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Date Posted:07/09/2023 1:01 AMCopy HTML

Show Info:  Carnage
General Manager:  Raven & Josh Nightingale
Theme Song:  "Welcome to War" By 7KingZ
Date: 07/25/23

Match 1
Amara Matthews W/Kitty Vs. Jayden W/Matthew Taylor
Stipulation:  Singles
Title on the line: None
Summary: Jayden is still feeling pretty upset with how Immortality went down.  Looking for a bit of payback, she takes on the newest misfit. 

Match 2
Aaron Batman Vs. Steve Sullivan W/Imari Vale
Stipulation: Here
Title on the line: Here
Summary: Aaron has been very vocal about his disgust and distain for Mr. Sullivan, to the point where he has called him out not just on twitter, but wanting to settle things in the ring.

Match 3
Diamond Jackson Vs. Tori Adams
Stipulation: Badass Rules
Title on the line: None
Summary: Tori hasn't had much action in a minute... She's very excited to be allowed out to play, even if it's against someone as boring as Diamond.  Who knows, if she pulls off a victory here, she may get a chance to take something else off Diamond later...

Match 4
Vincent Underwood W/ Blair Black Vs. Hope Sweet
Stipulation: Hardcore Match
Title on the line: None
Summary: Neither of them are Hardcore Champion, but they don't care in the least.  They just want to raise some hell, and have some fun.

Pre Main Event
The Summer Bikini Olympics 
Stipulation: All ladies invited to interact.
Title on the line: Special guest Judge Josh Nightingale
Summary: It's summer... It's hot... It's time for swim wear and reasons to watch these ladies run, jump and crawl in them!

Main Event
Damian Jacobs W/ Carmen Solis Vs. Nick Gallagher W/Angelique 
Stipulation: Badass Rules 
Title on the line: Badass Championship
Summary: For the first time in a couple years we will be crowning the office Carnage Badass Champion!  This chance is given to two well known talents that are looking to claim not just the gold, but the face of Carnage!

CrystalSweet Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1
  • Rank:Diamond Member
  • Score:3116
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  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Re:Carnage Card 07/25/23

Date Posted:07/24/2023 1:16 AMCopy HTML

Show Info:  Carnage
General Manager:  Raven & Josh Nightingale
Theme Song:  "Welcome to War" By 7KingZ
Date: 07/25/23

Match 1
Amara Matthews W/Kitty Vs. Jayden W/Matthew Taylor
Stipulation: Singles
Title on the line: None
Summary: Jayden is still feeling pretty upset with how Immortality went down.  Looking for a bit of payback, she takes on the newest misfit. 
Winner:  Jayden due to FAB getting involved, and Taylor putting his hands on Amara...
This match was quite the show at the start.  It turned into quite the mess pretty soon, as you saw FAB getting into it.  the ref allowing as he figured why not, then you saw misfits all rushing in.  It was a huge mess, it looked like Jayden was getting a bit out numbered as for the most part Taylor meant to stay out of it, but he did go in and pull one of the girls off of Jayden, he went to toss her aside, but ended up accidently elbowing her, knocking her out of the ring.  This caused Gage to come running down as he first checked on Amara, then went confronting Taylor.  The two men had heated words, as it would be Gage who pushed Taylor... A couple more refs ran down to break the men up, as Jayden took this distraction as her chance to roll up Amara and get the pin and win before anyone even realized what was going on...

Match 2
Aaron Batman Vs. Steve Sullivan W/Imari Vale
Stipulation: Here
Title on the line: Here
Summary: Aaron has been very vocal about his disgust and distain for Mr. Sullivan, to the point where he has called him out not just on twitter, but wanting to settle things in the ring.
Winner:  No contest.. 

The guys just couldn't seem to get one up on each other, as they ended up getting a double count out, after all the fighting, and going back and forth.  The world still isn't sure who the better wrestler is out of the two of them... Maybe it was just to get the two of them noticed, or maybe they were just working to get a contract so they would have a secure job?  

Match 3
Diamond Jackson Vs. Tori Adams
Stipulation: Badass Rules
Title on the line: None
Summary: Tori hasn't had much action in a minute... She's very excited to be allowed out to play, even if it's against someone as boring as Diamond.  Who knows, if she pulls off a victory here, she may get a chance to take something else off Diamond later...
Winner:  Tori Adams
Diamond was already feeling the results from helping out in the first match, where as Tori was fully rested and eager to go.  This may not have been smart for Diamond as Tori may not act like it, but she is a vet in the ring, and used Diamond's own pace against her.  Wearing her down even more... It took a bit but after a lot of back and forth it would be Tori who would get Diamond down for a 5 count... Not just getting the win, but putting Tori in the contender-ship path for the Bloody Vixen's Championship.

Match 4
Vincent Underwood W/ Blair Black Vs. Hope Sweet
Stipulation: Hardcore Match
Title on the line: None
Summary: Neither of them are Hardcore Champion, but they don't care in the least.  They just want to raise some hell, and have some fun.
Winner:  No Contest
Well it would seem like Vincent was too excited to wait to get to the ring.  As he was at Hope's office as she was just walking about.  She ducked just in time as he had a barb wire bat that he tried to knock her the hell out with.  She grinned looking at him as she then went for a spear, sending him towards the wall.  He grabbed her though, lifting her up and dropping her down... Hope put a boot up, kicking him in the face as he ended up on the ground not to far from her... The two of them laughing as they laid there a moment... Hope then sat up, as she waited for him to do the same.  Ref and staff in the back trying to force them to get out to the ring, as they were really destroying the backstage area.
After they pushed everyone out of the way, and continued on having their fight backstage.  Which lasted about another five minutes before you saw Raven coming out with some security as she knew that she would have to put a stop to this, as it had gotten out of hand.  She looked at the guys waiting to be told what to do... As she was told to separate them as Raven was letting them know the match was over and they did great but they didn't have things set up for this... 
Hope and Vincent looked at each other, then the guards that were coming at them... Grinning and both nodding as they started to beat up on the security, until they were running away and Hope and Vincent were chasing them.  As they ran towards the exit, Vincent said something about getting drunk, and then both were gone.

Pre Main Event
The Summer Bikini Olympics 
Stipulation: All ladies invited to interact.
Title on the line: Special guest Judge Josh Nightingale
Summary: It's summer... It's hot... It's time for swim wear and reasons to watch these ladies run, jump and crawl in them!
First contest: A pillow fight
Second Contest: Jello Fight
Third Contest: A race from the Jello pool to the ring in their bikini

Winners: First place: Lily Khaos
Second Place: Everleigh Parker
Third Place:  Shawn Blade
Lily wins the pillow fight, after realizing Shawn Blade was involved.  The other ladies in the match worked hard to keep him down and out... As they spent most of the time beating him with the pillows.. Lily was able to get the head up on the pillow fight, and was moving on to the next round.. It would be Everleigh, Tori Adams, and Shawn moving to the Jello fight... Which honestly Shawn was having to much fun in. He actually was able to pin Tori, as it then left the race.
The race actually saw another one enter as Spencer came out in a spotted bikini, and Shawn was standing there in his red skull bikini, and Lily, and Everliegh were just shaking their heads, but laughing.  The race was off, the girls were trying to trip the men up who were not use to running in heels, nor where they use to the wedgie from the bikini bottom... The race ended with Lily in first place, and Ever in second, while Shawn fell into third place, while Spencer tried to trip him up, but ended up tripping himself up.

Main Event
Damian Jacobs W/ Carmen Solis Vs. Nick Gallagher W/Angelique 
Stipulation: Badass Rules 
Title on the line: Badass Championship
Summary: For the first time in a couple years we will be crowning the office Carnage Badass Champion!  This chance is given to two well known talents that are looking to claim not just the gold, but the face of Carnage!
Winner:  Damian Jacobs
The wrestling world was seeing the return of the Badass championship.  It was a big match up as both men in this were pretty excited.  Damian had his girl Carmen in his corner, while Angelique was cheering on Nick.   Both men were reminded that they needed to get a 5 count in order to win.  They were both not bothered, feeling it just meant that they would be able to inflict more pain... 
Nick tried to start things off, going right for Damian who had his back turned a moment.  A mistake he wouldn't make again, as he defended himself against the attacks, not able to really fight back, or go on the offensive right away.  Nick looked to try to make quick work of this as he was wanting to get a taste of championship gold here in FWAR... Carmen was yelling to Damian, trying to cheer him on and get him some energy.  
Finally Damian did start to get the upper hand, as he was able to reverse a move, and then hit with a side walk slam.  He lifted Nick up, as he then went for a DDT... The crowd was chanting and cheering seeing how great the match up was between these two.  Angelique tried to get involved, but ended up just being tossed out of the match, and sent to the backstage area.  Nick was pissed as he was yelling at the ref, which left him with his back turned and distracted now.   Damian of course taking full advantage as Carmen slipped him some brass knuckles when the ref wasn't looking... Carmen went over to the other side as she was yelling getting the ref's attention for a moment, as Damian then hit him on the side of the head, knocking him out... Carmen moved out of the way, as the ref looked, getting down as he started the count... Damian winning the match and the Badass Championship.

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