FWAR Contract

Character Information: Face: Dolph Ziggler Name: Jaxon Ryder Ring Name: Axel Gunner Alias: The Messiah of Sexy Born: Hollywood, Calif. Reside: Hollywood, Calif. Height: 6'0 Weight: 218 Ring Attaire: Can be shorts, to pants, depending on his mood and the weather.
Professional Information: Gimmick Explanation: Axel thinks that he is gods gift to everyone and anyone. He is cocky arrogant, and knows he is the next big thing, His ego knows no bounds... Wrestling Style: He prefers submission moves over all, but also likes to show is strength so also leans to power house moves. Favorite Match: Any that make him look good. Strength: He is new and fresh...Has that never quit attitude, very sure and confident Weakness:With that comes cockyness that can get him into trouble, his ego can also get the best of him, and he is still new to the wrestling world. Theme Song: "Feel Invincible" By skillet In Ring Tendencies: Axel is going to do what ever it takes to win, cheating, working with others, but he will do everything he can to be the one to stand out and look the best. Alignment: Heel
Moveset: Basic Moves(Minimum of 10):
1. Drop Kick 2. Leg Drop 3. Back Breaker 4. Brain Buster 5. Face Buster 6. Moonsault 7. Sidewalk Slam 8. Missile Drop Kick 9. T-Bone Suplex 10. Vertical Suplex Submissions:(No More Than 2) 1. Unlucky (Liontamer-Extreme Boston Crab) 2. Checked Out (La Bell Lock) Trademark Moves(No More Than 3) 1. Swinging Neckbreaker 2. Sleeper hold with Bodyscissors 3. Spinning Spinebuster Finishers(No More than 2) 1. Full Cocked (Full Nelson-Russian leg Sweet} 2. Spirit Breaker (Edgecater-Variation of the Sharpshooter)
Entrance: The silence is shattered as words hit over the speakers... You make me feel invincible...You make me feel invincible... Repeat a few times over, before the lights cut, and lights flash back on. "Feel Invincible" By Skillet blares an then pyros shoot off as Axel Gunner walks out on stage... A flashy grin on his face, his arms spread wide as if everyone was going to accept him with a warm welcome. He gets a mixture of boos, and some cheers, most seem to be unsure at the moment on how to take him. The cocky young super stars walks down the ramp way as he makes his way to the ring. He walks up the steel steps, wipes his boots on the apron, before he climbs in the ring...
Bio: A well made man, Jaxon Rider, ring name Axel Gunner... He has never been afraid to take the bull by the horns. He wants something he takes it... He has never not gotten what he has wanted, either by it being handed or him taking it. He is all about taking care of himself, and being in the best shape. He spends a lot of time training and working out. He was noticed by the right name, aw a whole different world opened up to him. After getting the finer details worked out, Axel Gunner was born...
Accomplishments: FWAR: None yet, brand new Other: None yet, brand new