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  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Date Posted:08/12/2019 10:39 PMCopy HTML

General Manager: Hope Sweet & Oliver Horn

Date: 08/31/2019 

Time: 11 P.M. Est.

Theme Song: "????" By ???

Match 1:
Gideon Starr s Vs.Matt Ward
Match Type: Singles
Stipulation: None
Summary: Matt is stepping in an FWAR ring for the first time in two years.  Gideon is the new guy on the block, looking to bring joy and star seeds.. 

Match 2:
Makayla Jones Vs Lana Starr
Match Type:  Paddle on a Pole Match
Stipulation: None
Summary: We keep on with the new and shiny, as Lana is taking on Makayla, as the girls are looking to make a name for themselves here!

Match 3:
Damian Crow w/Bethany Sorrows Vs. Danica Grey
Match Type: 1st Blood Match
Stipulation: None
Summary: ???

Match 4:
Jezabel Jezzi & Kelly Nightingale Vs. Vincent Underwood & Blair Black
Match Type: Tag Match
Stipulation: FWAR Tag Team Championship
Summary: ???

Match 5: 
Gabriel Hunter Vs  Alex Torres
Match Type: Hardcore Match
Stipulation: None
Summary: ???

Match 6:
NovaCaine Vs. Dominic Pierce
Match Type: Street Fight
Stipulation: None
Summary: ???

Match 7:
Death Dealer Deranged Vs. Lily Khaos
Match Type: X Division Rules
Stipulation: X Division Championship Match
Summary: ???

Match 8:

Bikini Contest
Match Type: Bikini contest
Stipulation:  Winner is Miss/Mr Affliction 2019
Summary: Just because it says Bikini, doesn't mean that it's just for the ladies.  If you want to show up in your best swim suites... Come on down and show it off
for the world to see!

Pre Main Event: 
Roxanne Marshall Vs. Jasmine Sweet Vs. Aimee Daughtry
Match Type: Triple Threat
Stipulation: Women's Championship Match
Summary: ???

Main Event: 
Wolf Heathen Vs. Christopher Matthews Vs. Kevin Khaos
Match Type: Hope's Hardcore Playground
Stipulation: FWAR Championship/Hardcore Championship
Summary: ???

CrystalSweet Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1
  • Rank:Diamond Member
  • Score:3116
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  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Re:Affliction(Summer Affliction)

Date Posted:09/06/2019 1:50 AMCopy HTML

General Manager: Hope Sweet & Oliver Horn

Date: 08/31/2019 

Time: 11 P.M. Est.

Theme Song: "Fiend" By Coal Chamber

Match 1:
Gideon Starr Vs.Matt Ward
Match Type: Singles
Stipulation: None
Winner: Gideon Starr

The first match of the night, and the first Pay Per View for the duo of Oliver Horn and Hope Sweet.  You are first seen by Matt Ward as he makes his way to the ring.  Receiving a few boos from the crowd.  He didn't seem to care as he just made his way to the ring.  Soon after that, new arrival Gideon Starr made his way out.  The crowd not all to sure on how to take him yet.  As he just smiles looking around, waving to some of the fans as he walks down the ramp way.  Giving a few high fives to some young fans.  As the crowd seems to enjoy it, as they cheer a bit for the new guy.  Who finally makes his way to the ring, to an impatient Ward.  Who is looking to get this match started already.
Which didn't do any good for Matt, as he didn't know how to take the new guy, and even trying to cheap shot him, wasn't able to take him down.  Gideon showing that he is more than meets the eye.  Not a good night for Matt Ward as he just seemed to be too confused by new comer Gideon Starr.  Who was able to not only show an impressive debut, but doing so at a PPV just made things ready.  The fans seemed to really enjoy the new comer as they were cheering him on by the end of the match up, and even more so after he as able to win his match.  Probably not the big return that Matt Ward was looking for.  Gideon is seen standing in the middle of the ring with his hands raised celebrating his first victory here in FWAR.

Backstage Segment: Backstage you see Hope and Oliver sitting in the back as they are eager to see how the rest of the show plays off.  As the start off wasn't as they had hoped, but still not bad.  Hope was looking forward to watching how things played off.  As Oliver was more invested in what Plague was doing. 

{Hope Sweet}- Not off to a bad start.  I'm sure it'll get better.

She grinned as she was thinking about it as she looked at Oliver who was thinking of way to make sure that it all played out the way it was meant to.

{Oliver Horn}- Oh yes, I'm sure the next match will draw all kinds of attention.

Hope laughed nodding her head as she was thinking about it.  They sat back enjoying the show as it was the start of things, and the night for sure was far from over.  The two sat back while the camera faded out to a commercial break...

Match 2:
Makayla Jones Vs Lana Starr
Match Type:  Paddle on a Pole Match
Stipulation: None
Winner: Lana Starr
Another Starr is seen making her way out to the ring.  As the fans were loving the first one, and were enjoying the sight of this one.  Lana stood up on the stage with a happy grin on her face.  She makes her way down the ramp way, as she gets in the ring.  Looking up at the pole that had a paddle attached to it.  As she knew what this meant.  If she was wanting to win she had to give Makayla a spanking with it.  After a moment Makayla Jones makes her entrance to the stage as she stands there a moment looking around.  Then walking down the ramp way. Not looking all that impressed as she makes her way to the ring.  Walking up the ssteps as she gets it the ring. As soon as the bell rings the match is on.
It didn't take much for Lana to get the advantage as she showed her mean streak, grabbing Makayla right by the hair, whipping her around the ring.  A slap to the face, as she took her down to the knee.  Not what everyone was expecting for the Scot as she was really taking it to Makayla.  She was able to get her down with a DDT.  Lana went over to the pole climbing up as she was able to grab it.  With a smirk she turned looking at Makayla who was just starting to get back up.  She attempted to bolt out of the ring, but Lana grabbed her by the hair, yanking her hard and slamming her head first to the mat.  Lana then turned her over , as she picked the paddle back up and started to spank her with it.  The bell ringing, giving Lana her first victory...

Backstage Segment: Backstage cameras open up to show Roxanne Marshall standing in the back as she was holding her Women's Championship. She was having a chat with her brother who was there to show his support.  They were smiling and chatting it up a bit when Aimee Daughtry shows up to mess with Roxanne a bit. Roxy turns giving the attention to Aimee for a moment.

{Aimee Daughtry}- It's good that your brother is here...Gives you a crying shoulder once I kick your ass and take my Championship.  You and everyone knows I should be champion right now.  Not you.  You're just lucky to be here.  

Oh you can still tell that Aimee was bitter that she didn't win the title.  Roxy just smiled as she was standing there.  Not bothered at all as she wasn't going to play those kind of games.

{Roxanne Marshall}-  We will see what happens later tonight.  So why don't you go run along... Adults are talking.

She said shaking her head as she looked at her brother.

{Roxanne Marshall}- Let's get out of here.

She said shaking her head a bit, as he nodded and the two took their leave.   As he was taking her out to his bus where they could meet up with Ciara and chat before she had her match up later tonight.  Leaving Aimee standing in the hall still very angry , as she yelled out a bit, but it didn't seem to do any good as she didn't get any more attention her way, as the cameras made there way back out to the ring for the next match..  

Match 3:
Bethany Sorrows Vs. Danica Grey
Match Type: 1st Blood Match
Stipulation: None
Winner: Danica Grey
The bell rings as the cameras come back to both ladies in the ring, and both excited to be starting off.  Locking up right away.  With this being a first blood match, the only way to win was to draw blood.  Which seemed to be good with both as they both were out for blood in this match.  Bethany had already made quite the impression on Danica with her attack to her , and Danica was looking to even things out, and maybe take things a step forward.  Danica managed to get the upper hand pretty early on, and was able to take Bethany down.  While she was trying to recover, Danica went over to one of the corners and started to take the protective cushion off of the buckle, exposing it.  As soon as it was open she grinned as she turned looking at Bethany who was still down.  She grabbed her by the hair, hitting a few more punches on her, she then whipped her right into the exposed turnbuckle.  Grabbing her hair as she smashes her head and face right into it, cutting her open instantly.  She doesn't stop there as she does it a few times, until the ref has to pull her back.  Bethany falls to the mat with blood pouring from her face.  Danica is grinning as she is standing there as the ref raises her hand up, declaring her the winner.

Backstage Segment: The cameras are quickly taken to the backstage area where you see Lorcan attacking Kevin Khaos.  Trying to get an early upper hand for Plague.  Kevin tries to fight back, but was just taken off guard and isn't able to get enough space to counter , or collect himself.  The attack didn't last long as you saw Gage Steele getting involved.  Pushing Lorcan back from Khaos.  As the fight then becomes a two on one, before security rushes in to break it up, thinking they have it under control as Gage is able to break free.  Gage goes right on the attack pushing Lorcan right into the wall.  When Lorcan goes to turn around Gage picks him up and puts him through a near by table.  The refs are right on Gage again, pushing him back away as Gage just grins looking at the mess he made, as it for sure isn't how Lorcan was wanting to do things, but for now Kevin is left standing and able to compete in the main event.

Match 4:
Jezabel Jezzi & Kelly Nightingale Vs. Vincent Underwood & Blair Black
Match Type: Tag Match
Stipulation: FWAR Tag Team Championship
Winner: Vincent Underwood & Blair Black
The match starts off between Jezzi and Blair.  The two are going back and forth and are battling out pretty good, Jezzi is able to get the upper hand and gets a few near pins on Blair, but she kicks out before the ref can hit the three.  The tag is made between Blair and Vincent as Jezzi battles it a bit, but with one big boot it takes Jezzi down.   She is able to kick out after the first pin attempt.  Playing it smart, Jezzi takes in her partner Kelly who is ready to fight.  She goes right after Vincent, bringing the fight for him as Jezzi takes a bit to recover from the outside of the ring.  Kelly tries to over power Vincent but he is not having it as he pushes Kelly into the ropes then clotheslines her.  Grinning feeling good about it before he goes picking her up and finishes her, and gets the pin before Jezzi could get in the ring to break it up.  Jezzi does pull Kelly out of the way as Blair comes rushing in, jumping on Vincent excited for the win, as the Ref comes in the ring handing the two of them the Tag Titles, as they hold it up happily!   Jezzi and Kelly don't look to happy with there loss but they know that there is still more chances as they leave letting the new champs celebrate their victory, for now...

Backstage Segment: Here

Match 5: 
Gabriel Hunter Vs  Alex Torres
Match Type: Hardcore Match
Stipulation: None
Winner: Gabriel Hunter
Why wait for everyone to be in the ring? Must of been what was going through the mind of Gabriel Hunter.  As he didn't want to wait, as soon as Alex was out on the stage, Gabriel came out from behind and wnt on the attack.  With this being a Hardcore match it was all perfectly legal.  The ref saw this going on as he called for the bell and started the match up right away.  Alex didn't know what hit him...But the crowd did as they were yelling and screaming as Gabriel tossed Alex down the ramp.  Giving him a kick to the ribs as he went rolling even further down the ring.  Gabriel grabbing him up, as he then grabs his arm and sends him flying into the steel steps back first.  Causing Alex to yell in pain and jerk forward from it.  Gabriel is right there with a big boot knocking him down.  Gabriel does about stomping him, before leaning down and lifting him up.  Pushing him into the ring where this can finally get put to an end.  The ref is waiting while Gabriel goes about stomping him a few more times before rolling him over, and just putting a foot on his chest as the ref counts 1. 2. 3.  As Gabriel gets a very dominate win...

Backstage Segment: Backstage you see Gabriel Hunter walking to the locker room area just after winning his match agaisnt Alex Torres.  He has a pretty big grin on his face as he spots Lauren Li.  The two had short words on twitter, as he is looking to continue them.  He stands there as he speaks out, causing her to look in his direction.

{Gabriel Hunter}- I don't see anything lethal about you.

A cocky grin on his face as Lauren doesn't have much of a reaction, keeping herself pretty cool as it was.  Maybe not looking to start a fight here int he back, but you could tell that he was all about causing some trouble.  Still looking to edge her on, he goes on speaking.

{Gabriel Hunter}- Look more like a piece of ass, than a wrestler.

He said with a grin as that made her look up, as she gave him a look.  Not to mess with her her as she wasn't about to be talked to like that.

{Lauren Li}- You want to see just what makes me lethal...Fine.

She said simply walking away...As she wouldn't do anything here right now.  Though it looks like there will be a fight to take place rather sooner than later.  Gabriel just stands there grinning feeling pretty proud of himself right now...

Match 6:
NovaCaine Vs. Dominic Pierce
Match Type: Street Fight
Stipulation: None
Winner: NovaCaine

Backstage Segment: Here

Match 7:
Death Dealer Deranged Vs. Lily Khaos
Match Type:X Division Rules/
 Horn's Hell Gauntlet [weapons nailed to splintered pillars lining the ramp to the ring.]
Stipulation: X Division Championship Match
Winner: Death Dealer Deranged

Backstage Segment: Here

Match 8:

Bikini Contest
Match Type: Bikini contest
Stipulation:  Winner is crowned The Wicked Afflicted
Winner: TBA

Backstage Segment:  Here

Pre Main Event: 
Roxanne Marshall Vs. Jasmine Sweet Vs. Aimee Daughtry
Match Type: Triple Threat
Stipulation: Women's Championship Match
Winner: Jasmine Sweet

Backstage Segment: Here

Main Event: 
Wolf Heathen Vs. Christopher Matthews Vs. Kevin Khaos
Match Type: Hope's Hardcore Playground
Stipulation: FWAR Championship/Hardcore Championship
Winner: Kevin Khaos, due to assistance from Gage Steele

CrystalSweet Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #2
  • Rank:Diamond Member
  • Score:3116
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  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Re:Affliction(Summer Affliction)

Date Posted:09/08/2019 11:09 PMCopy HTML

Match 6:
NovaCaine Vs. Dominic Pierce
Match Type: Street Fight
Stipulation: None
Winner: NovaCaine
Dominic had spent a lot of time running his mouth when he first arrived, but now he is having to put himself to the test against NovaCain.  Someone who has age and experience on his side.  Cocky as he may be, Dominic tried to be disrespectful, as he went to slap Nova across the face. Though it did no good as Dominic just had his hand grabbed and him twisted around as Nova just kicked him in the ass sending him towards the ropes.  Nova then looks around as he grabs a trash can lid that was nicely placed around the ring, making the effort to dig up fun toys no stress...When Dominic turned around he was meant face to face with the trash can lid, making him stagger back.  Grinning Nova hit him a couple more times.  Before Dominic fell face first to the mat, and Nova kicked him a few times while he was down.  Just enjoying himself right here.  Not one to waste too much time though, he went a head and got Dominic up, moving just right so he could set him up for his finisher as he hit "PainKiller(Pop up powerbomb"  Nova then got down, lifting his leg as he got the three count! 

Backstage Segment:  Another stop back to the office as you see Hope and Oliver still enjoying the show as they feel that the money is being made tonight.  Just looks like things are getting better for sure.  After a moment you see Kevin Khaos and Gage Steele storming into the office.  Not happy with what had taken place earlier, with the attack at the hands of Lorcan Balthazar.  Hope just laughs a bit shaking her head. 

||Hope Sweet||- Hey, it's all fair tonight...Affliction is anything goes...This is to test the men from the babies...

Oliver grinned a bit as he of course always looking out for Plague, even if they pissed him off most of the time.  Where Hope, she was all about the destruction.

{Oliver Horn}- That's right...You are looking to be FWAR Champion, yet you can't seem to hack a bit of backstage play.

Khaos looked pissed as he went to move forward at Oliver, which made Hope get up, and Gage hold Kevin back, knowing this wouldn't go well.

{Gage Steele}- Anything goes?  Fine... 

He just grins, telling Khaos to leave with him, as he didn't look pleased at all, that this had been allowed, and nothing would be done about the shit attack earlier.  Hope just smirked as you could hear Oliver laughing a bit in the background as Hope took a seat once again, as they were watching the show go on.

Match 7:
Death Dealer Deranged Vs. Lily Khaos
Match Type:X Division Rules/
 Horn's Hell Gauntlet [weapons nailed to splintered pillars lining the ramp to the ring.]
Stipulation: X Division Championship Match
Winner: Death Dealer Deranged

This was a very epic match up as Dealer and Lily didn't disapoint.  Both wanting to claim the X Division Championship.  Oliver being kind of enough making it more fun as there were so many nice toys lined up down the ramp way.  Dealer took the time to grab a few on his way down to the ring, as Lily just ran down going right for Dealer, who saw her, leaning down as he flipped her over his back sending her flying as she landed one her back.  Dealer went to hit her with a bat he had taken, as she moved just in time, rolling out of the way.  She was grinning as they started the battle out surrounded by all sorts of weapons.  The bell not ringing yet, as they both had to get to the ring for that to happen. None seemed to be that much in a hurry though as they were fighting it out right there for the most part.  Lily finally gets the upper hand after an upper cut with some brass knuckles.  She then grabs him and tosses him the rest of the way down the ramp as he hits the ring.  The ref is yelling at them bring it in the ring, as she finally gets his ass in the ring as she rolls in soon after.  The bell ringing as the much finally gets under way.  Dealer is already up though as he stomps lily while she is down.  He has a kendo stick as he waits til she is up, then uses it against her mid section.  Making her hunch over as he then hits her over the back with it.  He doesn't try to go for a pin, as he gets out of the ring, looking to see what else he could get...He grins seeing a fire extinguisher.  He goes and tosses that in the ring, while doing a bit more shopping as he tosses the bat in, a trash can lid, the actual trash can, a pipe, a monkey wrench...He was having a good old time.  When he did get in the ring, Lily was up and waiting, as she had the stop sign, and hit him over the head....He went down by the extinguisher.  He grabbed it as Lily went to turn him over, as he sprayed in her face, causing her to yell out, hold her face as she went down.  He took it and hit her over the head with it, as she went down, he then leaned down pinning her and winning the X Division title.  He stood up grinning as he was handed the belt!  

Backstage Segment: As the ladies are getting ready for the bikini contest.  You can feel the excitement.  Some are chatting together, others are just doing their own thing.  One doing her own thing was Amari Rose as she was in the locker room area, getting herself ready to go.  Two members of the stable The Enchantment were watching Amari all alone.  Figuring it would be good to take out the competition.  Aubrey White and Piper Paisley walked over and started to push on Amari, who wasn't having it as she pushed back.  They were laughing as it soon became a numbers game but it didn't last as new comer Danielle Moonchilde decided she didn't like how they were treating Amari.  Soon a full blown fight was breaking out in the ladies locker room as you could hear girls screaming trying to get out of the way as soon you had Amari and Danielle working together and kicking Aubrey and Piper out of the locker room, as the fight went out into the hall.  Once again Security had to be called in once again to break it up and pull them apart.  Making The  Enchantment actually leave the arena.  By the looks of it , this was far from over.

Match 8:

Bikini Contest
Match Type: Bikini contest
Stipulation:  Winner is crowned The Wicked Afflicted
Special Guest: Mike Malice
Winner: Tori Adams
Those who took part...Kitty Granger, Amari Rose, Savannah Drake, Crystal Sweet, Shawn Blade Sarah Boston, Diamond Jackson, Angelique, Diane Murphy, Belladonna, Tori Adams, Raven Kingsley, Dirty Lil Lana, Ciara Fierce, Scarlet De Luca.

All the ladies came out one at a time, in a robe, Mike Malice set up on the stage as he got to see them walk by and then do there little stunt, as they showed off their bikinis. All the ladies seemed to be having fun.  The men were liking the show.  When Shawn came out and did his little dance in his speedo, Malice looked a little sick, the ladies were screaming though. He walked back to the back and blew a kiss at Malice on his way back out.  After it was done, and everyone had showed off...Everyone came back out as Malice stood up, holding the crown for who would be crowned the winner.

{Mike Malice}- After much thought, and a totally fair view and judgement...

He paused a moment, as everyone looked excited...

{Mike Malice}- Tori Adams...She is the clear winner.

Tori smirks as she steps forward as the other ladies couldn't help but feel disappointed.  Some were down right angry.  Tori walks to where Mike is as she stands in front of him, as he puts the crown on her head... She leans in kissing his cheek whispers something his ear as he grins as she smirks stepping back a bit moving so she can raise her hands up, showing off her new crown and her little purple bikini she had chosen to wear for this contest...

Pre Main Event: 
Roxanne Marshall Vs. Jasmine Sweet Vs. Aimee Daughtry
Match Type: Triple Threat
Stipulation: Women's Championship Match
Winner: Jasmine Sweet

Roxanne was out in the ring as Aimee was making her way down... Feeling cocky as she was thinking her time as Women's Champion was here.  After she was set, Jasmine made her way down, as soon as Jasmine was in the ring the bell went off , letting the women have at it.  Roxanne and Aimee started things off, but it didn't stay that way as Jasmine went right on the attack. Kicking Roxy in the mid-section and hitting a neck breaking, that sent Roxy rolling out of the ring.  Aimee attacked Jasmine from behind, sending her into the corner.  Aimee went to lunge at her, but Jasmine brought her elbow back hitting her in the face.  Aimee's hand went to her now bloody mouth as the hit had cause her to split her lip.  Jasmine just smirked seeing what she had done, as Aimee looked pissed, charging at her, as Jasmine just dropped down, her leg hooking and taking her down,  Jasmine then moved setting up a submission move as she hooked in a Figure Four Leg lock...She locked it in tight as Aimee tried to fight it but wasn't able too.  Roxy tried to get in the ring but it wasn't in time, as Aimee tapped out as the ref sounded for the bell, as the Roxy lost her title with out even being pinned or being the one to tap out.  Jasmine grinned getting up, she kicked Roxy in the head sending her out of the ring again, as the Ref came in holding the Women's title. Jasmine took it as she held it up, as the Ref held her hand up in celebration.  

Main Event: 
Wolf Heathen Vs. Christopher Matthews Vs. Kevin Khaos
Match Type: Hope's Hardcore Playground
Stipulation: FWAR Championship/Hardcore Championship
Winner: Kevin Khaos, due to assistance from Gage Steele who won the Hardcore championship.

This match takes place in the Parking lot of the arena.  Which for the most part had been cleaned out for this.  A couple cars remained as they were allowed to be used during the match.  A few others items had been tied to the fense, as it was caged in, to keep the match contained to one area.  For this match, Khaos had told Kitty to stay back, as he was worried about her getting hurt.   The match started with Kevin Khaos going right for Wolf Heathen, as Matthew was just playing it smart, letting them kill each other.  Wolf thru Kevin into the metal fence then rubbed his face into it.  Khaos pushed back, as he grabbed Wolf by the hair , slamming him face first into it.  Matthews finally decide to get involved as he grabs Wolf who looks like he is the worse off and goes for a pin.  Wolf kicks out, Kevin is right there kicking Matthews right in the back.  Kevin then picks up Matthews as he hits him whips him into the nearby car.  Wolf went to go for an attack of his own, but is stopped by Gage Steele as it is anything goes.  Gage has a lead pipe and hits Wolf across the lower back taking him down.  Leaving Khaos to do his damage to Matthews.  Gage brought a ref of his own, as Wolf did have the Hardcore championsnhip.  Gage hit Wolf again with the lead pipe in the back of the head, as he got down pinning Wolf , getting the three for the Hardcore Title, and holding him down, choking him out with the lead pipe.
Khaos was a few feet away, as he climbed on top of the car and hit a tombstone on the top of the hood of the car, as it made Matthews slide off the car, and to the ground.  Khaos pinned Matthews, getting the pin and the win as the new FWAR Champion!  Fucking up Plague's plan of holding the FWAR title.  The rest of Plague started to run out to get a piece of the two men, but they were already getting the hell out of there...Leaving another fight for another night!

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