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  • Rank:Diamond Member
  • Score:3116
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  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Date Posted:04/03/2020 3:45 PMCopy HTML

OUT OF CHARACTER - Just something to get started....

So the show must go on... As far as FWAR is concerned anyways... With the way the world is looking and turning on... I guess they feel keeping fans entertained is what they feel is best... In order to keep there talent and superstars as safe as possible.  They have taken extra steps, precautions.  To ensure the safety.   First being that the only way fans are seeing the show is by watching from a screen...No fans are going to be allowed inside.  The arena will not be full of talent as it pretty much is going to be on a need to be there bases...Though there is a battle royal...The size of it is controlled as it will not just be open to anyone now...Not that any of that mattered.. As the show that counted would be Mayhem.  The show where Axel made his grand debut.  The show where he got to show the world just what  everyone has truly been missing.  The only real sad part of this....The world is getting to see the arrival of the greatest talent to ever grace the company, and because of what is going on, it will not be the reaction it should be... It will be over played, under hyped... That isn't how it should be....As Axel knows he is a gift to the company....A true blessing for sure... I guess the Messiah of Sexy is just going to have to make due and still steal the show...

Being held up in a hotel isn't all that bad...Even better when it's the boss who is paying for it...Telling you to do what you need to, to make yourself comfortable.  Of course Axel did just that... Knowing what he deserved anyways.  Having to do his own work, shoot his own promos.. Not really the way it should be, but in times like this you need to make do.  So for this he was going to do a bit on his cell phone and just upload it to the, so all the fans can get an idea just what they are in for.

||Axel Gunner||- Hello, FWAR universe.

He said with a cocky grin as he was looking into his phone.  He wasn't camera shy or anything, not when he looked as good as he did...He was use to lots of attention and eyes on him..feeling even though things were like this, in the end it would really be no different...He would still get the end result that he looked to obtain.

||Axel Gunner||-So i know there is plenty of time to waste here....I didn't have to bless you all with any words, or the view of this...

He holds the camera back as he shows off his shirtless body...Feeling like he was doing the world a favor right now.

||Axel Gunner||- Now I have no idea who this Matt Ward person is... Seeing as he hasn't shown his face since I've started coming around the company...Which really I'm not surprised.  It happens... When a lesser man sees a greater man they tend to fade out and try to hide... Knowing that they are not and will not ever be as great as I.  It's nothing to be ashamed of really... I can't blame him from hiding.  What can he say really to compete against this.

He points to his form once again.  Feeling as if he was the alpha male here...He knew that he would be the greater man, the better man in all that would matter.  

||Axel Gunner||- Matt, you don't worry about a thing...You just try to show up, and Axel here iwll steal the show...Just like he was always meant to  do... Then once it is done you can crawl back into the shadows.   Where I have a feeling is right where you belong anyways.

He said with a cocky smirk thinking about it.

||Axel Gunner||- I see this as a test you know... I guess this is a test for Axel.  They want to see if I'm really the future of this company...I have to say this is a pretty pathetic test.  Not a real chance to show off how awesome I truly am.  The people watching from home truly won't be getting their monies worth... Though just seeing me in action is bank.

He grinned as he was thinking about it.  As he was cocky as hell... He was confident of his abilities that was for sure...He grinned as he was looking at the camera.

||Axel Gunner||- You will all be in for a treat with me present, that is for sure...You all will get to see Axel Gunner , beat the living hell out of the nobody known as Matt Ward...

He says with a bit of a wink and flashing that cocky grin.  Feeling as if it was done and over for now.  He turns the camera off as he then uploads it for the world to see and watch the splender of the video that he made.

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