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Date Posted:05/06/2014 7:09 PMCopy HTML

eve torres

Name__ Amari Scotts Rose
Ring Name__ Amari Rose
Face__ Eve Torres
Height/Weight__ 5'7/ 122lbs
Hometown__ Ireland
Theme__Hands All Over Maroon 5

 Commonly Used Moves.
-Chick Kick
-Atomic Drop

-Handspring elbow

-Cripler Cross Face

-Dragon Sleeper

-(Bleeding Hearts) - French Kiss DDT
-(Rose Petals)-Wings of Love


This girl is a bit of a trouble maker... likes to stir up shit whenever she can, and she isn't afraid of anyone.. She isn't really a bully, but she will push buttons if given the chance...She had no problem taken anything from anyone if she wants it bad enough... She isn't overly stuck up or anything, but she doesn't have a problem saying she's better than someone, and then proving it, if she has too...

Amari grew up a happy child in Ireland , she was a beauty thru school and was use to men throwing themselves all over her, hoping to get her, but she wanted more, she got interested in wrestling while in college as she saw some show come to her country, feeling it was something she could do, she got herself in, and then started to move around a bit, as she has made her way to FWAR in hopes of starting some real fun for herself..


"Hands all over" By Maroon 5 blares as Amari steps out on the stage she smriks standing there as she does a lil hip move, then goes walking down the ramp way making her way to the ring.. She walks up the steps crawling in the ring, waiting for her match to start...

Accomplishments...She's brand spanky new, so hasn't done anything yet that really counts...

CrystalSweet Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1
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  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Re:Amari Rose

Date Posted:03/22/2016 1:23 AMCopy HTML

eve torres

Picture Base: Eve Torres.
Real Name: Amari Scotts Rose.

Name: Amari Rose.
Residing From: Ireland
: 5'7"
Weight: 119lbs
Theme Music: "Hands All over" by Maroon 5
Job Role: Manager to Marcus White and Blake Smith
Personality: She is usually a calm and nice person, but she doesn't warm up to everyone, after spending a few years in the wrestling world, she isn't all that trusting for good reason.  She no longer wrestles but she didn't leave the world, as she found another way to stay attacked..
Gimmick Explanation:  Amari is wanting to try her hands as a manager, and she found a couple of guys who are wanting to be a new tag team in a new place, so after a few chats the three decided to work together and see what they could make happen, which is what brought her to where she is now..

Sport History: A former Tag champion, Amari isn't new to the wrestling world, and isn't new to working with partners, and knew that she would be useful to a new tag team in TXW, which was why they signed a contract and worked out a deal and made there way here to the company..
Ring Willingness
: Amari has no problem with getting in the ring if needed, does she want too, no not really but she will help her team out any way she can, and if that means getting her hands dirty, this Irish sweet heart is up for it.
Fighting Style: Amari is pretty mixed being that she had fought different kinds of people, even having to fight men in her past so she had learned to adapt and work with what ever was before her.. 

Entrance: Usually Amari will be coming out with Marcus and or Blake, but if she does come out alone it will be to "Hands All over" blaring.  She'll had a smirk on her face as she makes her way down to the ring.  She really isn't into the face gimmick anymore, so she wouldn't be giving high fives or being all that into the fans, as she makes her way to the ring.  Once in the ring she'll have a mic as she go on about saying whatever she came out there to say..

Biography: Amari grew up moving around a lot, mainly around Ireland before moving to the States.  Where she actually finished high school and college in Huston Texas.  Her accent is a bit mixed between her Irish accent and a grown into Texan accent... She sounds pretty sweet when she talks, and most like hearing her.  Amari use to be known as a bit of a mean girl, but wasn't much of a bully. 

When she came to FWAR her main goals was just training and getting use to her new profession.  Working it out solo for awhile, but she made friends with Aidan and his girl friend, and the two ended up tagging and the two had a long run as Tag Champions for awhile.  After the company took a break, Amari found herself not wanting to get back in the ring, but wasn't ready to say goodbye fully, which was how she meant Blake and Marcus, and what brings the trio to TXW..

Achievements: [list below]
FWAR Tag Champions with Aidan Monroe

AmariRose Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #2
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  • Register:01/07/2013 7:11 PM

Re:Amari Rose

Date Posted:07/08/2019 2:19 PMCopy HTML


FWAR Contract

Character Information:
Face: Eve Torres
Name: Amari Scotts Rose
Alias: Amari Rose
Born: Montego Bay, Jamaica
Coweta County, Georgia
Weight: 119lbs
Ring Attaire: She wears shorts, knee boots, tight but well fitted tops(Much like Eve)

Professional Information:
Gimmick Explanation: Amari is a friendly girl.  She doesn't have a bad attitude, but doesn't take crap from anyone, and will find herself helping others out even if it has nothing to do with her. 
Wrestling Style: Mixed, not set to one style really

Favorite Match: She likes fun matches.
Strength: Amari is very easy going, and works well with others, and is great for tag matches. 
Weakness:She is very prideful, and often puts her neck out on the line.

Theme Song: "Go Girl" By Pitbull Ft Trina & Young Boss
In Ring Tendencies: She is a team player, fights fair.  

Alignment: Face


Basic Moves(Minimum of 10):

1. DDT

2. Chick Kick

3. Clothesline

4. Neck Breaker

5. Super Kick

6. Low Blow(Only when she's in a dangerous spot)

7. Back Breaker

8. Atomic Drop

9. Super Kick

10. Varies Arm Bars

Submissions:(No More Than 2)

1. Cross Face

2. Dragon Sleeper

Trademark Moves(No More Than 3)

1. Handspring Elbow

2. Hurricrana
3. Stomps off the top Rope

Finishers(No More than 2)

1. Bleeding Hearts(French Kiss DDT)

2. Rose Petals(Wings of Love)

Entrance:  The lights go out, bright colors flash around.  "Go Girl!" By Pitbull(Ft. Trina &Young Boss) Blares over the P.A System.  After a moment Amari Rose walks out on the stage.  She smiles as she raises her arms up.  Getting cheer from the crowd as she then walks down the ramp way.  Giving high fives to fans as she does so.  She ten runs up the steel steps, and walking up on the apron.  She leans on the ropes a bit, smiling as she looks around.  Then crawling in the ring.  She moves around posing a bit more, as she waits for things to start....

Bio:  Amari is a happy island girl,  She spent most of her life on the beaches.  Spent a bit of time as a model.  When she came to visit the states she learned about wrestling.  Loving what she saw, she began training and working towards her new career.  She was signed a couple years later to FWAR. Where she was trained and helped by many of the talents there.  It didnt' take her long to get in the title picture as she was able to capture tag gold with Aidan.

Now With FWAR reopening it's doors, Amari is looking to step back in the ring, and see just what she can do on her own.  Looking to maybe claim some solo fame..


FWAR Tag Champion with Aidan Monroe

FWAR Intergender Tag Champion iwth Aidan Monroe


CrystalSweet Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #3
  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Re:Amari Rose

Date Posted:05/25/2020 5:46 PMCopy HTML

Picture Base:  Eve Torres
Real Name: Amari Scotts Rose
Ring Name: Amari Rose
Alias(es): N/A.
Date of Birth: When were they born? Month/Day/Year
Born: Montego Bay, Jamica
Residing From:
Coweta County, Georgia
Height: 5'7
Weight: 119
Theme Music: "Go Girl" By Pitbull Ft. Trina & Young Boss
In Ring Attire: She wears bright colors, nothing that is two revealing.  Short that have glitter and gems matching tops that look great but don't show anything off.
Favorite Match Type:  Tag Matches
Crowd Status: Face
Gimmick: Amari is very out going and friendly.  She will talk to just about anyone... She has been with FWAR for a bit now so she she kind of is known to be the one to chat with in the Women's locker room.  
Wrestling Style: More mixed but really not a brawler
In Ring Tendencies: Amara is very much a team player, works very well in tag matches, though she is still able to mix it up on her own, she is still very happy in tag matches.
Strengths: Amari is quick to adapt, she doesn't panic or freak out, but is very smart and thinks things through, and is a full believer of working smarter not harder.
Weaknesses: She isn't a power house, she doesn't have all that strength about her, so when fighting guys it can put her on the disadvantage at times...

Moveset: {At least 10}
- Chick Kick
- Clothesline
- Neck Breaker
- Super Kick
- Low Blow(Only when she is in a dangerous spot)
- Back Breaker
- Atomic Drop
- Super Kick
- Varies Arm Bars

Submission(s): {No more than 3)
- Cross Face
- Dragon Sleeper
- Figure Four Leg Lock

Trademark(s): {No more than 3}
- Handspring Elbow
- Hurricrana
- Stomps off the top Rope
Finisher(s):{No more than 2}
- Bleeding Hearts(French Kiss DDT)
- Rose Petals(Wings of Love)

Entrance: The lights go out, bright colors flash around.  "Go Girl" By Pitbull Ft. Trina & Young Boss blares over the P.A. System.  Getting an instant reaction from the fans as they know who it is.  They aren't left waiting long as Amari Rose walks out on stage.  She has a smile on her face as she stands up on the apron.  She waves to the fans as she is just as excited to see them as they are her.  She then walks off te stage walking down the ramp way to the ring.  Jogging up the steel steps she stands up on the apron a bit.  Posing some, then bends over and crawls in the ring... Of course spending a bit more time posing as she then leans against the ropes as she waits for the match to start....

Biography: Amari is a very happy island girl.  She has spent nearly all her life before wrestling and growing up on the beaches.  She worked as a model for many years before deciding she needed a change... Taking a full 360 as it brought her to FWAR.  Training with some of the worlds best trainers before she actually started her first match in the company.  Amari has been on fire sense day one.  
Taking a shine to Tag Matches she teamed up with good friend Aidan Monroe as the two captured tag gold on two different occasions.
Now here we are in 2020, Aidan has retired from FWAR, but that hasn't slowed Amari down at all, as she has found a new friend and new Tag Partner as they were able to go right for gold, and capture it, as they stand to dominate the tag division!

-FWAR Tag Champions W/Aidan Monroe
-FWAR Intergender Tag Champion W/Aidan Monroe
- FWAR Tag Champion W/Arnica Blane


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