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  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Date Posted:01/13/2021 4:39 AMCopy HTML

Show Info:  Mayhem
General Manager:  Destiny Sweet
Theme Song:  "Monster" By Skillet
Date: 01/26/2021

Match 1
Demon Ryan W/Ravin Kingsley Vs. Zak Castile
Stipulation: Singles
Summary: Zak was quite impressive in his debut match, so Destiny is looking to see how he does against Evolution Champion Demon Ryan.  Can Zak seal himself another win?  Or will the Monster be too much for him?

Match 2
Jasmine Sweet(C) W/Gabriel Hunter Vs. Eddie McGinlay  W/Lana Starr
Stipulation: Singles
Summary: Eddie has been working on his path to redemption after his big loss at The Holiday Bash.  So he's going to be fighting it out with Revolution Champion Jasmine Sweet.

Match 3
Ryan Burgess Vs. Matt Ward
Stipulation: Singles
Summary: This is a big night for both these men.  As both are returning to the ring for the first time in a long time.  Let's see who has been able to clean off the ring rust.

Match 4
Drew Stevenson(C) Vs. Spencer Carter W/Danica Grey
Stipulation: Singles
Summary: The FWAR Champ is here!  He is eager and willing to get back in the ring.  Starting the New Year off right.  Facing off against a former champion, lets see how these two boys play!

Match 5
Axel Gunner(C)W/Diane Murphy Vs. Matthew Taylor  
Stipulation: Singles
Summary: The Champ is ready for some action.  His first match of the year as he goes on to face off against Matthew Taylor... Can Taylor work himself up to the winning side once again?

Pre Main Event
Antonio Vs Santiago W/ Eve Guerrero.
Stipulation: No DQ
Summary: This has been coming to a head for awhile now.  It finally exploded on Neophyte and backstage the FWAR arena.  Now these two men will lock it up, lets see if Santiago can't be some sense into his friend, or if Antonio's new edge will give him the advantage.

Main Event
Diamond Jackson W/Frank & Valissa Oreza Vs. Tara Malice & Juana Gonzalez
Stipulation: Tag Match 
Summary:  Tara and Juana seem very tired of the cheap tricks from FAB, and are looking to shut them up.  FAB though is enjoying this play time, as Diamond even agrees to tag with Valissa to annoy Juana even more.

CrystalSweet Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1
  • Rank:Diamond Member
  • Score:3116
  • Posts:3116
  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM


Date Posted:01/24/2021 9:24 PMCopy HTML

Show Info:  Mayhem
General Manager:  Destiny Sweet
Theme Song:  "Monster" By Skillet
Date: 01/26/2021

Match 1
Demon Ryan W/Ravin Kingsley Vs. Zak Castile
Stipulation: Singles
Summary: Zak was quite impressive in his debut match, so Destiny is looking to see how he does against Evolution Champion Demon Ryan.  Can Zak seal himself another win?  Or will the Monster be too much for him?
Winner: Zak Castile.
With all the banter going back and forth and how confident Demon Ryan was feeling he decided to put his Evolution Championship on the line.  Which shocked just about everyone... Though Zak was more than happy to have his debut match be a title shot. 
Once the match was started with encouragement from Raven as Demon Ryan goes on the attack.  Putting Zak in a corner as he hits punches , lefts and rights.  He then raises Zak up and tosses him in the middle of the ring... Zak holds his back a bit, but isn't down for a count.  He then starts to get up, but Ryan is right there, lifting him up... And going for another slam, but this time Zak is able to counter and get out of it, grabbing Ryan by the neck, and hitting one hell of a neck breaker as it takes him down for a moment.  Giving Zak the chance to get his wind back.
Zak looks like he is able to get a bit of control as he doesn't stop with the attacks, and hits a few kicks to the mid section of Ryan... Leaning down as he grabs Ryan by the neck, bring him up... He's able to get a knee to the midsection.  He then grabs his arm, and is able to twist Ryan, hitting one hell of a face buster.  Zak goes for a pin, but just before the three Demon Ryan is able to kick out... Raven is yelling from ringside for him to get up... Slowing down he is able to do so.  Zak is still working to keep the big man down, knowing that he was going to have to end this soon, if he stood any chances of winning.  Not stopping he goes up on the ropes, While Demon Ryan was only up to one knee... Zak going up high, jumps off, hitting a flying elbow to the side of the head, taking Ryan down once again. Not stopping, Zak gets himself up, using the ropes as he then goes back at Demon Ryan, and hits a Superman Punch which takes Demon Ryan down and out... Zak rolls him over as he pins him, getting the 1 2 3!,
A huge upset as as Zak has won the Evolution Championship!  Ending the lengthy reign of Demon Ryan... Not wasting anytime, Zak takes his titles and rolls out of the ring, leaving quickly before Demon Ryan can get up to get some revenge.

Match 2
Jasmine Sweet(C) W/Gabriel Hunter Vs. Eddie McGinlay  W/Lana Starr
Stipulation: Singles
Summary: Eddie has been working on his path to redemption after his big loss at The Holiday Bash.  So he's going to be fighting it out with Revolution Champion Jasmine Sweet.
Winner: Do to DQ Eddie McGinlay.
Eddie McGinlay and Lana Starr were waiting in the ring as Jasmine Sweet and Gabriel Hunter were walking down the ramp making their way to the ring.  As eager as Jasmine was for this match, it would seem that Eddie had his eyes not on her, but on Gabriel Hunter... As tension between the former stable mates is very clear.  Jasmine is seen whispering to Gabriel who grins as they were getting in the ring... Jasmine stands in the center of the ring as she poses, holding up the Revolution Championship.  Showing off her title... She then hands it to the ref as he hands it off, then calls for the bell.  With a smirk on her face jasmine stands there looking at Eddie.. Telling him to come on... Which he does, as he runs at Jasmine.   She ducks out of the way, going behind him... As she kicks him in the ass... Not doing damage, just enough to piss him off, and send him into the ropes...
Eddie pissed goes and grabs Jasmine by the hair, looking ready to put an end to this... Jasmine fights back, hitting a knee to the gut, and then a head butt.   She grabs him around the neck, then goes to the ropes, but he lifts her up before she could do anything...Hitting a back breaker, as it sends her rolling a bit... Getting up as she holds her back some... He walks over to her, grinning and taunting some... Which makes Jasmine get up and shoulder into his gut... She then gets up as he hunches over.  Grabbing the back of his head she send her knee up to his face.  Kicking him right in the face.  Sending him falling back as he goes into the ropes...
At this time the taunting went to Jasmine this time as she was telling Eddie to get up... Lana is outside of the ring as she is trying to encourage him to get up as she is holding onto the ropes , leaning in... Gabriel is moving on the outside of the ring and starts to stalk Lana.  Who in return just moves around the outside of the ring.  Eddie doesn't overly pay mind to it, as he doesn't take his eyes off of Jasmine... Which was his mistake as he got up.. As Gabriel ended up sliding into the ring behind Eddie.  Then is able to lock in an Inverted Headlock Backbreaker...
The ref seeing this as he doesn't even try to hide it, calls for the bell.  Jasmine stands there with a grin on her face, as she isn't upset at all.  Lana is on the outside of the ring, as she seen what had just happen.  Jasmine stands there as she just grabs her title holding it up over Eddie as Gabriel looks very pleased and proud of himself... As it stands to show that these former stable mates are far from being on good terms.  Lana works to pulled Eddie out of the ring as he rolls towards the ropes.  She grabs him and gets him out of harms way before they can do any more..

Match 3
Ryan Burgess Vs. Matt Ward
Stipulation: Singles
Summary: This is a big night for both these men.  As both are returning to the ring for the first time in a long time.  Let's see who has been able to clean off the ring rust.
Winner: Ryan Burgess.
If anyone was wondering if Ryan would have any problems coming back to the ring, that was answered right here tonight when he took on Matt Ward.  Ryan was able to dominate early on as Matt Ward seemed to not be expecting this kind of fight from.  Matt not laying down and just taking a beating though as these men are giving each other hell.  Matt works to get Ryan in the corner and goes up on the ropes.  Hitting a few punches, and then looking like he was going for a bigger move.
Ryan is able to capitalize as he gets up, lifting Ward up as he went, and then walking into the middle of the ring.  Lifting him up even more, before then going to slamming him back first to the mat... Ward is feeling that as he moving and holding his back a bit.  Ryan not taking any time to let him rest, is back on Ward, going for the arm, stretching and bending it, as the ref asks if Matt wants to tap.  He shakes his head, refusing to tap out.  Matt finally is able to make to the ropes.  He holds on the ropes, as the ref forces Ryan to let go of the hold.
Matt holds the ropes, feeling his arm a bit, trying to shake it off as he gets up more, standing up.  Only turning around to get a super kick from Ryan... Which nearly knocks Matt out.  Ryan gets down and looks like he is about to go for a pin..
Though he doesn't... Ryan is looking to bring the pain... Getting down as he then locks in the Bad Man Torture(Crippler Cross Face}, Matt tried to not tap, but after a few moments he had no other choice than to tap out... The ref seeing it as the calls for the bell.  Then forcing Ryan to let go... He then gets up as the ref raises his arm.. .

Match 4
Drew Stevenson(C) Vs. Spencer Carter W/Danica Grey
Stipulation: Singles
Summary: The FWAR Champ is here!  He is eager and willing to get back in the ring.  Starting the New Year off right.  Facing off against a former champion, lets see how these two boys play!
Winner: Spencer Carter thanks to interference from Danica Grey.
This was a hell of a match up as Spencer was looking to put his hat in for the FWAR Championship.  This is a huge chance for him... If he can actually get passed Drew.  That was feeling the driving force as Spencer was starting out on the offensive.  Knocking Drew back a few steps.  Though he was able to handle most of the punches as he was put back towards the ropes.  Spencer goes hitting in a few chops, and then grabs Drew's arm and goes to whip him to the other side.  Drew is able to hold strong, and stops mid whip... Going to reverse it, as he sends Spencer Carter into the ropes, and hitting a clothesline taking Carter off his feet.
Danica was hitting on the apron, telling Carter to get up and kick his ass... Giving her support as she cheered him on.  Drew was leaning down to pick up Carter.. Who responds with an upper cut... As soon both men are up and back to fighting it out.  They go back and forth for a time, as both men are knocked down with a double clothesline... The cans are yelling and chanting, as they are getting a hell of a match.
Drew is the first to his feet as he looking to put an end to things... Danica gets up on the apron as she is yelling and taunting to Drew... Which is enough to get him distracted as he looks at Danica.  Telling her to get down so she doesn't get hurt... Spencer at this time is taking the time to distract the ref... Which lets Danica grab Drew and jump down, as she causes him to get hung up on the ropes... His neck smacking hard into the top rope.  Drew falls back, as Danica looks like she has done nothing...
The ref goes and checks on him as Danica then goes around, sliding in brass knuckles, Spencer takes them quickly hides them out of site.  Putting them on... Spencer gets to his feet, as Drew is doing the same.  Danica once again is up on the apron.. This time the ref is telling her to get down.  While the ref is distracted, Spencer goes using the knuckles punching Drew with them... Quickly getting rid of them as he then pins Drew once he is down... Danica quickly gets down as the ref goes and does the count... Giving Spencer a very upsetting victory over Drew... as it's a good chance that Spencer just put his name in for contender for the FWAR Championship!.

Match 5
Axel Gunner(C)W/Diane Murphy Vs. Matthew Taylor  
Stipulation: Singles
Summary: The Champ is ready for some action.  His first match of the year as he goes on to face off against Matthew Taylor... Can Taylor work himself up to the winning side once again?
Winner: Axel Gunner.
As soon as Axel was in the ring, Matthew didn't waste any time, going right for Axel, hitting him from behind as he was just getting into the ring.  Diane was just able to get to the outside of the ring with out getting hurt.  She is yelling though on the outside of the ring.. Matthew continues on his aggressive attack though, as it is clear he didn't like all the things Axel had to say... Matthew feeling cocky did try to make a quick work , and a pin early on.  Axel was able to kick out only after a one count.   Taylor gets up and goes for some stomps, but Axel is able to move out of the way, grabbing his leg and doing a take down... Getting up and locking in an ankle lock... Taylor doesn't attempt to get to the ropes, just using his strength and flexbility to duck and roll, kicking Axel, as he stumbles back.
  Axel is waiting though as Taylor comes back at him, and looks like he is about to set up for a kick.   Axel moves out of the way, grabbing his leg, giving a twist and taking him down, then going into another submission.  Locking his leg, as Diane is ring side cheering him on... Clapping when Taylor yells out, not able to reverse like before... 
Refusing to tap, as he pulls himself to the ropes... Axel waiting until last minute to let go.  Backing off finally though as he doesn't want to lose the match by being dq'd. 
As the match draws on, Taylor gets the upper hand for a bit, but Axel able to fight back, and even set up for his finisher, ready to put an end to this match up... Axel works up and sets up Spirit Breaker(EdgeCater-Variation of the sharp shooter)  Once again doing damage to the leg.. Taylor once again trying to fight it, trying to power out... Unable too.  He then tries to go to the ropes, but is unable to make it... Finally Matthew has no choice but to tap out... The bell rings as Axel holds on longer than he has too, before finally letting go.   .

Pre Main Event
Antonio Vs Santiago W/ Eve Guerrero.
Stipulation: No DQ
Summary: This has been coming to a head for awhile now.  It finally exploded on Neophyte and backstage the FWAR arena.  Now these two men will lock it up, lets see if Santiago can't be some sense into his friend, or if Antonio's new edge will give him the advantage.
Winner: Santiago.
The cameras were backstage when the show came back on the air.  As the match that was suppose to be between Antonio and Santiago, was already going full force in the back halls.  As Antonio had attack Santiago while he was on his way out to the ring.  Grabbing Santiago by the shoulder he whips him into the wall.  Then goes dragging him back up to his feet, as you see Eve yellowing wanting to get him off, but Antonio just pushes her out of the way... Santiago is able to fight back, with the distraction from Eve.  The fight continues on down the hall, after Santiago hits with an upper cut sending Antonio tumbling down the hall, as they are finally on the way heading towards the ring. The men end up on stage, as Antonio has gotten the advantage as he hits with a head butt, sending him staggering backwards down the ramp way... As soon as they are close the ref calls for the bell as the match is officially started. 

Still battling it on the outside, Antonio lifts him up as he a DDT on Santiago.  Running up the steps and up on the apron, as he goes for a double foot stomp from up high.  Santiago however is able to move out of the way, and is able to hit with a spear like move, taking Antonio down for a moment.  
Grabbing him by the head, Santiago gets Antonio up to his feet and then tosses him in the ring, as the match has finally made it to the ring...Antonio rolls to a corner as he starts to pull himself up.  As Santiago is telling him to come on.  Which Antonio looks to charge, but stops, then hits a kick to the mid section, and then reaches around grabbing, and doing the three amigos, looking in the suplexes... Taking the air out of Santiago.
Antonio then goes for a pin, looking to make quick work of this, but Santiago is able to kick out. Right about this time as well, Eve is seen making her way out on stage.  She holds her side a bit as she walks down the ramp way, and stands ring side, as the match continues on.   She doesn't go unnoticed by Antonio as he is getting up and pulling up Santiago by the head... Grinning and taunting her a bit.. As he then lifts Santiago up, and was about to do something, but whatever it was, was blocked and reversed , as he then goes for a double knee back breaker... Santiago not stopping there, continues on the attack, ready to put an end to it.   He stalks Antonio and then when the time is right, he is able to set up and hit Vicious Velez (Stunner).  He then pins Antonio getting the victory!

The bell rings, but it isn't the end.  Eve is seen climbing high up on the ropes.  She then grins as she stands up as she looks to get pay back of her own.  She then leaps off, hitting the Frog Splash.. Adding insult to injury to Antonito.  Santiago comes in and helps her up as the two raise there arms up high!  Both feeling like they got there pay back. 

Main Event
Diamond Jackson W/Frank & Valissa Oreza Vs. Tara Malice & Juana Gonzalez
Stipulation: Tag Match 
Summary:  Tara and Juana seem very tired of the cheap tricks from FAB, and are looking to shut them up.  FAB though is enjoying this play time, as Diamond even agrees to tag with Valissa to annoy Juana even more.
Winner: Diamond Jackson & Valissa Oreza.
What should of been a typical tag match was anything but that.  As it turned out to be an all out brawl as FAB was ringside, which resulted in Misfits coming out to even things out... Distracted Diamond was able to get to Tara, and hit her finisher.. Which resulted in Diamond getting the win for the team... Though it was short celebrated as all hell broke loose.  Juana attacking Diamond right as the ref was hitting the three... A little late but none seemed to matter as Tara was even up and joining in on the fight.  Outside of the ring you see Jayden and Angelique fighting it out with Aimee, Kitty and Roxanne... As they are getting ganged up on you see Becca coming from behind and hitting a neck breaker on Kitty, while in the ring,  Tara and Juana continue to double team Diamond who is now in a corner... As it would seem this is turning into a brawl unlike any other.  Frank is in the ring, as he grabs Tara by the hair pulling her back off Diamond... Picking her up and slamming her in the middle of the ring... Diamond then goes and spears Jauna, taking her down... Destiny is seen coming out as she has a mic in hand, as she has  security and more refs running down the ramp way to break up the fight...
||Destiny Sweet||- This has gone on long enough... At The Valentines Day Massacre you will all face off... FAB will take on the Misfits and Tara Malice.

After her brief words, Mayhem goes off the air.  As the huge announcement has been made, and the match is set for the Valentine's Day Massacre..

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