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- Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM
Date Posted:05/27/2011 12:25 PMCopy HTML
Warning: This roleplay may contain sexually explicit content as well as language, violence and such things someone younger then age 16 probably won't or shouldn't be interested in. It's a little much, so don't read if you're only set out to complain about it. |
OOC: After reading the RP by Mark Blaze, I coudln't resist making this rp... and its my tribute to the KING OF POP! I hope you all enjoy, because it was fun to write, and good luck to everyone!
Hells Fury.. A night that will not be forgotten.. It was the like the Wrestlemania of the FWAR...If not even greater than that... The Sweets have put it all out there, have not put anything to waste as they are planning on making this the biggest event in hisotry.. Even Hope was in on this as she couldnt' help but work to making one hell of a main event... Putting not just her title on the line, but her body and maybe even her career as she was going into this... There was nothing that she woldn't do, not to just have fun, but to help make this business great... It appears most of the time that she doesn't care, or that she is in it all for herself, but Hope is very much active in FWAR business and welfare, as many times she has put her body on the line for ratings.. Yeah she has been injured a lot, but thats because this is her life, and with out it, there is nothing to her... So of course she would go into each and every matuch full force, not thinking about anything else, or caring that she could end her career end her life... So when she made this match, as crazy as everyone thought it was... To her it was just another day in the job and life that she loved, more than anything else...The last time I checked I was the one that had been holding the Unfied Championship... I'm the one who made this epic match up... So why in the hell am I the one who isn't even really being talked about... I mean got for real... Do you people really think that i'm the weak link in this? Not to even get any attention... Well no wonder I keep beating ass's like I have been because you losers keep forgetting who the real champ is here... Yeah Johnny has done a great job here, and Ryan is a man who has learned from the best... The Sweets... Drew is a legend but hes in a new area, hes playing a whole new game here with Hope... So the old man really isn't on his game....Mark please you are just a young pup coming into this... and Hunters little brother you already have given up so hell, what is wrong with all of your ass's here... You all just need to realize who I am... and just Beat It... because you have no chance in hell!
When FWAR comes on the air you see Hope in the gym. She was actually working out a bit, she knew that she didn't have much time to get things ready and was already a bit behind the ball compaired to the other guys who were just off shooting at the mouth... Not like it overly bothered her, she knew she would be doing alright, and she knew that things would be good when the time came to it.. She was very much ready to get in the ring, but she was just wanting to work out a bit more, and was working on cutting another promo a bit later. Right now though she was doing some tumbles and gymnastics... She wasn't a dummy she knew that over powering these guys just wasn't going to happen so she had to make sure that she would be limber and ready for this.
||Hope Sweet||- This is going to be a lot of fun.
She smirked as she was laid down on the mat a bit as she was doing a bridge now, then pushed herself up into a handstand, staying like that a moment before she moved so she was back down but this time into a split as she just kept streching to work herself out... Which for her activies she was pretty limber.. Most don't know this but Hope was pretty into Yoga so every morning at home, she would do that, which really helped for what she did here at the arena..
||Hope Sweet||- Hmm time to get to the heavy stuff..
She smirked as she got up as she saw her trainer finally getting his ass here with some guys behind him... He had said he was going to give her one hell of a work out, and she could see he was right, she stood up looking at him.
||Hope Sweet||- About time you got here, I have been waiting for you for over and hour... and people bitch about me, about never being on time.
She laughed as she looked at him, as he just grinned a bit. He turned to point at the guys he had then looked back at Hope as he started to speak.
{Joe} Hey I have to find some guys willing to spar with you, you are a pretty scary chick and it was harder then I thought.
They both laughed a bit when he said that as she was thinking about it, shaking her head a bit, they all then started to climb in the ring as Joe walked over to play some music.
{Joe} Need some fighting music... To get you guys in the zone..
Hope just shook her head laughing a bit as he went turning on some music as Hope looked at the guys in the ring.
Once Joe had the music going he turned looking to Hope as he nodded as she was ready and then it started as he told the first guy to go, as she dropped down , tripping him then moving on his back pulling his neck back in a submission move that had him tappening in seconds as before Hope was even up the second man was on her, she was up though as he pushed her towards the turn buckle, she kicked up a bit, putting her foot up on the second rope using his weight and hers as she flipped putting him on his back, as she moved going down, grabbing his arm, and then putting him on his stomach as she went into a crippler cross face type of submssion, as she wasn't trying to over power but just wear out, and make them tap , knowing it was a good way to start things, as she was smirking a bit.. this time after he tapped she rolled right out of the way as the thrid and final guy came in, she moved kicking him in the gut, but he moved back before she could hit her finisher as she smirked a bit, seeing he knew her moves a bit, not sure if he knew befor or if Joe had been working on getting them ready...
{Joe} Come on Hope, don't tell me you're actually getting tired in there...
Hope just laughed when he said that as she shook her head thinking about it, she wasn't tired at all... She was grinning as she looked at the man who was trying to cirlce her, to get a spot on her.
||Hope Sweet||- Please Joe do you really doubt me that much... I"m not tired at all, I"m just getting warmed up baby.
She grinned as the man then finally charged at her thinking she was distracted but moved pushing him right into the turnbuckle and then when he turned around she hit him with a neck breaker as he was down and out as Hope was standin in the middle of the ring, alone... Ah yes a good warm up , as good as this was, she knew it wouldn't be anything like it would be at Hells Fury..
{Joe} Who's BAD..
Hope smirked looking at him as she shook her head a bit laughing when he said that...
||Hope Sweet||- Oh.. I"m bad...
After a bit of a break and a nice hot shower Hope was making her way down the arena hall. She was feeling really damn good right now. Having a good work out knowing that she had a lot of time to get things ready but was in a mood to annoy a bit...After all she had seen all the promos cut by Ryan Burgess, Johnny Camaro, and saw finally that Mark Blaze and Drew Stevenson had finally shown up, so it was a great time to really play around a bit... She headed off down the hall heading to her locker room first as she was wanting to clean up and get ready for the rest of the day, knowing that she had a few things planned...
||Hope Sweet||- Oh I"m going to have a lot of fun today... Just wait until I get started...
She smirked as she looked into the camera that had been following her since she started to walk down the hall. She walked into her locker room as she stripped down out of her work out clothes, tossing them in the corner in a small bag that she had there, as she then walked naked into the shower so she could clean up... She stood there letting the warm water run down her body as she took her time with the shower, she then tunred the water off. She reached for a towel rapping it behind her as she walked out. she stood in front of the mirror as she was thinking about everthing..
||Hope Sweet||- Oh how times flies... I remember just getting here, just getting into this career..
She said... A camara had suck in... Okay maybe not snuck in , but it was there looking at her reflection in the mirror as she was playing with her hair a bit thinking about when she had first gotten there.. When she had first started in this business..
||Hope Sweet||- I use to be such a good girl.. Never really messed with anyone, kept to myself and just did as I was told.. Okay maybe not all of that... but how time changes... How I have changed... but I still Remember the time...
Disclaimer: This layout is made by Bloody Chaos for the use of Chirstina as Hope Sweet. If you are caught claiming this as your own, your fingers will be cut off and fed to the dogs. The designer and the person using this layout is not sponsoring any real life people and events. It's a mere concidence. | |
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