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Date Posted:05/17/2023 11:56 PMCopy HTML

Show Info:  Terror
General Manager:  Special Guest Daniel Khaos & Angelina Acid
Theme Song:  "Burn it to the Ground" By Nickleback
Date: 05/30/23

Match 1
Lilith Vs. Lucy Sanchez 
Title: Non Title
Stipulation: Non
Summary: Both women are looking to make their grand debut, what better than getting the chance at what is probably the biggest Terror ever!  Let's see how these ladies lock it up, and proves to want it more.

Match 2
Amara Matthews Vs. Diamond Jackson Vs. Kitty
Title: Bloody Vixen's Championship
Stipulation: No DQ
Summary: Amara has been sitting pretty with the Bloody Vixen's Championship for quite some time... She's been eager to defend, though she probably would hope it would just be a one on with , but she's gets to play in a three way.

Match 3
Jacob Night & Alan Derrick Vs. Mike Malice & Gage Steele
Title: #1 Contender for Tag Championships
Stipulation: Singles
Summary: Alan hasn't been doing so well on his own... So here he goes back to the man who offered to help him earlier.  Can he do better with someone at his back, or is he forever held back?  Savages will try to put them both down and out.

Match 4
Mercer Vs. Aimee Daughtry
Title: Non Title
Stipulation: The Cult & Savages are banned from ringside
Summary: The match that should of been, but never happened, now has a chance to rekindle.  Aimee is finally getting Mercer one on one, with no chance of back up from either side.  Will this be bliss, or will it be her nightmare?

Match 5
Angelique & Jayden Vs. Valissa Oreza & Desiree
Title: Women's Tag Title
Stipulation: Ladder Match
Summary: Let's make it fun, ladders oh my.. They are making these ladies work for it tonight, showing that there is more to looks, who has the talent to climb the ladder and get the gold?

Pre Main Event
Matthew Taylor Vs. Eddie McGinlay W/Lana Star
Title: Non Title
Stipulation: Singles
Summary: Eddie is still seeing red when he looks at Taylor.  After the past few bouts with Taylor, he's looking to show just what this Scot can do.  Will Taylor put him down again?  Or will Eddie finally pull himself together and get the win he needs?

Main Event
Hope Sweet W/Sinn Vs. Tyrone W/Crystal & Wrath
Title: Non Title
Stipulation: Hardcore Match/Falls Count Anywhere
Summary: Tyrone had the last show off, but he will be put to work now as he gets to face it off against the most unstable of the Sweet Sisters.  Hope is looking to show him a side he just won't be able to handle, but will Tyrone be the one showing off?

CrystalSweet Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1
  • Rank:Diamond Member
  • Score:3116
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  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Re:20th Year Anniversary Terror 5/30/2023

Date Posted:06/12/2023 1:32 AMCopy HTML

Show Info:  Terror
General Manager:  Special Guest Daniel Khaos & Angelina Acid
Theme Song:  "Burn it to the Ground" By Nickleback
Date: 05/30/23

Match 1
Lilith Vs. Lucy Sanchez 
Title: Non Title
Stipulation: Non
Summary: Both women are looking to make their grand debut, what better than getting the chance at what is probably the biggest Terror ever!  Let's see how these ladies lock it up, and proves to want it more.
Winner: Lilith.

Match 2
Amara Matthews Vs. Diamond Jackson Vs. Kitty
Title: Bloody Vixen's Championship
Stipulation: No DQ
Summary: Amara has been sitting pretty with the Bloody Vixen's Championship for quite some time... She's been eager to defend, though she probably would hope it would just be a one on with , but she's gets to play in a three way.
Winner: Diamond Jackson.

Match 3
Jacob Night & Alan Derrick Vs. Mike Malice & Gage Steele
Title: #1 Contender for Tag Championships
Stipulation: Singles
Summary: Alan hasn't been doing so well on his own... So here he goes back to the man who offered to help him earlier.  Can he do better with someone at his back, or is he forever held back?  Savages will try to put them both down and out.
Winner: Mike Malice & Gage Steele.

Match 4
Mercer Vs. Aimee Daughtry
Title: Non Title
Stipulation: The Cult & Savages are banned from ringside
Summary: The match that should of been, but never happened, now has a chance to rekindle.  Aimee is finally getting Mercer one on one, with no chance of back up from either side.  Will this be bliss, or will it be her nightmare?
Winner: Mercer.

Match 5
Angelique & Jayden Vs. Valissa Oreza & Desiree
Title: Women's Tag Title
Stipulation: Ladder Match
Summary: Let's make it fun, ladders oh my.. They are making these ladies work for it tonight, showing that there is more to looks, who has the talent to climb the ladder and get the gold?
Winner: Valissa Oreza & Desiree.

Pre Main Event
Matthew Taylor Vs. Eddie McGinlay W/Lana Star
Title: Non Title
Stipulation: Singles
Summary: Eddie is still seeing red when he looks at Taylor.  After the past few bouts with Taylor, he's looking to show just what this Scot can do.  Will Taylor put him down again?  Or will Eddie finally pull himself together and get the win he needs?
Winner: Eddie McGinlay.

Main Event
Hope Sweet W/Sinn Vs. Tyrone W/Crystal & Wrath
Title: Non Title
Stipulation: Hardcore Match/Falls Count Anywhere
Summary: Tyrone had the last show off, but he will be put to work now as he gets to face it off against the most unstable of the Sweet Sisters.  Hope is looking to show him a side he just won't be able to handle, but will Tyrone be the one showing off
Winner: No Contest, all hell breaks loose.

CrystalSweet Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #2
  • Rank:Diamond Member
  • Score:3116
  • Posts:3116
  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Re:20th Year Anniversary Terror 5/30/2023

Date Posted:06/12/2023 10:06 AMCopy HTML

Show Info:  Terror
General Manager:  Special Guest Daniel Khaos & Angelina Acid
Theme Song:  "Burn it to the Ground" By Nickleback
Date: 05/30/23

Match 1
Lilith Vs. Lucy Sanchez 
Title: Non Title
Stipulation: Non
Summary: Both women are looking to make their grand debut, what better than getting the chance at what is probably the biggest Terror ever!  Let's see how these ladies lock it up, and proves to want it more.
Winner: Lilith.
This was a good start to Terror as these two new talents really took it to each other.  Lucy was starting off strong as she was pumped up and ready to go.  Maybe just a tad bit too cocky though as she had tried to go for a pin early on.  Lilith of course able to power out as she pretty much just tossed Lucy right off of her, showing off her strength.  
Lucy still feeling like she could get the pin, came back, looking to go for a stomp, but Lilith rolled out of the way and then was able to get up to her knees.  With and upper cut she sends Lucy backwards a bit.  Giving Lilith the chance to get a little space and catch her breath a moment.  Lucy charges at her, but not only is Lilith able to duck it, but counters it, and is able to hit with a clothesline.  Taking her right down.  Lilith grinning now as she looks down at her, picking her right up.  Lifting her up over her head a moment to show more of that crazy strength.  She then pushes her up , tossing her some as she falls face first on the mat.  
Lucy is feeling the pain now, while Lilith has control of the match up.  Which she just shows the crowd what a power house she is as she is able to set up her finisher,  The ending(Implant Buster). Getting a huge victory here tonight.

Segment: Backstage you see Sienna and Nova Caine watching the screen, seeing where her friend had a really big victory.  She was very happy for her friend as she was thinking about it.  Nova who was grinning looking at her backside a bit, which he was caught doing when she turned around quick. Rolling her eyes a bit.

"Focus, here... "

He grinned shrugging as he was thinking about it.  Sienna went on talking.

"Immortality is right around the corner. I need to make sure that I'm on it. "

He just laughed when she said that.

"You're the owners daughter, of course you'll be on it. "

She rolled her eyes.

"I don't need mommy to get me on the show... I am awesome all on my own."

The bit of chip on her shoulder added by her training and time spending with Nova most likely.  He grinned liking it, as he walked over to her, putting his arm around her should.  As they started to walk off.

"Let's go show mommy then, that you need to be on that show..."

She tried to move his arm, but he didn't budge as she just sighed but nodded as they went walking down the hall heading to Destiny's office.

Match 2
Amara Matthews Vs. Diamond Jackson Vs. Kitty
Title: Bloody Vixen's Championship
Stipulation: No DQ
Summary: Amara has been sitting pretty with the Bloody Vixen's Championship for quite some time... She's been eager to defend, though she probably would hope it would just be a one on with , but she's gets to play in a three way.
Winner: Diamond Jackson.
This should have and could have been a Women's triple threat match to remember.  Only if FAB could of stayed out of it.  Instead it turned into a handicap match, where Kitty was at the bad end of a beating from FAB.  As Jayden was yelling and screaming her about what Aimee had done.  Amara tried to get involved but she didn't even get the chance as Angelique speared her right out of the ring.  While Diamond and Jayden were beating on Kitty.  
Finally they seemed to be satisfied with themselves as Diamond got down pinning Kitty and getting win.  
Jayden walked over grabbing the Bloody Vixen's title away from the ref, as she handed it to Diamond with all smiles.  Diamond held it up as Jayden then held hers up, as both women were standing in the middle of the ring, showing how dominate FAB truly was.
Jayden looks down at Kitty as she just grins, feeling good about she had done, as Diamond didn't seemed bothered by the fact that she didn't win this title on her own.  She put the title on her shoulder while FAB took their leave from the ring, FAB's music playing the entire time.

Segment: Backstage once again for this huge celebration of FWAR... Damia is seen yelling and hollering obscenities as she has a beer in her hand.  Loud music is playing as you know it was her fault. as it was getting attention, as some were looking to see who it, while others were just a bit confused.  Shawn comes running up behind her, picking her up, only to get an elbow to the face, as he dropped her holding his face.


He said as she turned around to see who it was, as she laughed but wasn't sorry.

"Fuck, didn't see you there."  

She poked his face a bit as he then got up as he pushed her some.

"You're lucky you have a nice ass". 

He said as he shook his head.

"Oh you're little fucked up minions high tailed it... Couldn't handle being bitches I guess.  Though You already knew they were just a fucking comic act to begin with.

He shrugged thinking about it. 

"Ah hell, good help is so hard to find... Guess I'll have to find another way to fuck up shit.'  

She laughed as she was thinking about it, knowing that there was still plenty of time to stir up shit, cause trouble, and have some fun.

Match 3
Jacob Night & Alan Derrick Vs. Mike Malice & Gage Steele
Title: #1 Contender for Tag Championships
Stipulation: Singles
Summary: Alan hasn't been doing so well on his own... So here he goes back to the man who offered to help him earlier.  Can he do better with someone at his back, or is he forever held back?  Savages will try to put them both down and out.
Winner: Mike Malice & Gage Steele.
This was a very violent match up as all four men were looking to cause some pain and move on to fight the Tag Champions.  Jacob showing his mean streak after first as he starts to go right after Gage, and was giving him quite the beating.  Gage wasn't an easy target though as he did get in a few good blows, before he was able to tag in Malice.  It wasn't much longer before Alan would tag himself in.  Alan went blow for blow with Malice, who seemed a bit impressed with the fight Alan had.  Malice though was feeling pretty wound up as he has been dealing with so much lately, so this match was a good outlet for sure.  Jacob was back in his corner watching quietly as the two men in the ring went blow for blow at each other.  Alan feeling good about how he was doing as he hit a few take downs, but Malice just wasn't going to stay down.  Malice hitting with an upper cut, sending Alan staggering back.
Now Gage is tagged back in, as Alan is stuck in their corner.  Jacob still watching with a bit more interest, with out getting involved.  Alan trapped in no mans land as he is double teamed about the two Savage members.  This went on for a bit, as Alan wasn't able to find away out.  When Gage went for a pin, this time Jacob got involved, breaking up the count before the three could be done.  Jacob is forced back to his corner as Gage slowly goes and tags Malice in, as Gage roles out of the way.
Malice goes high, and then does a stomp off the top rope, stomping on Alan's arm... Which he continues to attack through out the match, causing Alan to fight one armed for the most part.  As he is able to clothes line Malice, before trying to go for the rope.  Gage is waiting, as he grabs Jacob's leg, with a very hard pull, yanking Jacob off the turnbuckle.  Alan distracted stands by the ropes looking where Jacob had falling.  Malice runs up, and does a roll pin, as he gets the three and the win.

Segment: When the scene comes back, you are in the backstage area as you see Drew Stevenson has joined us for another fun night.  The hall of famer has a big smile on his face as he had been watching the show so far.  He had actually been standing around having a bit of a chat with Destiny as she had just got done talking with her daughter and Nova.

"I don't see why Sienna couldn't ask you to train her instead of him..."

Of course she was talking about that thorn in her side, Nova Caine.  He had some how managed to get her daughter to think he was the best man to train her, and it was in Destiny's eyes not a good match.   Drew smiled a bit, calm as ever.

"Everything will work out, Sienna is young, and smart.  She just wants to learn as much as she can from everyone who has different fighting styles.

He said putting his hand on her shoulder a bit.  Destiny takes a deep breath as she was thinking about it, feeling like it could have been anyone but Nova.  But she does nod after a moment agreeing with him as they went looking back up at the screen to watch the next match up.

Match 4
Mercer Vs. Aimee Daughtry
Title: Non Title
Stipulation: The Cult & Savages are banned from ringside
Summary: The match that should of been, but never happened, now has a chance to rekindle.  Aimee is finally getting Mercer one on one, with no chance of back up from either side.  Will this be bliss, or will it be her nightmare?
Winner: Mercer.

Aimee had been hoping this would be closure.  That she would get to take on Mercer and finally be done with it.  Ready to move on and thinking about the better things in her future.  She didn't have to worry about the other members of the Cult, just as Mercer didn't need to stress the Savages.  The two of them starred each other down. but Mercer still didn't seem phased.  If anything he didn't even look like he was going to fight, as he was just leaning against the ropes.  Aimee looks at him confused, then angry as she was about to attack, but Jayden sneaks in fist, and attacks from behind.  FAB then walks down as they circle the ring.  Aimee holds her neck glaring as she sees she's not in a good place. 
She starts to fight back, as she was about to toss Jayden out of the ring, but Angelique jumps on her from behind.  Yelling out a bit, as she pulls at her hair.  Diamond then gets in the ring as she smacks Aimee in the face with her title, as knocks her right down.  Jayden gets down and grab her by the hair trash talking, as she holds her own title up... Aimee looks like she's struggling to get up, but Jayden just smacks her with the title again... 
Mercer takes advantage of this chance as soon as FAB is out of the ring, as he just stands there with a foot her her midsection, as the ref counts 1 2 3, giving Mercer the cheap victory... 
Ryder and Kitty are rushing down to help before Mercer can do any more damage.  He doesn't even try though as he just grins and backs up, getting out of the ring, while Aimee is helped up, as she suffered a similar attack to what Kitty had.  Aimee glaring and cussing, saying this wasn't over.

Segment: In the Women's locker room area, Aimee is pissed as the Misfits are moving around and discussing what FAB had just done.  First getting involved in Kitty's match, now messing with Aimee's.   This was not over.

"They are going to pay."
Aimee said almost growling as Ryder and kitty both nodded thinking about it.
"I say we return the favor."

Ryder said getting up as she wanted to give them a taste of their own medicine.
"Hell yeah!" Kitty smirked as she was thinking about it. "They think they are the only ones who can fight dirty."

She grinned as the girls huddled around to each other and started talking and coming up with something, as they knew this was going to be far from over.

Match 5
Angelique & Jayden Vs. Valissa Oreza & Desiree
Title: Women's Tag Title
Stipulation: Ladder Match
Summary: Let's make it fun, ladders oh my.. They are making these ladies work for it tonight, showing that there is more to looks, who has the talent to climb the ladder and get the gold?
Winner: Valissa Oreza & Desiree.
Jayden and Angelique were all smiles at the start of this match, but it didn't last long as not even a few minutes in, you can see the Misfits running down the ramp way to get pay back.  Kitty still holding her arm a bit, as you can see she is still pretty beat up.  Angelique and Jayden find themselves on the defense as they get out of the ring.   Before Diamond can get there to assist, Desiree is climbing up the ladder , as Valissa watches.  Angelique sees this as she breaks loose of the mess outside of the ring, as she rushes in.  Only to get a super kick to the face by Val, as she is nearly knocked out.  Desiree reaches up, grabbing the belts, as she drops one to Valissa, and then holds the other as she smirks sitting up on the ladder. 
Misfits starts to leave the ring area, Aimee and Kitty laughing as they were pleased to get the pay back.  The girls leave , while Jayden and Diamond reach in grabbing Angelique who is still very much out of it.

Segment:  Backstage once again you see Mad Mick walking around some... the place had changed a lot over the years, so he was just getting a lay of the land, getting himself comfortable with the area... Maybe up to a bit of trouble, or just keeping things.. Walking past a few talents, some who don't know him, of course there were those he had history with.  Walking past Frost who was just having an old chat with Tori, as the two went way back.  Giving a bit of a wink as he walked by, as Tori just laughed shaking her head a bit... 

Pre Main Event
Matthew Taylor Vs. Eddie McGinlay W/Lana Star
Title: Non Title
Stipulation: Singles
Summary: Eddie is still seeing red when he looks at Taylor.  After the past few bouts with Taylor, he's looking to show just what this Scot can do.  Will Taylor put him down again?  Or will Eddie finally pull himself together and get the win he needs?
Winner: Eddie McGinlay.

Taylor was not as eager to be in this spot again as him like many felt like Eddie didn't deserve this match up.  Even though it was a non title, Eddie knew what this match up would meant.  At the announcers table sat the King and Queen, Daniel Khaos and Angelina Acid as they were wanting a front row seat to this.  Daniel watching very closely.  For the most part Eddie pays no attention to his cousin ringside and just goes about with his match against Taylor.  Knowing the pressure was really on, he goes on the aggressive offensive, as he goes take down to take down... Taylor for the most part lets Eddie wear himself out, knowing how to play this for the most part, but then hits with a counter of his own, taking Eddie off his feet, and slamming him down onto the mat.  
Eddie doesn't stay down long, getting back up to his feet rather quickly, only to be taken down again with a spear.  This time it is a bit more slow moving for Eddie as Taylor just looks down at him.  As Taylor is semi gloating over this, telling Eddie to get up, and that he doesn't deserve to be in the same ring.  The entire time no one notices as Daniel makes his way into the ring,   Taylor turns around as Daniel brings his leg, hitting a kick to the midsection, before he then lifts up Taylor using Eddie's own move as he hits "Scottish Driver" and takes Taylor out.  The ref calls for the bell, but Angelina is already up with the mic.
"This is our show... Restart the match"  She grins as they have no choice as the match is restarted.  Daniel looks at Eddie, telling him to get up and finish the match... Taylor is down and out... Eddie looks like he is rather disgusted at this point, but does get up... Before he can do much, Khaos repeats what he had done to Taylor, using Eddie's own move against him, and then just drops him right on Taylor.  The ref counts the pin, and gives the win to an out of it Eddie... Khaos just stands there grinning as his music plays, as Angelina joins him in the ring... The two looking very pleased with what Khaos has just done.

Segment:  When FWAR comes on the air you quickly see that the main event has started early.  Tyrone had started the attack as Hope had been making her way out to the ring.  Sinn at first being caught off guard and pushed out of the way.  Hope had started to fight back, getting space, as she then went right at Tyrone, only to be kicked by Crystal, as all hell was breaking loose in the hallway.  Archer J wasn't that far off as he went right for Crystal... Soon there were a lot into this, as the refs were fighting to get this broken up and out to the ring.
Finally you see Hope and Tyrone battling it out again with each other, as they are making there way to the ring area.  Tyrone getting a few punches in, while Hope goes for a gut shot, and the fight continues.  Hopes manages to slam Tyrone into a table, only to be lifted and tossed into another.  The halls are a mess as both are down again as the are trying to get some control out of all this chaos.  The camera then shoots off going to a commercial break.

Main Event
Hope Sweet W/Sinn Vs. Tyrone W/Crystal & Wrath
Title: Non Title
Stipulation: Hardcore Match/Falls Count Anywhere
Summary: Tyrone had the last show off, but he will be put to work now as he gets to face it off against the most unstable of the Sweet Sisters.  Hope is looking to show him a side he just won't be able to handle, but will Tyrone be the one showing off
Winner: No Contest, all hell breaks loose.
This match never even made it to the ring, which in most cases should not have mattered but seeing that it was a free for all with nearly everyone involved.   To the point you were you saw Hall of Famer Mad Mick himself run out with a cheer and start attacking people as it was Hope trying to hold her own against Tyrone Crystal and Wrath.  Even Sinn didn't stay out of it as he got involved, holding his own against Wrath.   
There just wasn't away to control what was going on and the match just couldn't get started as security had to come out and try to separate everyone, but as soon as they thought they had control, all hell would break loose again.  Archer J was able to go high and dive right for Tyrone, while Crystal and Hope were going after each other.  Mick found himself falling off the stage, but had his arm up to show that he was alright, as he was laying on his back, grinning and laughing a bit, as Hope stopped a moment to look down at him, cuss at him then went back to fighting.

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