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  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Date Posted:11/10/2009 4:02 AMCopy HTML



Getting back  into the feel of things.

I got one more coming right after this, this just didn't fit right into the thread so had to remove it.

Back on, after the work out..

What is a perfect day without running into the new man in your life.  Yeah Crystal had been busy and al, but she knew Jax had been doing his own thing.  Working a bit on and off, and hanging with some friends he hadn’t seen in so long.  Well time is time and of course before Crystal would have to get into the ring, against a man who is well known around here, and has major talent, Crystal was wanting some nice fuzzy moment time...And he must of known.. Must be the man radar at work here…When Domain comes on the air… Crystal is seen walking out of her locker room.  Freshly showered as she is now heading down the hall. As she is walking, she sees Jax walk up to her.  She looks at him smiling, as it was nice to see him.

||Crystal Sweet|| Hey there… Did you have fun hanging out with your buddies?

She looked at him smiling softly as she was walking with him, as she wasn’t wanting to be late.  He may not have known her all that long, but he did know how she was by now.  She was a strict diva, always on schedule, and wasn’t about to change right now…

{Jax} Yeah it was great… Thanks for not bugging at the party when they were there.

She smiled as she looked at him as she didn’t mind at all.

||Crystal Sweet|| Hey not a problem, don’t even sweat it.  I’m getting ready to head to the autrograph signing... You want to ride along?

He nodded

{Jax} Sure... How was your work out?  Feel all ready for your match up tonight?

He smiled looking at her as he put his hand around her, on her waist a bit as he pulled her close.  He didn’t mind taking the risk.  They had gotten close, so he knew he could get away with it.  Crystal smiled as she looked up at him as she nodded her head.

{Crystal Sweet} Oh yes, I’m ready for my match up tonight.  I spent a couple hours training in the gym this morning.  I didn’t want to be late for my signing, so just hurried and showered when you caught me.  I’m ready for Ryan though. 

She smiled as she was thinking about it as she was really sure about it.  She was more than confident with her abilities.  She didn’t care if he was thinking that or not.  She knew Ryan would be in for one hell of a surprise tonight.

{Jax} I knew you would be baby… I have been seeing the promos a bit, I know that you’re going to do a hell of a job tonight.

He smirked as he looked at her as she smiled back up at him, as she was glad to have him like this.  It was nice to have a bit of a support system going on as she was thinking about it a bit. They walked out into the parking lot heading to her car… She went unlocking it as they both got in… Soon enough they were taking off heading down the road.

||Off Camera||

{Crystal Sweet} This is nice, and I’m glad that this day has gone so well.  Even with that jerk in the gym earlier… That is still alright, and I’m not minding at all.  I’m still focused and thinking positive about this.

She said looking at him as she smiled softly thinking about it as she was focused and was looking forward to this match… She smiled looking at Jax a moment who was sitting there, listening to her talk, but of course he was looking at her cleavage a bit as she couldn’t help but laugh shaking her head some.

{Crystal Sweet} Do you need a napkin there?

She joked as she looked at him.  He smiled seeing that she wasn’t mad or anything at him… It was a bit of a drive to where she was needing, to get too, so was happy to have the company with her…

{Crystal Sweet} After tonight, just have to get ready for the tag rematch.  That was such a fluke… but its done and over with… Just have to wait for the rematch, and get our titles back.  I’m sure Gypsy is feeling the same way that I am.

She said as she saw him nod out of the corner of her eye as they were both thinking about it.  She smiled as she slowed down seeing the location chosen for today’s festivities as she parked her car looking at him.

||On Camera||

The door to her car opens up as she steps out, seeing the fans all around.  Cameras all over the place watching as things are going on.  She smiled as she was liking how it looked.  It was going to be fun here, as she saw the line of fans already waiting for her and some other talents.

{Crystal Sweet} Well lets go and get things started..

She stepped out more closing the driver’s side door as she then turned looking at Jax who was just standing there a bit, in no big hurry to move or do anything, as she looked at him, wondering what was up.

||Jax|| Actually I’m going to hang out here and watch from the side line... If you don’t mind, sexy… This is all about you, and they want to see you, not me dueling all over you.

She laughed a bit looking at him as she shook her head a bit, but understanding as she gave him a quick kiss that shocked him, as she then moved getting out of the car as she went then heading to get the autograph stuff started. 

{Crystal Sweet} Alright, it isn’t suppose to be that long, I’ll write quickly… See you in a little bit.

She hollered out as she went heading into get things started as she knew this was just the beginning for her, the beginning of her day as she knew that she had a lot of things going on, and it wasn’t going to be slowing down any time soon.

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