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  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Date Posted:08/07/2009 4:41 PMCopy HTML

crystop.png picture by xxbadkitty

OOC;; Ok heres a lil something up!!

crysmiddle.png picture by xxbadkitty

Lets take you right too it...No messing around.. For we know how it has go.. WE know this isnt' no game.. We are serious.. We are going to do this.. Come on! We're ready.. You're Rady... I'm Ready.. Time ofr Playing is over.. So lets go...Alright so here we are... Going for it all, the bigs the good.. Oh  you know its something close.. Now you are watching her in action seeing her work... She almos there so close... Come on Crystal reach for it.. Come on you can do it...

If you are looking at this.. YOu know its great, watching this diva in action, Watching her reach up... and finally reach the glass in the top shelf.. Who says just because you are height challenged that you can't reach up and get what you need... Screw step stools, who needs them...Now you go and get that orange juice... Girl you've earned it... Now that we made it thru that glorious moment, lets move on to what is next at hand... And that is the match up Crystal has coming up before her on the Domain's Pay Per View... Yeah it may only be a Dark Match, but hell, I live every day of my life in the dark, so I feel at home there.. haha...We all know that you gotta start from the bottom and work your way up... This way its just starting out in the dark...

Alright so here we are, driving to the gym... Oh god who wants to work out this early in the morning... I fix my sun glasses a bit.. Yeah its a nice bright early morning.. Its almost 6 am... Wow the sun does really rise early in this place... Its better than having to ride in the dark.

{Crystal Sweet} Oh god do I really want to do this today... New place new gym.. I don't even have my orginal trainer..

She sighed thinking about it.. It had to be... It was just going to happen... She wanted to make sure that she was more than ready for her match up... Her new buddies, were more than ready, they were having a hell of a time getting ready for this... She after a  bit parked her car as she sat there looking at the gym, she then got out of her car...

{Crystal Sweet} I'm going to hire a personal trainer to travel with me.. I can't keep doing this.. I hate having to have different trainers and shit.. 

She sighed walking in as she was looking around abit, she was trying to find someone to help her out a bit, and get her set up so she could work out... As it took longer than she liked, but finally someone walked up to her..

||Staff||-Oh wow, arent' you Crystal Sweet?

Oh god, here we go. lets roll the eyes.. She looks at him nodding her head as she grins looking at her as she just sighs..

{Crystal Sweet} Druel as I'm working out.. Please, I really just want to work out before I go to the arena... I have a couple of hours. so lets get to it alright...

Well after the moutin of paper work, I'm finally going, and ready to start my work out.  I head out to the back locker room area, as I change then come back out. as for today I shall work out on my own.. Doing some streches and what not... Then worry about the rest later..

After al that hell is done and over.. I'm finally making my way to work.. Yes we all have to work some day... Now I can work on getting the mental part ready.. Haha, we all know we're fucking mental enough as it is.. but lets see if I can't play a bit... Knowing that I have this match up against... shit was what her name... (Looks down at the paper given to me , of who is facing who) Ah yes Leah Blythe... She sounds grr. like Tony the Tigher... I"m sure she is tough as hell. er well she could be tough on the eyes... I havn't actully seen her yet.. or anything.. but who knows.. She could be a real Tigeress or something.. Or a pussy cat.. Time will tell.. Yes I like animals.. Aren't they fucking awesome... 

{Crystal Sweet}  I know you got that fever for me 102.. If tere is a camera up here.. I best not click on youtube... lalalalala..

Hell yeah Mariah Carey... Touch my body.. Very hot song.. Not  bad at all, Always something nice to get you going, and feeling good.. haha.. Ok here we are.. She parks the car in the employee spot at the arena, she doesn't leave until the song is over there, as she then gets out locking her doors before she goes and heands inside the arena to get ready for the day.. 

crysbottom.png picture by xxbadkitty

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