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  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Date Posted:02/28/2010 3:58 AMCopy HTML

TORI00top.png picture by abbykinz619

Well so Terror didn't fully go the way Tori had been hoping... Thanks to Frost she was no longer holder of the Intergender Tag Titles... That was alright, she would deal with that and maybe later on work on getting them back, but right now she was working to one thing... She had one the battle royal for the Women's Championship.  It hadn't been hard, seeing as she was the only diva really to enter it, but now she had to face Crystal Sweet...Something she knew wasnt' going to be easy, but she wasn't going to let that stop her... Oh no, she was wanting to get some gold back, and knew that if she beat Crystal, it would really put her up in the listing and ranking here... Something that she was really needing right now.

So Frost thinks I have abonded him... Now thats a real ass's way to look at things...Hes the one who flaked out on me...but oh well that doesn't matter... When FWAR comes on the air you see Tori standing in her locker room looking at her self in the mirror as she smirks a bit.

||Tori Adams||- I'm going to look so good wearing the Women's Championship around my waist.

She smirked as she moved her hands over her stomach a bit, picturing just how it was going to look to have the title around her waist, as she couldn't wait for this match up to start...She was pleased with making it this far...

||Tori Adams||- I'm sure Crystal is all freaked out, realizing that its me she has to go up against... A real diva... She has to know that she can't beat me, and that she will lose her title.

She grinned a bit as she was thinking about it as she knew that it was going to be a great match... If anyone could be Crystal... Of course it was Tori.... None of these other divas had what it took, hell none of them even wanted to fight her, but Tori did, Oh how she wanted to kick her ass and take that title away from her...

TORI00bottom.png picture by abbykinz619

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