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  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Date Posted:09/04/2020 7:05 PMCopy HTML

OUT OF CHARACTER - Just a little something something for Terror, seeing as I'm not a nice guy and have no one to actually do a thread with, haha..

It's funny really.  How easy it is to get under the skin of so many, without really any effort at all.  Terror is coming up as life once again fills the arena.  Many are ready to get back into ring.  Words being fired with harmful intent behind them.  The buss of the show seems to be mainly the tag match.  Of course this is the match that has Axel Gunner in it... So really not a surprise at all.  the man is good at making waves for sure.  Love or hate the man, which hate seems to be the popular feeling around the place.  He can sure bring out the worst in people.  Think how easily he was able to get under the skin of Hall of Famer Ryan Burgess.  Axel took what many would consider a wise and nice guy, turning him into quite the angry asshole... It's been great, of course Drew is being the twitter whore that he is well known... Shooting his advice at anyone and everyone... trying to get Ryan to see the error of his ways... It's been funny as hell... If the award show gets a wtf moment next year, I'm sure it will be most of the tweets...  As many of the good things Drew has had to say, you can still tell that his feeling for Axel aren't all warm and fuzzy either.  Yet in another sense, Drew has turned into one of Axel's biggest "Fan Girls", as he continues to try to force people to see the real raw talent that Axel is... It's been great to have your own PR guy... Kai on the other hand... Well he just doesn't seem to realize how lucky he is to just have crossed paths with the golden boy.  Before last week no one even remembered the man existed.  So now he has the chance to get back in the spot light.  Talk about being in the right place at the right time.  He'll get his moment.  It won't be a good moment, but a moment none the less.   For Axel, Terror is just another pit stop.  As he is on his way to the top of the company.  Just because he has to tag doesn't mean he has any less intention of taking the spot  light off himself...Oh no, that could never happen.

Here we are, another day for the opportunity for another dollar to be maid.  Axel was just walking into the arena.  Fresh shaven and showered after his long work out at the gym this morning.  Very stick with his work out routine, but of course all about making a good showing for his fans, and haters.  A cocky grin on his face as he is making his way down the hall, most likely thinking about who's day he'll be able to ruin today... Knowing that it's early yet and anything is possible.

{Madeline Blade}- Axel!  Axel Gunner!

The voice was mildly high pitched.  Making him stop walking as he lowered his shades a bit turning to see Madeline Blade standing there.  He grinned a bit looking the tall blonde over as she was making her way to him.  He knew what she was wanting, and grinned at the thought of a bit more camera time.

{Madeline Blade}-  How about a few words about your up coming tag match on Terror.   You have to be getting excited as time gets closer?

She asked as she did have her mic with her... Would Axel have anything to say... He just grins as he nods, letting Madeline get into place.  As there was a bit he was wanting to say, not for any real reason other than hearing his voice.

||Axel Gunner||- I do have a few things I would like to say about my match up.

Of course he didn't say tag match... As he was wanting to put as much of it on him as possible... Though of course he knew that he would be working with Drew Stevenson.  She nodded her head raising the mic up closer to him so he could speak.

||Axel Gunner||- So I get there are a lot of people out there that just don't like me.   The men in the match up I am going to win on Terror... They don't like me either.... Hell even my tag partner, who seems to be doing a good job of talking me up... It is very clear that he doesn't like me either... 

He chuckled a bit as he was thinking about it... He seemed to have done pretty well at just making everyone wish he was no wheres near the company... Hoping that his time here would be short... Too bad, because it just wasn't going to be happening like that... Oh, Axel for sure was making himself at home, and was going to continue to do so... 

||Axel Gunner||- It was too easy to get under the skin of Ryan Burgess.  There was really no effort at all... Now looking at him?  He's a raving lunatic... I swear I broke that old bastard's brain.  Or what he had left of one anyways.   He went from a man of respect to a man who lost it all in a matter of moments... He turned on his friends.  Going bat shit crazy over anything that I do or say... It's been very entertaining.

He said with a cocky grin as he moved his shades once again, but didn't stop talking.

||Axel Gunner||- The man is so dead set on beating me...No not beating, but ending me, he has actually lost sight of everything else around him.   Willing to do whatever he feels he has to to make it happen... Sad to say though... It just isn't going to happen... I mean just because Ryan Burgess will never be me, doesn't mean he can get rid of me.  He's just pissed off because when he looks at me... He knows that I'm going to go further than he ever has, and in record time too... What has taken him over a decade, will take me less than half the time.  Have your doubts?  Good... I love proving everyone wrong.

Oh yes he very much did... He also very much would.

||Axel Gunner||- Drew... I know you seem to think that you need to defend me... Continue your useless lectures on Twitter that no one gives a fuck about.  You come here acting as if you're the special uncle of the place... Thinking that everyone wants to hear your wisdom, learn from the mistakes you made... When in reality no one gives a damn.... But you keep being you, do your thing...Just try to keep your mouth shut when the bell rings... The time for talking and trying to make nice is over... You just do what you're paid to do... While I make us look even better than we already do... Which for you will be amazing.. Probably better than you looked in your youth, when most say you actually had the talent...

He had heard a lot about Drew's past career... Then again Drew spends all the time just talking about the chip on the shoulder he use to have... How he messed up his life over his career, and all that other stuff... Which Axel didn't care anything about... Nor did he want to hear any bits of advice or lectures after the bell rings... No, this is about doing the one job they were paid for...

{Madeline Blade}-  You have talked about Ryan, and even about your own tag partner Drew Stevenson... I can't help but notice that you didn't have anything to say about Ryan's tag partner Kai Lafao?  

Of course Madeline would pick up on that and actually bring that up... Why hadn't Axel said anything about the other young man in the match up... Was he worried about Kai?  Well with how Axel was laughing, most would say no.. 

||Axel Gunner||-  So, Miss Blade is wondering why I didn't have anything to say about Kai Lafao int his match up. Awe, are you afraid he'll be left out.

He said with a cocky grin as he was just shrugging it off a bit.

||Axel Gunner||- What is there really to say... Yeah I heard him shooting off at the mouth earlier... So what... He doesn't even realize he's just lucky to be here.  He is getting his five seconds in my lime light...He should just shut up and be thankful.  Hell before he stood those few minutes in my way, he got himself blessed... The Sweets seen this and gave him the match... Before that he was a nobody... Probably after he loses this sorry ass match, will fade back away into the nothingness that he came from.  

He said simply...He put his shades back on, feeling it was a time for this to come to and end... Not even feeling he had more to say about the man, or really about anyone... After all this was his show, it was going to be his night...

||Axel Gunner||- Come Terror, the only name people will be saying is Axel Gunner... By the end of the year the fans will be begging and chanting to see me... Even more than they are now... You just wait and see... FWAR's future is going to be looking great with me in it...

He said laughing a bit as he went on walking away, heading off down the hall.  There wasn't anymore that needed to be said...He wasn't going to set there and rant and rave... He wasn't going to yell and scream... He wasn't going to hit below the belt like most are known for... No... he'll just let his actions speak for him, and come Terror, this man is going to be all action... 

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