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  • Rank:Diamond Member
  • Score:3116
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  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Date Posted:03/05/2017 4:06 PMCopy HTML

Female Statistics...

audreybitoni3-001.jpg picture by foxy1350

%_ Name : Carli Mari Sweet
%_Ring Name: Carli Sweet
%_Face : Audrey Bitioni
%_Height/Weight: 5'7 / 119lbs
%_Hometown:  New Orleans, Louisiana
%_Alignment Heel
%_Theme "Here" By Here
//x.Commonly Used Moves. [Atleast five]

//x.Trademarks. [No more then three]

[No more then Two]
- Here
-Carli has a long dark history with the FWAR, and also with Plague.  At one time she was married to David Khaos, but the two had gone separate ways a long time ago.  Most had no idea what happened with Carli, but she had kept in close contact with fellow Plague girls, Pandora and Elisabeth Adams.  When FWAR reopened , all three made there big return to the company.

-Please make sure to fill this out..

This is her first time being an active wrestler. 
SucideKisses Made for Fusion Wrestling Alliance's and TBW"Suse only

CrystalSweet Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1
  • Rank:Diamond Member
  • Score:3116
  • Posts:3116
  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Re:Carli Sweet

Date Posted:03/05/2017 9:21 PMCopy HTML

Female Statistics...

audreybitoni3-001.jpg picture by foxy1350

%_ Name : Carli Mari Sweet
%_Ring Name: Carli Sweet
%_Face : Audrey Bitioni
%_Height/Weight: 5'7 / 119lbs
%_Hometown:  New Orleans, Louisiana
%_Alignment Heel
%_Theme "The Dope Show" By Marilyn Manson
//x.Commonly Used Moves. [Atleast five]
-Bow and arrow strech
-Camel Clutch
-Hair-pull curb stomp
-Mule Kick
-Rope Hung Boston Crab
-Running Split-leg big boot
-Sliding double leg takedown
-Spear, sometimes in the rops
-Split-legged arm drag
-Tilt-a-whirl, transitioned into a back kick a fujiwara armbar, or facebuster
-Super Kick

//x.Trademarks. [No more then three]
-Figure Four Leg Lock
-Gedo clutch, sometimes transitioned into a pin
-Kyranium Buster ( Flying Neckbreaker)

[No more then Two]
- Bitch Face 9 Multiple Facebuster variants)
-Last Rights  - Inverted leg drop bulldog into a split-legged pin, preceded by a scream

-Carli has a long dark history with the FWAR, and also with Plague.  At one time she was married to David Khaos, but the two had gone separate ways a long time ago.  Most had no idea what happened with Carli, but she had kept in close contact with fellow Plague girls, Pandora and Elisabeth Adams.  When FWAR reopened , all three made there big return to the company.


-The fans are waiting out in the ring area, as the lights go out, a screech is heard before "The Dope Show" By Marilyn Manson blares.  After a moment Carli Sweet comes walking on the stage.  She stands there looking around, as she then walks down the ramp way.  Having a little sway into her step as she moves to the music.  She then stands in front of the ring, grabbing the ropes pulling herself up as she stays their on her knees a moment, holding the ropes as she leans back, letting out another scream.  Before she then goes about crawling in the ring, standing up after a moment, as she walks around posing a bit waiting for things to get started.


This is her first time being an active wrestler. 

SucideKisses Made for Fusion Wrestling Alliance's and TBW"Suse only

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