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Date Posted:08/14/2019 9:35 PMCopy HTML

OUT OF CHARACTER - Finally was able to think of something, haha.

So every place has at least one...You know one of those little shit hole bars that almost looks like it is in the middle of no wheres.  Where anyone who is faint of heart wouldn't even step foot in....Yeah, I bet you can tell where Hope is hanging out to day.  Yeah she knows she has a match on Dark Oasis, but she isn't sweating it right now, kind of just chilling some.   She has a glass a whiskey in front of her...The southern girl in her choice drink.  She is kind of just minding her own business, when this drunk dumb ass is standing next to her, trying to score.  She ignores it for the most part...

Unknown to her at that same moment, Chris Slaughter comes walking on in.  Feeling the need to get away from the arena...Even in the locker room it was a bit to noisy for his liking.  He saw Hope there, almost turning to leave.  Though he stopped seeing the interaction a bit...Watching her tell the drunk to fuck off...But he just grabbed her ass...Slaughter stepped forward...No, not to help, he wouldn't do that.

||Hope Sweet||- I told you to fuck off... Not that you're getting fuck.

She said as she was turning, she grabbed the bottle of booze the bar tender had in his hand.  She turned smacking him right over the head with it, breaking the bottle, as she then grabbed him by the collar lifting him up as the sharp and jagged pieces of the bottle where now against his face...

||Hope Sweet||- You should know I'm not the bitch to fuck with....But I can see you're too stupid, and won't remember much...Let me help make sure you remember.  

She grinned as she moved the sharp part of the bottle over his face digging in, she grinned licking her lips a bit as she was enjoying what she was doing.  Even as he screamed no one attempted to help him out.  After she put her initials in cheek, she grinned then head butted him as he went down on the ground knocked out.  She then turned going back to her drink, looking at the bit of blood on her fingers as she grinned amused.  This time Slaughter walked over, as everyone just watched to afraid to move...He just grabbed her hair, jerking her head back, as he looked down at her , and her up at him.

{Chris Slaughter}- We're not sitting here.

He said simply, giving a push to her head as he let go.  He knew that she  would of just moved to him when she saw him, and he liked showing that he was more imposing and unafraid.  The bar seemed to empty out even more than it already was before he got there.  Hope got up as she took her whiskey with her, grabbing the bottle on the way as she saw where he wanted to go as she slid into place. 

||Hope Sweet||- Still have a way with words I see.

She said simply as she leaned back in her seat, taking a drink as she looked at him.  She just pushed the bottle  at him, not sure if he would drink it, but she sure he knew it was an offer, not like it mattered, as he could just take it if he wanted too...

TBCB: Slaughter

HopeSweet Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1
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Re:Bloody Good Time(TXW)

Date Posted:08/16/2019 9:20 PMCopy HTML

OUT OF CHARACTER: Tried to do this a couple of times, Slaughter not being very chatty makes it tough

Was this a planned meeting? No. Slaughter didn't plan to meet up with people, he was a lone wolf in a sense despite his grouping with the Beasts. The reason they worked was because none of them had issues going solo but when they decided to come together there was never any disagreements. They all wanted the same thing and so it all worked out. Encountering Hope here was nothing but a random chance, one that Slaughter didn't currently seem pleased with despite how their last encounter went.

Speaking in Russian. "You American's drinking something to disgusting. I will never understand how you so freely drink something that tastes of piss."

"There you go again with that Russian stuff, you know I don't understand you right?"

"I simply said you can keep your whiskey because it tastes like piss. Though perhaps you are use to that flavour." He replied.

Slaughter looked over at the bartender who had been watching Slaughter since the moment he walked in, almost forgetting about what Hope just did. All that needed to be done was a motion with his hand and a single shot glass and a bottle of vodka was left on the table for him.

"This is a real drink." Pouring himself a drink. "Even when it is of shit quality like this place keeps it is still better than your piss water."

He downed his first shot of vodka, giving no reason to the taste of it. It was far from the most pure stuff around, this bar was never going to keep top shelf of anything but for Slaughter that was fine.

Glaring at Hope. "Now tell me, what are you doing here? This is my bar, this is where I come to avoid others. People do not bother me here, they are too afraid. But now you are here to destroy all of that. Did you follow me?"

It seemed likely that Hope was looking for a place like this to be able to cause a little hell as she does, probably pick some random dude up. You couldn't really do that in popular locations. Though if she did follow Slaughter at some point he wouldn't take kindly to that.


HopeSweet Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #2
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Re:Bloody Good Time(TXW)

Date Posted:08/16/2019 9:21 PMCopy HTML

OUT OF CHARACTER - Eh so i was short on words and didn't know what to have him say, so he gets hit with a beer bottle, lol cheers.

So he didn't care for Whiskey, but shocker, as she didn't seem surprised by his choice in Vodka.  To each there own, as herself she also down moonshine if done right.  Just happens to be what the poison of choice is where she grew up.  She actually laughed hearing his question about her following him.

||Hope Sweet||- Oh get over yourself.  I've been here for hours now.

She said as she hadn't come to pick up some dick, she hadn't even come to raise some hell, like most would believe.  Not really guessing that after what she had done.  Hope just had taken her time to look around the new area. This place had been quiet and out of the way, so figured it would work well for her.  As it did suck at times as she was pretty well known.  Unlike Slaughter, where he was known feared and people didn't want to fuck with him...Hope wasn't that lucky.  Many wanted to see if she was as real as the hype, if she was as fucked up as she was on T.V.  So they liked to try to push her, try to see if she can fuck her....I mean yeah she likes to fuck, but even she has her standards and her limits...She did enjoy the alone time now and then as well.

||Hope Sweet||- I happen to like the silence now and then too...Unlike you who comes to a place like this, because it is quiet because no one has the balls enough to fuck with you...I look for places like this because these shit holes are almost empty, so the chances of being fucked with are usually slim.

She said as she took another drink of her whiskey, as she didn't mind it.  He had enough of watching her drink it though as he grabbed it tossing the bottle away as it broke on contact as she looked at him...Thinking it was her que to go, but he just forced his drink her away as with one look the bartender knew to bring another glass...nothing was said as she just got her cup filled.

{Chris Slaughter}-Don't drink that piss...

He simply said as she just looked at him, her eyes narrowed a moment, as she then just shrugged picking up the vodka and drinking it...Unlike the shower she really wasn't looking to fight, or fuck at the moment...She drank down the Vodka, with no issue...Okay , so this was better than what she had been drinking, not top of the line, but not bad.

||Hope Sweet||- Back in Georgia, I have a bar I own... Best Vodka, Best Whiskey... None of the little soft shit, that can't make you feel good.

She said as she was just looking at the glass, as it was empty, just a bit moving back and forth as she was starring at the glass.  Something no one actually knew about Hope, is that she actually ran something on the side, as one would think she wouldn't waste her time with anything really.

||Hope Sweet||- So what do you do for fun...

She paused looking at him, as she laughed a bit.

||Hope Sweet||- Right, sorry, I know what you do for fun already...You like to cause pain, and break people...You enjoy that...

She said as she chuckled a bit as she watched him some.  This was odd...Usually after a fuck, a bit of fun she never had interaction...Not that she had regrets, she just didn't do that...Though she did enjoy his mean streak, and the violent side of him, as it interested her for sure. They sat there for the most part, just drinking in silence a bit, as she was just leaning back some, taking this in some.

||Hope Sweet||- behind you..

She said simply not moving, as the guy she had left her mark on was now up , and looking pretty pissed, and even looked like he might have pissed himself.  As his vision was a bit blurred but fucked up as he was heading what he thought was towards Hope but actually was closer to Slaughter.  The guy had a beer bottle in hand and smashed it right over Slaughter, who didn't even flinch from it, as Hope just sat there a bit amused, grinning some as the guy was realizing he hit the wrong person, but it was done, so he was willing to fight.

{Drunk}- Come on you pussy....gonna gut you.

Well this was a sight for sure as Hope just took another drink.  Hope hadn't started this, nor did it look like she was going to be the one to finish it...

||TBCB: Slaughter||.

HopeSweet Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #3
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Re:Bloody Good Time(TXW)

Date Posted:08/20/2019 12:32 PMCopy HTML

OUT OF CHARACTER: It's what he gets for not being a big talker I guess

The sound of a bottle smashing was a very unique sound. The type of sound that when you heard it you knew what happened and when it happened it always turned heads. Now the bar was nearly empty so the number of heads that turned were very limited, a handful at most, but it was still enough for people to look over in the direction of Slaughter, Hope and this guy who had a death wish. For a moment Slaughter does nothing, simply sitting there looking straight head almost like he wasn't bothered by what just happened. Carefully he pours himself another shot of vodka before quickly drinking it back. As he let his glass slam back down onto the table, a small stream of blood had made it's way down from the top of his head running down his forehead and onto his nose. At this point used one of his hands to wipe the blood on his nose before slowly standing up.

"Oh you're so fucked."

Hope said with a bit of a laugh before helping herself to another drink. Slaughter still hadn't said anything, instead slowly turning to look at the man who seemed like he was starting to regret his choice after looking Slaughter in the eye.

Pointing at the man. "I will have to kill you know."

Unlike most people, when Slaughter used to word kill he actually meant it. Most used it in the sense of just kicking the shit out of someone but Slaughter meant it literally. It wasn't long before the guy had been tossed around the bar like a child, smashing through tables, glasses and bottles. He was begging for Slaughter to stop with what energy he had left in him though there was no stopping for Slaughter. Instead he found the top half of a broken bottle nearby and started bringing the sharp end closer and closer to the throat of this guy after testing it's sharpness on his face.

"Enough! Look, I won't kick you guys out or call the cops if you just stop now because frankly I'm terrified to tell you to get out. So just leave him alone and go back to your quiet little corner alright?"

It was a plea being made by the bartender and owner of this bar. He was too afraid to actually tell Slaughter to get out so instead he simply told him he'd look past all this if he just stopped down, not wanting a death in the bar. Lucky for him Slaughter seemed to agree, tossing the broken bottle away before slowly walking back to his own table.

"This is your fault. I have had no issues in this place until you arrived today."

Of course Slaughter would blame it all on Hope since she was the only thing different about today from all the other times he had been here in the past. She arrives and it seems like suddenly everyone is getting all crazy. For now though he took a seat, again pouring himself a shot...the thin stream of blood still running down his face.


HopeSweet Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #4
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Re:Bloody Good Time(TXW)

Date Posted:08/20/2019 12:43 PMCopy HTML

OUT OF CHARACTER - Sorry on the delay here, not sure if it was Aimoo issues or my net , was afraid to reply with it not working, lol..

Did Hope cause for this to happen?  Was it her fault?  Well in away yeah it was.  The guy had been messing with her , and she had messed him up a bit.  Not as bad as what Slaughter had done.  Which Hope enjoyed watching for sure.  It was amusing.  Though Hope didn't directly have much to do with it, as she didn't tell the guy to try to commit suicide by Slaughter, it was still a result of her.  She shrugged a bit as she heard him say it was her fault.

||Hope Sweet||- It happens sometimes.

She said simply as she hadn't come in looking for any kind of confrontation.  He didn't looked all that impressed, but knew that he wasn't going to be kicked out, and the fault wasn't on him, not that he would care if it was.

{Chris Slaughter}- Trouble seem to follow you.

It wasn't really sure if it was a question, or an observation really  with how he said it. Hope took another shot of the Vodka as she was thinking about it a bit.  As that could be a bit of an understatement really.

||Hope Sweet||- Yeah, well we all can't look like a tank in boots.

She said as she was thinking about it.  

||Hope Sweet||- And with my reputation, guys either want to try to fuck me, or beat me...Some both...They like to prove that they are big bad and all manly, and not be showed up by a bitch.

She said simply as it had been a thing in a lot of places she went.  Which was why she started looking for these type of places as most would usually leave her alone.  Though sometimes it didn't work out, as here was the case.  Though she was pretty sure after what Slaughter had done, it really wouldn't be an issue.  

||Hope Sweet||-Believe it or not, I'm not always looking for a fight, I mean I usually am, but not always.

She said with a bit of amusement as she was sitting there thinking about it.  He knew how she came into his locker room looking for a fight...Or well maybe not as much of a fight as a fun fuck, which she ended up getting both.  Though both where great for her.

||Hope Sweet||- I mean you have to get that once in awhile.  A dumb ass drunk thinking they are the next big shit...I'm sure you've had people at bars dumb like this guy.

She said as she knew just the sight of him drew attention.  Most fear, but she also knew what fear and booze did to a man.  Seeing it a lot herself first hand mainly , but some she had just observed. She looked at him as she waited to see what he was going to say.

TBCB: Slaughter.  

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