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  • Rank:Diamond Member
  • Score:3116
  • Posts:3116
  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Date Posted:09/16/2011 1:17 AMCopy HTML


The Person.
Name:Crystal Marie Sweet
Height/Weight: 5'6 / 125lbs
Marital Status: Single
Hometown: New York City, New York
Out-Of-Ring Appearance: Depending on where she is at.... Crystal usually wears training slacks and a tank top, in the morning due to her always being at the gym every morning, during the day where she isn't lookiing to knock some heads, she'll wear mini skirts, short dresses, with sexy tops, and high heels...
On a typical day out, she will sometimes where jeans and a decent tank top.. The colder it is, the more she'll wear, so if shes out in the winter time... she'll be dressing sexy but warm...
Accomplishments: This Sweet is pretty well known... she has been to many federations taking names and kicking ass... She has held many titles her favorite being the Female Divsion belt, but a few times holind a World title or Federation named belt...Shes also been general manager to a few places, Manged some great names out here, and of course signed a contract with BBW...

Just recently she dropped the dead weight that was known as Jasmine Sweet...

The Wrestler.
Ring Name:Crystal Sweet
Picbase: Sandee Westgate
Billed from: New York City, New York
Theme Music: Straight Out of Line By Godsmack

Alignment: Heel
Psychology: Crystal is a mean cold hearted bitch at times... She doesn't trust many, and isn't really good to trust... She has turned on many of those really close to her... From lovers, to family... If she feels it has to be done, or that they are holding her back, she'll walk all over them... Business is pleasure to her, and she is one tough and hard bitch to please, and to be friends with... but that doesn't mean she won't fuck with your mind once she is givien the chance... There are only a few in her history that she actually trusts enough to work wi th, but she doesn't often hang with them, more of a loner, out to do her own thing. Unless of course shes board, or needs a bit of attention, after all Crystal is just human...
Valet/Manager/Stable: No One
Weapon of Choice: She'll rip the shirt or pants off you, and choke you with them, if she gets a hold of them.
Style: Adaptive
In-Ring Appearance: Anything tight, revealing, and distracting... She wears boots, and a knee brace on right knee that she'll use to cheat for matches sometimes... She often wears anything that is red, and loves booty shorts...
Taunts/Quotes: "The Baddest Bitch"


1- Low Blow
2- Bitch Slap
3- DDT
4- Hurricrana
5- Chick Kick
6- Super Kick
7- Various punches to the face and chest area
8- Figure Four Leg Lock
9- Twist of Fat
10- Atomic Drop
11- Moonsault
12- Bullddog
13- Various Sleeper Holds
14- Clothesline
15- Headbutt

Trademark Moves.
1- Handspring Elbow
2- Widows Peak
3- Crippler Cross Face

Finisher #1: ...Nightmare
Description/youtube link: ...Candian Destoryer

Finisher #2: ...Sweet Kisss
Description/youtube link: ... Glam Slam

Finisher #3: ...Deadly Kiss
Description/youtube link: ...GoodNight Kiss

The Handler.
Name: Christina
Contact Information:
Birthday: 11.11.83

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