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  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Date Posted:10/19/2020 12:30 AMCopy HTML

Show Info:  Carnage
General Manager:  Josh Nightingale
Theme Song:  "Welcome To War" By 7kingZ
Date: 10/18/20

Match 1
SVD Vs. Matthew Taylor
Stipulation: Badass Rules
Title on the line: None
Summary: Josh knows these two very well and rates them both highly. So why not start the night in a great way as these two square off to see which one will rank higher on Josh's 'Badass List'. 

Match 2
Ronan Morgensen Vs. Jezabel Jezzi
Stipulation: Bed Brawl
Title on the line: None
Summary: Josh calls on his pal Jezabel to compete as she takes on Ronan Morgensen

Match 3
Stipulation: Battle Royal
Title on the line: Badass Championship
Summary: Josh has brought the Badass title with him and he has a battle royal to determine who gets the title first.

Match 4
Jasmine Sweet Vs. Gabriel Hunter
Stipulation: Standard
Title on the line: Here
Summary: With Drew lurking Jasmine gets to fight it out with her 'friend' Gabriel Hunter in an interesting battle.

Match 5
Kevin Khaos & Gage Steele Vs. Arnica Blane & Amari Rose
Stipulation: Tag Team Match / Winners fight for FWAR Tag Team Titles
Title on the line: None
Summary: Two tough teams fight it out with the winners getting a tag team title shot.

Pre Main Event
Eddie McGinlay w/ Lana Starr Vs Kai Lafao
Stipulation: Standard / If Kai gets a win then he gets future title shot
Title on the line: None
Summary: The FWAR Champion ended the career of his cousin Daniel Khaos by winning the title. Now he'll battle a fellow big man in Kai Lafao. Can the new champ win on the very first Carnage?

Main Event
FAB Vs. Misfits
Stipulation: 3 versus 3 / Evening Gown High Stakes Elimination
Title on the line: None
Summary: These two factions are not friendly. The Misfits battle FAB in a 3 vs 3 match as Josh books his favourite girls. The catch? They fight in a Evening Gown High Stakes Elimination match where ONE member of the team has to risk all by wearing just their evening gown. Who braves it? More importantly who wins it?

CrystalSweet Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1
  • Rank:Diamond Member
  • Score:3116
  • Posts:3116
  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM


Date Posted:10/19/2020 12:30 AMCopy HTML

Show Info:  Carnage
General Manager:  Josh Nightingale
Theme Song:  "Welcome To War" By 7kingZ
Date: 10/18/20

Match 1
SVD Vs. Matthew Taylor
Stipulation: Badass Rules
Title on the line: None
Summary: Josh knows these two very well and rates them both highly. So why not start the night in a great way as these two square off to see which one will rank higher on Josh's 'Badass List'. 

Match 2
Ronan Morgensen Vs. Jezabel Jezzi
Stipulation: Bed Brawl
Title on the line: None
Summary: Josh calls on his pal Jezabel to compete as she takes on Ronan Morgensen

Match 3
Stipulation: Battle Royal
Title on the line: Badass Championship
Summary: Josh has brought the Badass title with him and he has a battle royal to determine who gets the title first.

Match 4
Jasmine Sweet Vs. Gabriel Hunter
Stipulation: Standard
Title on the line: Here
Summary: With Drew lurking Jasmine gets to fight it out with her 'friend' Gabriel Hunter in an interesting battle.
Winner: Jasmine Sweet
What many thought would be the end of the alliance of Jasmine Sweet and Gabriel Hunter, soon shown to be seen anything but that... As it turned out to be a mini training session if anything.  If you could even call it that as the sparring didn't last long as you saw the chuckle and then the grin on the face of Gabriel as he was just picking up Jasmine, lifting her up above his head... Then putting her down on her feet.  Not even trying to do any harm to her, or win the match.  As it was soon clear that Gabriel wasn't taking this serious at all.  Neither really was Jasmine as you can see her just grinning a bit, putting on a bit of a show.  A bit of tossing each other into the ropes, both ducking horribly set up clotheslines.  The fans that were in the arena were booing as they had hoped for a real match, not some mock of a show...
Spending most of the time just messing around, as Jasmine didn't even seem to mind it, as she even played into it as much as they both felt like putting this on.  The match ended with Gabriel laying down as Jasmine was just sitting on him... The ref was counting the three just as Jasmine leaned down and planted a kiss on his lips.
After it was over she laughs getting up as she raises her hands up, showing herself as the victor... Feeling good as she gets ready to move onto Halloween Hell... Though as you can be sure that she will have a tougher fight ahead of her when she goes up against Drew Stevenson...

Match 5
Kevin Khaos & Gage Steele Vs. Arnica Blane & Amari Rose
Stipulation: Tag Team Match / Winners fight for FWAR Tag Team Titles
Title on the line: None
Summary: Two tough teams fight it out with the winners getting a tag team title shot.
Winner: Kevin Khaos & Gage Steele
A much better showing as you see Kevin and Amari starting the match out as the two are fighting back and forth... Khaos being smart enough to not take her size and gender for granted... With all his battles with his sister... He is able to keep control through most of the match, with a few near falls... Before Arnica tags in Amari, who is fresh and ready to go... Amari whips Khaos into the corner and then hits with a clothesline... Picking up and going for a DDT, that he is able to get out of , and hit a back breaker... As she is recovering, Khaos goes and tags in his tag partner.  Gage comes in and looks to go on the attack... Getting a nice kick to the face from Amari as she is able to get herself up, and back to her feet... Gage isn't too bothered as he is able to go back on the attack... 
The ladies getting more of a challenge than they were expecting as they were pushed to their limits tonight.  Amari ever the fighter though keeps on going while Arnica is still recovering in their corner.  Gage is still able to get the upper hand as he is able to hit his finisher Ragin Cajun... He then goes for the pin, as Arnica goes to break it, but is stopped by Khaos, as the ref hits the three... 
Giving a very shocking victory to the challengers Kevin Khaos and Gage Steele.  As the two men move on to Halloween Hell to face the Champions with gold on the line.

Pre Main Event
Eddie McGinlay w/ Lana Starr Vs Kai Lafao W/Foxy Roxy
Stipulation: Standard / If Kai gets a win then he gets future title shot
Title on the line: None
Summary: The FWAR Champion ended the career of his cousin Daniel Khaos by winning the title. Now he'll battle a fellow big man in Kai Lafao. Can the new champ win on the very first Carnage?
Winner:  Kai Lafao
Eddie was coming into this match already thinking it was over... Not even knowing who Kai Lafao was... Not caring to know either.  Planning on leaving this match the way he came in, standing tall.  Though he soon found himself into more of a match than what he counted on... Already not fully focused on this match, was the start of the down fall for the champion. 

Eddie not one to really fight fair to begin with , came at Kai with some nasty head butts, , rake to the eyes... Trying to put and end to this early on.  Kai had fight in him though and was able to kick out...  Both men are back up to their feet , as they are punching it out... It was actually a surprise move by Kai, his Afega Attack( Choke slam) that he actually dished out twice in a row that was cause of a shocking defeat on Eddie McGinlay... Kai didn't get much of a chance to celebrate though as Eddie attacked him from behind, with his Championship title.  Knocking the big man down and out...
The look on Eddie's face made it very clear as this wasn't the end of this... Eddie wouldn't let things go this way as he made it very clear that they would be seeing each other again really soon.. 

Main Event
FAB Vs. Misfits
Stipulation: 3 versus 3 / Evening Gown High Stakes Elimination
Title on the line: None
Summary: These two factions are not friendly. The Misfits battle FAB in a 3 vs 3 match as Josh books his favorite girls. The catch? They fight in a Evening Gown High Stakes Elimination match where ONE member of the team has to risk all by wearing just their evening gown. Who braves it? More importantly who wins it?

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