FWAR Contract

Character Information: Face: Dani Divine Name: Willow Wulfekuhle Alias: Belladonna Born: Bavaria, Germany Reside: Hotel in Georgia Height: 5'7 Weight: 109lbs Ring Attaire: Variety out stylish outfits...Totally goth, Stays, corsets, leather, boots, heels, very dark sexy...
Professional Information Gimmick Explanation: Belladonna is a born trouble maker. She likes to raise a little hell, and cause a bit of drama. She has no issues doing that, because she is always good at finding someone big and bad to get her out of the trouble. She is a vixen of words, as she always seems to know just what to say to get her way...One could say she was well trained by someone...
Sports History: She has none. She has never been in the ring. Wrestling Willingness: She isn't afraid to get her hands dirty. Wrestling Sytle: She doesn't have a style...She would probably just yell and attack, kick, slap. Theme Song: Heaven Knows By Pretty Reckless Job Role: Her role at the moment is a mystery. Alignment: Heel Entrance: The opening words to "Heaven Knows' by Pretty Reckless blares, as the lights then go out, as pryros shoot off. After a moment lights flicker back on as Belladonna walks out on the stage. The lights dim as she comes out with her long batons, that she has lit up. She moves around and does a bit of a dance on the stage, before she twirls them and heads down the ramp way. She walks up the steels steps standing up on the apron. With a grin she takes on of the flames, tilting her head back, her tongue out as she puts it to her tongue, putting it out, as she then goes and does the same to the next one. She then tosses it to the worker down ringside before she turns around, bending over as she crawls in the ring....
Bio: Not much is known about Belladonna, she has kept her past a secret and even how she arrived to this place isn't fully clear either. But she has seemed to come answering a call. What she is fully up too is still unclear....
Accomplishments: FWAR: None, new to the wrestling world. Other: New to the wrestling world.