Date Posted:08/08/2021 4:17 PMCopy HTML
 | General Manager: Hope Sweet Show Time: August 24th 2021 Deadline: 11 P.M. Theme: XXX Interviewer: Madeline Blade Commentators: Jackson Martin & Abby Michaels Ring Announcer: Vessa |
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Dark Match 1 Calvin Diamonte Vs. Will Murdoch W/ Luke Hansen Stipulation: None Match Type: Singles Summary: A little before show fun, as new comer Calvin faces off against one of the last cow boys... Yee Haw..
Dark Match 2 Ronan Morgensen Vs. Ryder Whitlock Stipulation: None Match Type: Singles Summary: Ronan hasn't been up to much lately, lets see if we can't put some life into her as she faces off against another new comer, Ryder Whitlock.
Match 1 Lana Starr & Daffney Vs Raine & Pandora W/Elisabeth Stipulation: None Match Type: Bloody Tag Summary: Starting off the show with some violent fun... Lana is set to face Raine at a later time, no since is having them set around. To win this match, you need to bust open both team mates.
Match 2 Alan Derrick Vs. Luke Hansen W/ Will Murdoch Stipulation: None Match Type: Singles Summary: Woooo, here we go with another cow boy looking to take on the new creeper of the company.
Match 3 Hardcore Free For All Stipulation: Hardcore Championship Match Type: Hardcore Match Battle Royal Summary: Calling all Hardcore champion wanna beeeez! If you have dreams or goals of being Hardcore Champion, well this is the match for you.
Match 4 Damian Jacobs Vs. Damian Ozone Stipulation: None Match Type: Singles Summary: Damian is done hiding behind the mask, and is looking to show that he still the monster that was behind the mask.
Pre Main Event Tara Jeanne W/ Roxanne Marshall Vs. Kitty Granger Stipulation: Women's Championship Match Match Type: No DQ Summary: Kitty is finally getting her rematch and her title match against Tara... Revenge has been on this kitten's mind for some time.
Main Event Lorcan Balthazar W/Belladonna Vs. Matthew Taylor Stipulation: World Title Match Type: Singles Summary: The banter has not gone unnoticed. Matthew has made it clear that he was more then happy to cure his boredom. |
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