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  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Date Posted:10/29/2011 5:00 PMCopy HTML

Warning: This roleplay may contain things not suitable for everyone. There may be some violence, there may be some foul language, hell there may even be some sexual content. So all you single-minded people out there...TURN BACK NOW!!! You've been warned...


RP Title:



Yep here is number two... I'm hoping i can do a third one lol... Damn writers block

 What the Fuck is this shit... Is Jason White actually the popular one going into this? Have I lost the vote of Confidence in this one? I mean really? What the fuck is up with that? It has been awhile since I have been voted an underdog in anything... Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that is a bad thing.. I'm just saying... What the fuck is wrong with you people? The man is good yes? The Man is the United States Champion yes... Fuck hell he kicked some major ass in Hopes Hardcore Playground...Yes... but you know that was luck right there... I mean two of the for men, where fucki9ng losers when they got in there... I mean real weak links and all of that... and CJA just got to cocky with his I'm going to save you all crap, so CJA was just too cocky to get the job done... So now this makes Jason White the most loved fuck in this Main Event Match up? Or maybe its because of the fucking awesome match up he brought in for us to do... Well it was mainly for Loco, but Loco bailed out the last minute, so it left place for me to get in and try it out...Fucking Awesome! Ha ha... so it looks like I have to be the one to prove that I have what it takes, that I have to show them all that I'm not some weak little bitch like Ryan Burgess, like Chris Jericho, god even like.... dare I say it.... Ryan Khaos! Well I may not be Mr. Popular... Like the very serious, brass Jason White.. Which is rather strange... I mean come on , I'm use to being Mr. Popular... The one that everyone sees as the top... but now this new comer seems to have stolen that sport light... Even Loco has noticed it, as he seems to have just backed right off... but that didn't mean he needed to run away and avoid what should have been his... Maybe this was Jay's way of trying to study White more to see what he was about... but now there is a chance that Jay won't even be facing White... Yeah I still say I can win this.... That I can make something out of this... All I need is the chance... Wait hey I do have the chance. I'm not going to boost about my greatness... you all know that, so I do not need to do anything like that. I just like doing it! It would seems when new more talented guys come into the place a lot more seem to shy away... I mean look at my former buddy and bro, Johnny Camaro.. When things got to be to hard for him around here... he turned into a little bitch and just ran off... Making one excuse after another why he couldn't do what he was suppose to.. .Why he was hiding like a bitch and missing matches... No wonder I fucked his ass up right? I mean really the man needed it, and now where is he? Still not doing what he says he is so good at. Guess he isn't as good as he thought he was... But that isn't what we're here for today...Oh no its all on White... the man who thinks I'm just lucky to be here.... So I believe its time to see just how unlucky that is for him... I am not Jay Loco... I'm not all just about the words.... I don't need to run my mouth to intimidate people, fuck I do it , to just piss them off. Okay so that things are out in the open... I think its time to get the fuck out of my head and get to the real base of things... So fuck off and lets get this shit started!

When FWAR comes on the air you can this time hear Shawn Blade walking in... As he is listening to some music, and has it pretty loud, as its heard thru out the hall... as “Sexy and I know It” is playing as he is just beating to it down the hall... He passes a few divas as he slaps one of there ass's on the way down, as Michelle Wright turns looking at him shocked that he did it, but Shawn didn't stop so she didn't have the chance to react or anything as he was just dancing his way down the hall...

||Shawn Blade||- Fuck ya this song was made for me...

He grins as he keeps making his way down the hall heading to his locker room as he was just having a good time... Maybe too good of a time with knowing what was just a couple days away, but he really didn't care right now as he was keeping himself busy...

||Shawn blade||- Girl look at that body.. I work out.... Girl look at that body, Girl look at that body... I work out.....I'm Sexy and I know it...

He says finishing that bit off as he walks into his locker room closing the door behind him just leaving people watching him in wonder, some shaking there head, some laughing, as he didn't seem to care none about that... Not that he ever did... You have to wonder with all his messing around if he is actually ready for things to come.

||Shawn Blade||- Lets see whats on my agenda for today?

He said as he just dropped down, sitting back on his couch as he put his foot up , not turning on the tv to see what has been happening around the FWAR... Of course Halloween Hell is a big deal right now as things are so close to it, he sees shots of the main event are shooting up , words from both men are being shot in shorts, so he was paying attention a little bit, but not enough to really know all that White had to say, not that he overly cared... He just shook his head a bit as he laughed some kicking the stand away a bit, as he sat up, his feet planted on the ground as he was thinking about things...

||Shawn Blade||- That belt is as good as mine... You all just wait and see I'm telling you...You will see... I don't care who in the fuck this man thinks he is... Where in the hell he came from...None of that matters when you're doing things right here... This is a different ball park, White... You will learn that soon enough. Its been sometime, since things have been like that...You would think all of these people around here would already know who I am, and just what in the hell I can do... What I have done! Its good to see a reason to really just start being a Mean son of a bitch again!

Shawn laughs a bit as he was sitting there thinking about it, he knew that this was his chance to get himself back tot he way he use to be... So he was going to have fun with it, he wasn't going to sweat it... After a bit Blade gets up and makes his way out of the locker room...

||Shawn Blade||- Okay, so its time to get down to business... Lot of shit to do, lots of shit to say.. and of course not a fucking interviewer anywhere out here... So I guess its time for me to go on a hunt... I'm sure I will find her.

He grins as he was walking down the hall, but stops not far off as he sees Alexandra Callaway standing there.. He walks over to her, leaning against the wall next to her...

||Shawn Blade||- What up sexy?

She raised a brow looking at him a bit shocked he was talking to her... He looked around when she did, as he just grinned.

||Shawn Blade||- Awe what you worried about you're new little boy toy seeing you talking to the only real man you ever had in your life?

He grinned looking at her as he laughed a bit as he touched her hair a bit, seeing the black as he shook his head a bit, giving it a tug...

||Shawn Blade||- Should of stayed natural babe.. I mean really this thing you got going on with those other too... Really? I can see that Kim chick... She seems good and all... Hmm maybe even a threesome fun..

He teased as she glarred at him a bit as he laughed..

||Shawn Blade||- but that tool of a guy... Whats that... Trying to get my attention, to see if I notice what you're doing? When it comes to what you do around here.. I always know... And I know out there in the ring... Was fake... You looked like you were ready to vomit... Did he leave a bad taste in your mouth, baby?

He laughs as Alexandra glares at him, bringing her hand up to slap him as he just grabs her wrist holding it a moment looking into her eyes as there was pure amusement there...

||Shawn Blade||- Don't worry, I still like it rough...

{Alexandra Callaway|- Don't you have a match up to worry about or something? You know that big ass kicking you have coming...

He smirked looking at her.. Wow this woman was hot … Not talking about that temper either... Look at her as she was just glaring up at him, wanting him to get hurt, to lose not only his match, but to come out, scarred and broken.

||Shawn Blade||- Awe, baby you're all heart... I can see all the worry you have over your face for me... Its so touching...

{Alexandra Callaway}- Worry.. I was thinking it was more disgust as I look at you..

||Shawn Blade||- No that's primal hunger in your eyes... You're man not doing it for you... Or I should say you're boy... You have that kind of luck... Whenever you stray away, and find some where else to play..

Shawn grinned as he was looking at her as she tried to pull her hand away from him, but he didn't let go.. Even though Alexandra was a strong bitch... Shawn was still stronger and could easily over power her if he wanted too, but he didn't, just amused with this all right now.

{Alexandra Callaway}- I hope, White kicks your ass... You need the reality check..

||Shawn Blade||- You just want to kiss and lick all the bruises and cuts he could put on me, while we're fighting...

He laughed leaning in as he gently bit the inside of her arm, just above where he was holding her, before he let her go, as he moved back laughing a bit... He stood there..

||Shawn Blade||- See you around Alexandra...

He grins looking up seeing Dante King standing there as he just smriks looking at him, walking by him, as Dante didn't rightly move so he knocked into him as he fell back..

||Shawn Blade||- Shit sorry about your luck man..

Shawn just grins walking right past him, leaving Alexandra standing there watching Shawn walk off and Dante on the ground as Blade went making his way down the hall looking to see where he was going to do his promos shit..

||Shawn Blade||- Okay now time to get down to the business of things.. Need to do this shit, and can't allow anymore distractions... Nothing but straight focus right here... I am like a I don't know, but whatever it is, I'm just like that..

He nods walking down the hall with every intent on getting things down to business, but he wasn't finding any of the Interviewers out, even his sister Madeline Blade wasn't around, which was rather odd, so he didn't know what to really do... Or he didn't at first...

||Shawn Blade||- Oh nice..

He grinned stopping right outside the divas shower area... You know the nice place where all the divas would go to take a shower, unless of course they were a champion, or shared with a superstar who was better off... He licked his lips a bit thinking about it a moment...

||Shawn Blade||- Well as the soon to be Unified Champion I have free access to every place... I can go any-wheres I want... or need to go.. After all this is all for work... I'm sure there is an interviewer in there...

He grinned, thinking maybe Tiffany would be in there, cleaning up, as she did get kind of dirty being pushed around by everyone all day long, so he looked around ab it, then went pushing the door open as he walked in... It took a moment for all the nearly naked hotties to notice him there, but when they did...

{Diva} What the hell, Shawn get out!

He grinned as he looked at her then at some of the others as he saw Tiffany a bit away in just her lacy yellow bra and matching lacie panties...

||Shawn Blade||- Ladies... Ladies...Ladies... Calm down... This is okay, I'm going to be your Unfied champion soon, so I have free reign to go any place I want.. and well need so just get use to it, because right now I need to be here... Seeing as Miss. Tiffany here can't seem to be out there doing her job, so I'm here to help her out...I need an interview.

He grinned sitting down on the bench, it was pretty steamy in here from the showers running, but Shawn wasn't complaining, still a great view as he could see all the women, some running off naked to get covered up and out of site from the camera that had followed him in there...

||Shawn Blade||- Come on Tiffany unless you want me to spend all day in here... I need to get this done.. I have other people to fuck today, and your friends don't seem all that happy to see me here, even though this has to be the best view in America today!

He licked his lips as he and the camera man where looking around a bit, as the camera man was giving the FWAR world a good peek too, finally Tiffany came up to Shawn as she was standing there next to him.. With her standing and him sitting, her chest was nearly in his face, and this little thing had a nice rack... He was betting more than a hand full, as she cleared her throat a bit, as he looked up more at her face grinning.

||Shawn Blade||- Tiffany, it is so nice.. to see

He said as she finally sat down looking at him so things could get started, seeing he wasn't going to leave until this was done and over with. So Tiffany was handed a mic from the camera man who was still moving the camera up and down her body a bit, while she was getting herself ready as she then looked at Shawn and started to speak.

{Tiffany Rose}- Okay so Shawn you seem to be really set and focused on things.. You have gone as far as to come in here... The divas locker room, to make yourself hear... What is that you feel you have to say so bad, that you couldn't wait for me to be dressed and out there?

Tiffany said as she was a bit upset with this, not use to anyone seeing her like this, but knowing that soon a lot of guys would see her in just this. Shawn just grinned licking his lips a bit, as he then after a moment started to speak.

||Shawn Blade||- Well why wait when things are happening so fast.. I mean really Halloween Hell is already two days away, and at the end of the show I'm going to be crowned as the winner of the night.

{Tiffany Rose}- Don't you think you're being a bit cocky there... I mean you're not even favored to win...The fan base has pretty much sided with Jason White.. and are looking to him to win?

Shawn raises a brow..

||Shawn Blade||- so what, just because the fans and others are saying White is going to win this, or that he is the next Unified champion, I should just say fuck it and do nothing? You rather me not just show up? Tiffany its so good that you do not own this place or call any of the shots...

He shook his head laughing a bit as he looked at her thinking about it.

||Shawn Blade||- People can say and think what they want, but it doesn't make it so.. You know... Words have never spoken louder than actions... So why should it start now? I'm sure Jason is thinking the same thing as he sees and hears me running at the lip.. or well maybe not saying that, but he is thinking that... while he is thinking he is going to beat the fuck out of me...

He grinned thinking about it as he was once more looking around the Diva's locker room... The divas weren't really moving just watching and listening to the interview as it was taking place, so it was a good view for him as he was just enjoying the view very much, as Tiffany cleared her throat again.
{Tiffany Rose}- Well Shawn, I mean you can say one thing, he can say another, and event he fans and the haters can say one thing.. but you never know how things will turn out in the ring.

||Shawn Blade||- That's exactly what I'm saying. You see things are never the way you plan them... There are usually little flukes and things that break out... Things change a bit... but that doesn't mean the final out come will be anything but what you want...

{Tiffany Rose}- but it could be...

Tiffany pointed out as Shawn looked at her nodded her head a bit as he leaned back against the wall stretching out a bit, as he pinched her ass and he jumped as he grinned thinking about it.. Yeah , she was right...

||Shawn Blade||- Yeah I guess.. but if you go into a match already thinking its over before its started.... why bother to do it...

{Tiffany Rose}- This isn't just a match... I think this is more barbaric than Hopes Hardcore Play ground.. and you still don't' know what all the stipulations are?

Shawn shrugged a bit as she was thinking about it..

||Shawn Blade||- Yeah it could be, and I don't care that I don't know all the match details right now... I only need to know them, as I go out into the ring.
Shawn said honestly as it didn't really matter to him. He would take on anyone in any kind of match up, If White wanted to take his time to think about it, fine with him, if he had already thought about it, and said it... Again, Shawn didn't care... He was just waiting for his time, his turn was here... and his time was close...

||Shawn Blade||- Its now about what you do before you get to the ring, or about what everyone else around you is thinking you are going to do.. The fight doesn't start til the bell rings... the battle for your life doesn't start until the first hit is made... Then its all about survival... Its all about making it out.. and then the one who is still standing, or crawling , is the one who truly wins his life...

{Tiffany Rose}- So to you, this is life or death?

||Shawn Blade||- It always is. Each and every time you get in the ring, it could be the last time... Anyone knows that... It could be because you died, it could be an injury that takes you out forever...It could be as simple as a loss knocking you right back down, into the darkness... The winner's life is saved and pushed up, restarted in away... As you can see the Winner has it all...The Champion has it all... The friends, the enemies.. and the life that everyone wants...If it wasn't that good, or that glamorous then no would want to fight so badly for it... To want to give there life for it... To risk your life for nothing, is just stupid... To risk your life for the better side of things is what has been going on since the dawn of time.

He smiled thinking about it, as he was knowing just what he was wanting... He had been there before, which made it even better for him...He knew what it was like and knew that it could be all his again... If he could get past Jason White... and he knew that it could be all for Jason White....If he could get past Blade...
{Tiffany Rose}- And you think that White isn't going to be able to get past you... but do you think you can easily get past White? I mean you seem to already think that you have this won... Do you really think its going to be that easy?

Shawn raised a brow looking at Tiffany, yeah she was really cramping his ego here, as he was sitting there thinking about it, as he took a breath, this time slapping her ass. As she just moved a bit , hopping up, as her breast bounced a bit... He looked at the camera giving a wink and a like “Your Welcome” kind of look as she glared down at him as he then looked back up at her and started to speak out once again.

||Shawn Blade||- I know its not going to be that easy Tiffany... Gee-sh, don't take all my thunder away here... I know just what I'm getting myself into.. Its not like I haven't seen this man in action more than once... Hes had to battle some pretty big battles, so he has pretty much put his best out there, or well close to it, most of his matches here.. Unlike me...

He paused a moment thinking about the matches that he had been in since White has arrived here as he grinned a bit thinking about it...Shawn had a few matches and really had not had much of a battle or well it had been cut short too.

||Shawn Blade||-My matches lately on the other hand, have not really been all that much of a work out... I mean I've fought Johnny Camaro twice... He was a fucking waste of space on each one.. Didn't even last more than a couple minutes before he was down and out... and then of course there was my match up against Jay Loco...

{Tiffany Rose}-Where you lost the title in the first place..Which is why Jay Loco was suppose to be in this match up , not your..

Shawn rolled his eyes a bit as he was looking at Tiffany.

||Shawn Blade||- But loco got scared and ran off until the match was over... I only lost because I was attacked, but talking about that, event hat, he didn't see me in full action... It was just starting to get good before the match was ended due to interference... Which I should have been more careful looking out for the little bastard in the first place. So I don't blame anyone for that fuck up, but me.

He laughed a bit as he was thinking about it.. He wasn't mad over it, and really never was overly pissed about it... Knowing that it was his fuck up, and his loss.. He also knew that he would get back into things, yeah it all happened faster than what he planned, but who was he to argue with the circle of life here... Crystal felt the need to put him in, strip Loco, so it worked out fucking perfect to him.
{Tiffany Rose}- So do you have any thing else to add, before we end this and you can go ahead and get on out of here, Shawn?

She asked wanting him out, wanting to get dressed and seeing the other divas where starting to get pretty upset, and there was still a woman in the shower, so Tiffany was wanting to get Shawn out of there before she stepped out of the shower... Shawn Grinned as he finally stood up, standing there looking at the camera, as Tiffany moved a bit closer to him holding the mic up so he could talk, and get what he needed to say off his chest, so he could get out of there..or well maybe have a bit more fun...

||Shawn Blade||-Hmm, do I have anything else to add...lets see...lets see.. I know how bad you are all wanting me out of here...

He said as he was starting to walk around a bit, as he was looking around at some of the divas who where hurrying up and trying to get dressed, one was just wearing a towel though as he licked his lips a bit...

||Shawn Blade||- It should be something clever and witty about the match up, or some kind of message to Jason White. About our match up, coming up in just a couple days... Hmm, what to say what to say?

He said as he continued to walk around the locker room area, stalling a bit as he was checking out all of the women, as he then heard the shower running, and grinned walking towards it as he was standing there, a bit leaning on the other side some...

||Shawn Blade||-Okay, I know what I want to say to put an end to this interview. I am sure that Halloween Hell is going to be full of Tricks and Treats... but of course I”m hoping to leave that night with the biggest Treat of them all... After all nothing better than being able to add another belt to the one I already hold... So Jason... Man, I'm not here to wish you good luck, or to say how talented I think you are... I don't give a fuck about you, or anything like that... I'm just in this for the gold that is on the line... Am I looking forward to this fight? Fuck yeah I am, but its not because you are in it, but because of what is in it, after I win it! I'm not here to show anyone respect, I didn't sign on for that...I signed on for this to kick ass, and win gold, and that's just what I have been doing , since I've been here, which is a hell of a lot longer that you have been here, boy... so tighten up your pants, put your big boy boots on, because I'm going to make sure to give you the fucking ass kicking of your life!

With that he turned as the shower turned off opening the curtain up to get a good view at who was in there. As he got wide out, as he heard the scream...

{Madeline Blade}- What the fuck Shawn!

She punched him in the face out of a reaction, to being shocked, as she closed the curtain as he closed his eyes and fell at the same time, not wanting to see his sister naked, not even thinking for a moment she would be in there, as he turned went to run out, hitting the the wall, near the door falling back down..

||Shawn Blade||- Fuck

He said as he fell against and crawled out as he heard the other divas laughing at what happened as he just made his way out, getting to his feet, holding his eye where he had been hit by his sister, shaking from the site, feeling like he was now going to be scarred for life as he was making his way there...

||Shawn Blade||- Well hell that didn't go the way I was hoping...

He said frowning shaking his head as he was walking down the hall once again this time heading to his locker room as he was just shaking his head a bit, not liking this at all, it had been such a great time for a bit, then his dumb sister had to be there, to ruin it all...He grinned as he was walking as he saw Michelle Wright there again, as he went to slap her ass again, getting it good and hard, but this time he got a smack to his face, but he grinned, as he looked at her.

||Shawn Blade||- Freaky baby... You want to mess around, you can even bring your manican with you... I like being freaky too..

She glared at him, as he looked her up and down a bit.

||Shawn Blade||- I still think you should of worn that outfit that Josh picked out for you.. That was hot as hell... Would have been looking so forward to a wardrobe malfunction.

He grinned as he was looking at her thinking about it, as that would have been epic as all hell to see as he was watching her.

{Michelle Wright}- Go to hell Shawn... Don't you have a match to get ready for..

||Shawn Blade||- Not at the moment, right now I'm thinking about you and yours... Do you think when you lose, that Josh will crack that bare ass with the paddle, or think he'll use his bare hand on that hot ass of yours?

He grinned again watching her, as he could tell she was getting really pissed off, but he didn't seem to care, as he was having a bit of fun here..

||Shawn Blade||- I think deep down you want to lose.. You want him to spank you, like the naughty girl that you are... I bet its such a turn on for you...

He leaned closer to her, near her ear..

||Shawn Blade||- I bet you're getting wet just thinking about it, aren't you?

He laughed when she slapped him again, hard across the face as he moved back a bit, rubbing his cheek some, but was still amused.

{Michelle Wright}- I can't wait to see Jason kick your ass, Shawn... That will be my great pleasure of the night, watching you not only lose but with any luck being carried out in a stretcher...

He leaned back a bit as Michelle was smirking looking at him, as he just smiled...

||Shawn Blade||- Awe, Michelle, you should of said you were on your period , I would of left you alone before you let your bitch out... I don't play with bloody bitches...

He laughed walking away from her leaving her standing there rather pissed off as he was making his way into his locker room... At least there he could stay out of trouble... At least for a little while, while he went planning and working on getting ready for Halloween hell... but hell he did have a couple days yet before he had to get into the match up against Jason White so he was planning on having some fun...

Disclaimer: This layout is made by Bloody Chaos at Blood Passions Designs for the use of Shawn as Shawn Blade. If you are caught claiming this as your own, will be hunted down faster then a pack of meat at a grocery store on fourth of July

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