully. Jayden then wins by going over, grabbing the shorts and the thong again then pulling them down with the boots as we have a very undressed Aimee. Was about to get more added to it as Jayden mocks her then grabs her by the hair trying to make her stand up and show off. 

But Mike Malice ruins it by going out there with a towel which he wraps around her. The FAB babe did tell him he would regret which isn't what I would want to hear from a member of that group. They love me.

Match 5
Mike Malice Vs. Axel Gunner
Stipulation: Standard
Title on the line: None
Winner: Axel Gunner won this one. Yeah SPOILER! But it was a great match as Mike Malice made his debut here and uses his brawling ability to make this more of a fight than a wrestling match. They ended up fighting outside like our street fight earlier but this time they were at risk of being counted out. 

It almost ended that way into they heard the referee get to the count of NINE and of course Malice decided to throw Axel into the ring rather than win via countout. Was it a mistake? Maybe as Axel is no push over and he takes control, showcasing his wrestling moves. Malice thought he had it all figured out and is then knocked on his ass then hit with a moonsault from the top rope. NEAR FALL there as these two men looked to impress, looked to climb the ranks. 

Malice also had his hot sister with him who was buzzing around trying to make a nuisance of herself as her big bro made his debut here in the beautiful land of FWAR. After about twelve minutes we finally have this one all wrapped up as Axel hits a spinning spinebuster, gets Malice up and follows it up with a Full Nelson Russian Leg Sweep aka Full Cocked to grab a very good win. 

Tara looked pissed off but her bro seemed more accepting that this is the way it can go sometimes. Both great talents and I hope to book them again on the super show known as Carnage.

Pre Main Event
Andrew Parker Vs. Matthew Taylor
Stipulation: What Are You Thankful For?
Title on the line: None
Winner: What are you thankful for? Me not telling you the winner obviously? I am thankful for my beautiful wife Rachel and my daughter Hollywood. These two? Surely they are thankful for Jayden and Natasha as without them what are they even doing? 

Jokes aside this was a very good match between two great talents who are looking to be pushed up the ladder. First they had to pick a weapon each which Parker did when he went with a Baton while Taylor picked a kendo stick. Seemed the right choice as at one point it looked like a scene out of Star Wars. You can decide which one is Luke and which one is Darth Vader. Are those chars even the main ones you think about with Star Wars anymore? I am out of touch. The weapons are used and then we see some good old wrestling between the two. 

Taylor gets the better of Parker at one point and almost got the win. He then went up top for a Breathless top rope finish yet Parker got up his knees to cause a painful landing. 

From there he gets him up, hits his version of the Bitter End aka Hack The System and gets the win to continue his recent good form. Entertaining match that gets two thumbs up from me. Now back to my ice bath. 

Main Event
Kai Lafao Vs. Gage Steele
Stipulation: Badass Rules
Title on the line: None
Winner: No Contest due to Eddie McGinlay.
This had a bit of hype... As fans were looking forward to seeing just what these two men could do.  Too bad they wouldn't get to show off.  As Not long after the match started, Eddie McGinlay made himself known.   Not a man to be out shined he made his way right down the ramp to the ring.  Kai looked ready as he told Eddie to come on. He got in and then well he beat down Kai, catching him mostly off guard. The referee gets booted over and Gage is left to stand there while he watches the two men brawl. 

Eddie made sure this match never happened and he ruined my main event! Not that I would ever tell him that as he throws Kai across the ring like he is nothing and that guy is a very big guy. It also continues the frustrations from the would be challenger. 

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